Chapter 4: Stranded in a World of Mystery

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(Felicia's POV)
The world seemed to slow down as I watched in horror as the portal closed right in front of me forever.
I screamed and slammed my paws into the ground.
It was gone.
The portal was gone and it wasn't coming back to get me.
I was furious, but I was also scared. I was stranded on an unknown world with no one but myself.
A snarl behind me reminded me I wasn't actually all alone. I whipped my head around at the the creature that destroyed my one chance at going home.
I roared and charged at it, teeth bared and claws extended.
The creature roared in anger of being hurt and charged back at me, it's red eyes flashing yellow. I didn't look at them though, as I ran at it zig-zagged and clawed up its hairy arm to the back of its hairy neck and bit down on it. The creature's back spines dug into my flesh and the neck skin was too rough to make a proper puncture, but I held on anyway.
It roared and tried to pry me off, it's claws scratching my sides. I felt one of its claws lash out and leave a long, bloody gash on the right side of my muzzle, leading away from my mouth, but I held firm.
Suddenly, it started releasing fire out its mouth, which startled me and flung me off. I landed on my feet and even though I was tired and hurting, and the creature looked like it had enough, I wasn't done with it yet.
But before I could reach it, it roared in pain, and bolted, taking flight after a few strides.
Watching it fly away, I revealed my wings and tried to fly after it, but I could not take off, no matter how hard I pushed myself. Panting, I stared at its disappearing form, my anger starting to reside.
But I was still mad enough.
I snarled and started to attack trees and scrape the ground with my claws. "No no no no no!!! This can't be real, this can't be happening!"
I groaned and lay down, warring myself out.
Panting, I forced myself to lean against a tree, trying to calm myself.
'Ok Felicia, just calm down. Do what you need to do to survive. What is the first thing you need to do?'
I raised my head as I remembered my training.
"My wounds need to be treated, fortunately noting fatal, but I need to find shelter so I can sleep."
The wind suddenly picked up and whipped my fur as I looked above me, realizing that the tree was very tall. I climbed to the top and looked around. Everywhere I looked, there were nothing but more pine trees. Suddenly I spotted a mountain not too far from my location.
I thought to myself.
I jumped down and started running toward the mountain. I also decided to keep my wings out to shield me from the blowing cold wind, since I had no reason to hide them anymore.
After a few minutes of non-stop running, I finally made it. I groaned though when I realized I still had to climb it. Morphing into my snow leopard form, I speedily made my way up. Even with my extremely thick fur, the strong wind made it hard to climb up the steep slope.
After an hour of tiresome climbing, I reached a large open cave. Before I thought about going in however, I smelled the scent of another animal; it smelled like a carnivore and I could also smell lots of bones as well. I wrinkled my nose in disgust; who would want to sleep near prey remains?
I balanced my options:
•Stay, and confront whatever is in there and sleep near a revolting stench or
•Leave and try to find somewhere else that would be good enough to escape this freezing wind.
Fighting against the strong wind, I looked up the mountain to see nothing but more rock. I groaned as my legs aches from just looking at it.
"I'll take my chances."
I said to myself and made my way into the cave.
"It least it's not freezing in here."
The cave was dark, but luckily my eyes adjusted to the night already so I could see fairly well. I crept by and saw all the skeleton parts, but I moved on back towards the cave.
Suddenly, there was a loud crack and I looked down to see I had carelessly stepped on a bone. A grunt came from the back of the cave and I saw movement in front of me. The noises became louder as the movements got closer. I flattened my ears and started to back away so I could see what I was confronting clearly.
The creature came into the light; it was a giant bear with many heads all over its body.
I gulped; this was going to be tougher than I thought.
The creature's main head looked down on me and spoke,
"A winged snow leopard? In Gravity Falls? Well this is unusual even for here."
This creature could talk! Maybe I shouldn't fight it and simply ask it if I could stay the night instead. I decided to reveal my true from and when I did, it narrowed its eyes in confusion.
