Chapter 7 Part 2: Secrets of the Past

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(Third person POV)
~The next day~
Felicia woke up the next day feeling refreshed. She yawned and stretched, cracking some stiff joints.
'Just a normal day in Gravity Falls.' She thought to herself, smiling at the conception of a 'normal' Gravity Falls day.
Sitting down, she was about to start grooming when suddenly everything turned grey again.
Suddenly, a head popped out from the entrance of her make-shift den.
"Good morning Sunshine!~" A voice called. "The Earth says hello!" *
I wasn't surprised he found me, I had expected him to still be watching me even when I left, so of course he wouldn't be surprised by my hybrid form. I sort of wished to be alone, but I had to remind myself I had made a promise. I looked up from my grooming, like I had just noticed he was there.
"Hey Bill. What are you doing here? Come to cash in on that talk already?"
He looked disappointed as he made his way over.
"I thought that would have scared you silly... Like a scaredy cat!"
I snorted and put my washed paw down.
"Well I've had lots of training concerning surprise attacks, and now I'm ready for anything. Besides, it's hard not to expect your arrival when everything turns grey when you appear... Why does that happen anyway?"
Bill scoffed, clearly still disappointed that he didn't even get me to yelp. "Well... I'm not exactly of this world either."
I perked up. "Oh, I see, you're like another entity."
Bill nodded. "Not only that, but I can change my form, move things with my mind, and create fire!"
He summoned a flame with his mind. I backed up, not comfortable as to how close it was to my face.
"Whoa it's ok, I wouldn't hurt you.~" He said slyly as he extinguished it.
I was greatly impressed.
"Wow, that's quite powerful..."
He smiled widely. "I know, amazing right?! And I got you this!"
Suddenly a dead rabbit appeared in front of me. I stared at it stunned.
"Um Bill... How did you get this?"
He shrugged. "Does it matter? I got you breakfast! Dig in!"
I stared at the prey in anger; did Bill have no respect for life?! I flattened my ears and thrashed my tail, pushing the rabbit away.
"Bill, I'm not sure exactly how your powers work, but you can't just summon prey! That is not the way of life! We earn our right to eat, it is not a privilege! When a cat, or any carnivore for that matter, hunts, they do it in a way that balances all the forces of life! If every creature could summon their own food, do you realize how corrupted this world would be?"
I took a deep breath.
"Besides, you should never just 'dig in', give thanks to the creature for its life so you can live on. Prey have lives too, you should never take a life in vain. Nourish every bite you take to the fullest, to receive the most benefit. The only time a carnivore needs to eat fast is when they are afraid they might have their prey stolen from them."
Thought my whole speech, Bill looked between befuddled and bored. He then scoffed.
"Jeez relax Kitten, if you arn't going to eat it, I'll just bring it back to life and send it on its way then."
With the flick of a tail, the rabbit sprung up and hoped out of the tree.
I watched it hop away before turning back to Bill.
"Let's make one thing very clear: don't call me 'kitten' or any other pet names or I'll claw you. Also, how was I supposed to know you could bring the dead back to life?!"
He simply smirked and examines his claws.
"You weren't. And you would claw me? Just over a silly pet name?"
He gave me a pouty look.
"I'm hurt."
I flashed my teeth, starting to wonder if he had any idea what he was getting himself into.
"Don't test me Bill. Even though we made a deal, I will not hesitate to rip off all your fur, as well as your silly hat and tie, even if you are a little defenseless cat."
A mischievous smirk crept across his face.
"Alright, whatever you say... Kitten."
I growled and lunged at him, pinning him down outside the den with a single paw, other paw raised to strike threateningly.
"Don't call me kitten!" I hissed. "I am a mature cat, I proved that with my training assignment!"
I wasn't actually planning on mauling him, I just wanted to scare him out of the idea I would fall for his flirtations.
Suddenly, he grew about the size of a male lion, flipped me, and pinned me down.
"Who's little and defenseless now?"
My eyes widened. No one ever pinned me down! But then again, he did cheat by growing... But still!
"Hey get off or I'll-"
Bill suddenly growled playfully.
"Or what, you gonna nick me?" He tilted his head and flashed his teeth.
"I would like that~"
Oh he is so dead.
"Oh you wanna go? Alright, then let's go!"
I kicked him off with my back legs, twisted around and bolted, knowing he would follow.