"A shapeshifter?"
I shook my head. "No, I'm a were-cat." I replied simply.
The bear creature was about to speak again when suddenly another bear head started roaring obnoxiously.
"Bear head! Be silent!"
He said, slapping its muzzle until it stopped.
"Were-cat, why have you come here?"
I stood up straight, head held up proudly like a true cat.
"I'm lost. I have wounds that need to heal, and I need a place to sleep. Would you mind sharing your cave for one night?"
I ask, almost strongly, but also slightly pleadingly.
The giant bear thought for a moment. "I don't see why not, as you were so polite to ask, but before I let you in, what is your name?"
"Well Felicia, welcome to my cave. This way."
He got back on all fours (or all eights if you count the extra legs), and lead the way back into the cave. I followed cautiously.
For some odd reason, I felt I could trust this seemingly gentle beast. I could tell he had no intention of tricking me, he was being genially kind. As I walked to the back of the cave with him, I saw a rock that held a metal box with some other little boxes beside it.
The bear finally stopped and gestures around him.
"Please, sleep anywhere you like."
I nodded and walked over to a secluded corner where there weren't any bones.
But before I went to sleep, there were some questions I wanted to ask.
"Um excuse me for asking, but what are you?"
The bear settled in a spot on the floor before answering the question.
"I am not quite sure. I think I am a bear with many heads. To be perfectly honest I don't remember much of my past at all, or where I came from. The Manotaurs call me the Multi-Bear."
I thought this through before asking, "What are Manotaurs?"
Multi-Bear snorted and rolled his eyes. "Only the loudest, meanest, rudest, and most judgmental creatures in Gravity Falls! They are 'half man and half taur' as they say. They make fun of me just because I know all the words to the song 'Disco Girl.'"
I really had no idea what the last part of what he said was, but I decided not to push it, seeing as it looked like a touchy subject.
Suddenly, I recalled what he said. "Wait, Gravity Falls? Is that here?" Multi-Bear nodded, eyes widening in realization.
"So that's why I didn't recognize you! You must not be from around here! Welcome to Gravity Falls Oregon newcomer!" I smiled with my eyes. "Thank you Multi-Bear" I said, by then looked down sadly.
Multi-Bear noticed this. "Why are you sad Felicia?" He asked kindly.
"I'm lost, and I don't know my way around the forest, and I don't know if I'll ever get home."
I rested my head on my paws sadly. Multi-Bear seemed concerned, but cheered up.
"Don't be sad little were-cat! I could help you find your home in the morning, I have nothing better to do in this old cave anyway, besides listening to more Girly Icelandic Pop Sensation BABBA that is."
I smiled at the Bears helpfulness. "Thank you, but I'm afraid it isn't as easy as that. You see, I'm not from around here, and by that I mean I'm not from this planet. The only way I can get back home is through a portal." Multi-Bears ears dropped.
"Oh... I see..."
He thought for a moment, looking at my wounds before suddenly perking up.
"I have a proposition; if I allow you to stay here until your injuries heal, not only will I bring you food and water, but I promise I'll help you get acquainted to the area, as well as help you find a permanent home! In return, you hang out with me and sing "Disco Girl" with me everyday, and when you're healed enough, you help me prank the Manotaurs!"
I thought through the demands and thought it was very fair.
"You have yourself a deal Multi-Bear! And thank you."
Multi-Bear nodded his head.
"No problem, happy to help. Have a good night Felicia."
And with that, he went to sleep.
I quickly groomed myself to rid my cuts of infection before putting my head down and closing my eyes. I lay there, thinking about everything that happened. I thought about my home, my parents, my brother, my kin, the hunt, the new place, the dangers, and my new friend.
'Everything is going to be different now'
(Picture above: Felicia's original form with wings. And Bill Cipher as a cat.
Did you spot the Gremloblin and the Multi-Bear?)

Cats Do Not Dream of Demons (Bill Cipher x Were cat OC)Where stories live. Discover now