When I heard his paw steps, I did the same move to that other cat in the arena; I ran up the tree and backflipped onto his back. He collapsed with a thud. I pressed my claws into his neck, daring him to move.
"Surrender and I might let you live."
I growled. He looked at me over his shoulder.
"Sweet moves kitten, but not good enough."
He suddenly disappeared under my grasp and landed on top of me, so my face was in the ground. He teleported on me!
But before I could say or do anything, his face pressed close to mine.
"You underestimate my powers little kitty.~"
He purred, lowering his lips and nipping my nape playfully.
I snarled and with all my strength, stood up and landed on my back with him underneath, before swiftly moving out of the way.
I heard his "OOF" as he lost his grip, but he got back up quickly.
Big Mistake.
I lashed at him with furious blows, forcing him back until we made our way to the edge of a nearby lake. He splashed me and I proceeded to dunk his head in the water.
Though the whole fight I realized that he never unsheathed his claws, which made me wonder if he was actually concerned about my well-being. I then just dismissed it as him treating me as weaker and I attacked him even harder.
This went on for a long time before I finally pinned him down again, this time making sure he wouldn't escape.
I have been training my whole life to overcome exhaustion in a fight, so I still had some stamina left. Bill, on the other hand, was clearly too tired to move, as I once again pushed his face to the ground.
"And that's what happens when you mess with a master were-warrior!"
I exclaimed victoriously, puffing my chest out with pride.
I would never admit this, but if he had some training skills, he could be as hard to defeat as me!
"Give up?" I asked him.
He huffed, a smile on his face as he turned to face me.
"Usually I would never give up on a fight, but I will be willing to accept defeat to such a beautiful creature-"
I slammed his face into the ground.
"... I meant, to you, if you could answer my one question..."
I reluctantly jumped off him and flipped a couple paces away just in case he decided to play dirty.
Lucky for him, he didn't and simply shook his fur of dust, the sunlight gleaming off his yellow-golden fur.
I sat down. "Go on."
He smirked. "I will. I know this seems random, but I want to know about your home world and its past... It's possible I originated from there. You see, my mother was half were-cat and I never knew my father, but I know he wasn't a were-cat. I want to believe that I am half Carnivora, but I don't know for sure..."
I looked at him skeptically, but with sympathy.
'Cycats' were unheard of in Carnivora, not to mention yellow furred or clothes wearing ones with special powers.
But then again, I was unheard of, in a way, too, and he did say his father was something else.
Though were-cats being able to mate with another creature was unheard of as well...
I thought for a moment before answering.
"Well, I remember learning about our ancestors... They actually came from here I believe. The native cats here are the ancient cats that are our first blood. Then, there's a large gap in the time period, because all we know now is that the first cats some how ended up on Planet Carnivora... Legend has it though, that these ancient cats had a special 'ability' long ago that we were-cats do not have today... It's a big mystery."
I then remembered something.
"Oh oh and get this; these special cats were said to be born with an impenetrable brain. It can't be invaded by any mind-reading or brain-washing! And that we still have this brain ability today! Can you believe that?! I honestly think it's a lie..."
Something flashed in Bill's eyes, but it was gone before I could think about it. Bill nodded thoroughly, actually looking serious.
It slightly scared me.
"Hmm, I see... Thank you for sharing that with me." He stood up, his infamous smirk returning.
"I have go, you know, cycat stuff, but I'll be watching yoouuu!"
And with that he disappeared.
I stared at where he was for a few seconds before I snorted and went to go hunt.
"Welp, that's that."
~Time Skip~
After an unsuccessful hunt, I was on my way back to the hollow tree.
'Now I almost wish I had just eaten the rabbit Bill gave me.'
I thought to myself.
Suddenly, I heard a cracked branch and I dove into the cover of a bush and peered through it toward the source of the sound. I was a long distance away, so I could hear them very well, but I could tell who they were.
It was the twins again.
They seemed to be looking for something. I narrowed my eyes and snarled, remembering the awful things Bill told me about them.
'I could just finish them off,'
I thought to myself,
'I could just end them now and the forest would be safe!'
I crept closer, forming a plan on how to take them out. I crept behind another see-through bush. But before I pounced, I realized that they were calling out for someone.
"Waddles!" They called, "Waddles!"
Wait... They were looking for their pig?
But before I could think anymore, there was a loud roar. My eyes widened and my ears pricked.
I recognized that ear-splitting roar.
Suddenly, the Gremoblin jumped out in front of the twins. They screeched and tried to run away from it, but it simply grabbed them instead.
I knew upon learning from Multi-Bear that Gremoblins don't eat people, and that they are actually vegetarians, but that they were known for causing destruction and finding things to tear up for fun, including people.
I watched, not moving an inch.
'I could just let the Gremoblin kill them and not get my own paws dirty.'
But then I looked at the faces of the two kids. Memories of my short time with them flashes before my eyes.
Dipper singing Disco Girl.
Mabel cuddling Waddles.
Their playful banter.
Their happy expressions.
Their love for mysteries and for their Gruckle & friends.
I then imagined the future that would soon develop before me.
Imagining Dipper's cries of mercy and Mabel's sobs of fear.
Imagining the Gremoblin ripping them to shreds.
The crack of bone.
Their cries of pain and anguish as they were ripped limb from limb.
Their torn bodies littering the forest floor, their eyes dead and lifeless.
Imagining the worried faces of their Grunkle and friends as they tried desperately to find them, and their devastating horror and grief upon uncovering their sprawling, broken, blood-soaked bodies---
I shut my eyes and reaped back, horrified by what I had just envisioned.
This wasn't right.
I don't care what Bill told me, they're just innocent cubs, and cubs don't deserve to die for no reason.
I reopened my eyes, touching my mouth-scar with a paw, before clutching my fist and letting out an enraged snarl.
The Gremoblin needed to be taught a lesson anyway.
With a terrifying roar, I burst out of the bushes and tackled the beast to the ground, making him drop the twins in the process.
They landed with a thud, then hurriedly got back up and ran off.
But before they could go anywhere, the Gremoblin threw me off and jumped in front of the twins and took a deep breath. The twins screamed and cowered, knowing what was coming.
Without thinking, I leaped in front of the line of fire and turned my back so I could protect the twins.
Then the fire came.
I gasped.
I didn't feel anything!
I looked behind me to see that my wings, which had opened on instinct, had deflected to fire! The Gremoblin stood there dumbfounded.
I then snarled and leaped at it again, clawing and biting more than ever before. It roared and took off again, and this time I let it go.
I watched it fly away, panting. Dipper and Mabel were inches away, but they didn't run, or yell, or anything.
But then I heard them.
"Thank you."
"For saving our lives."
I turned to face them. Their faces were full of gratitude, and I actually wish I could have told them who I really was, but my brain told me no.
Suddenly, there was an oink, and Waddles trotted out of a bush. He seemed comfortable with showing himself, even though there was a big, scary winged cat creature right in front of him. His eyes showed no fear as he trotted up to me and sat down. I was stunned with shock.
Did... Did Waddles recognize me?
Mabel squealed and ran to hug her missing pig, and I used the distraction to quickly disappear, not wanting to stick around and raise more suspicion.
Dipper noticed me disappearing through the bushes, but made no move to tell his sister. I sprinted back into the woods not looking back.
~Time skip~
I ran back to my cave and lay down exhausted.
What had I just done???
I sighed and tried to clear my head. Maybe I just needed to sleep it off...
"Look here Felicia," My dad said, showing me a carving on the great tree of memories. I was just a cub, being let out of the cave for the first time. I didn't really understand much of what my dad was talking about then. "For thousands of years, our kind has been given a great gift by our first ancestors to block out any evil from our minds, so we can not be corrupted." I looked at the tree with awe. On it, there was a carving of cats, but they seemed to be in unrealistic positions. I then noticed they had things coming out of their backs, they reminded me of birds. "Father, are those wings coming out of their backs?" I asked curious. "No little tiger, those was just carved for symbolism..."
I woke up with a start.
'Was... Was that dream a memory?! It seemed so vivid, so familiar...'
I gasped.
'So it wasn't a lie! It all makes sense now.
I now know the reason why I'm different.
Why I had wings.
But why, why was I the only one born with this in thousands of years?
Did normal were-cats actually have the brain ability, even if they didn't have wings?
Or was that just a lie to make us feel important?'
But before I could think anymore, I saw the grey scale creep up again. I narrowed my eyes.
Just the cat I wanted to see.
(Picture above: Siberian Tiger and Golden Tabby Tiger fighting... Felicia and Bill perhaps?
*Charlie and the Chocolate Factory reference)

Cats Do Not Dream of Demons (Bill Cipher x Were cat OC)Where stories live. Discover now