Chapter 7 Part 1: The Nightmare Dream

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(Third Person POV)
*The night was dark, not a single star was out. The full moon was the only light in the sky, as Felicia ran through the woods, trying to get away from him. His chuckle echoed throughout the forest as he closed in on his prey, hungry and craving from blood. Felicia collapsed by a tree, panting holding her hands up in surrender. "P-please!" She gasped out loud. "D-don't hurt m-me!" A tall figure appeared in front of her, staying hidden in the shadows, a knife glinting in his hand. His wide smile and flashing eyes made her shiver and clutch the tree she was pressed against tighter. "Aww, but that's no fun..." He cooed, making his way over to her. "There are so many ways I could make you scream..." Felicia gasped, and turned her head away out of fear expecting to be stabbed or sliced or tortured. She could feel his moist breath on her skin as he spoke again, but to her surprised, she felt nothing. "But... You're right. I can't harm you. Since you are my other half, hurting you would be like hurting me. And though I love the feeling of pain, I must remain strong in order to rule the universe." She heard him hiss before she felt him withdrawal from her. She opened her eyes to see him gone. Shakingly, she stood up only to be pressed firmly on the tree, hands beside her head.
"...but that doesn't mean I can't have some fun..."
He dove for her neck, sinking his teeth into her and nibbling lightly, a small trickle of blood leaving her and flowing into his mouth. He sucked on it greedily, feeling the energy and power as the sweet blood coursed through him. Felicia couldn't hold it in her anymore, she started to bawl and cry and tried to cover her face. The figure pulled back and looked down at her with a smirk, but that smirk quickly turned into a frown when she wouldn't quit it. With a sigh and a roll of his eye, he pushed himself off the tree, wiping his still bloody lips, and turned his back on the crying girl. But before he walked away, his long sharply pointed demon tail flashed forward and struck Felicia right in the heart, twisting it to make it even more painful. She gasped, eyes glazed, blood squirting out of her mouth at the contact, and feel to the ground, dead. Pulling his tail back out, he didn't even look back to see that she turned into ash and drifted away. The figure then snapped his fingers and a door appeared in front of him. The figure opened the door and went through, shutting it behind him with a slam.*


Bill Cipher opened his giant eye angrily, as he came back from that terrible scene that had just played out in the dreamscape.
This was the fifth time he had gotten the dream wrong!
Getting up from his throne he started pacing.
What was wrong with him?
Surly he had enough information about Felicia that he could make an exact copy of her for his dream sequence.

Since Bill is a dream demon, he can not fall asleep and dream, but what he can do it make up dreams in his mind that he would be planning on giving to a victim.
Most of the time, he lets his powers do all the work, but sometimes he wanted to be more specific as to what he wanted his victim to see.
The victim of his dream would release the fear that would make him stronger. He needed the power of fear, because even though the dreams he would create would give him power, they would also drain him at the same time. That's why he always needed to spread nightmares to others so the balance would work.
However, he was not making a nightmare for a victim, he was making one for himself.
The perfect nightmare dream.
But now he had messed up a fifth time, and it was always the way he made Felicia. And after every single time when he became annoyed or bored, he would wipe out said Felicias, using different tactics every time.
The First time, he made Felicia too happy and cheerful, and she wasn't afraid of him. He pinned her to a tree and laser-eyed her until she was completely cut in half.
The Second time, he made her too angry, and he could never get a word out before he was cut off by a weird cat-curse she would throw at him. He cut out her tongue before igniting her on blue fire and letting her burn alive.
The Third time, she was incredibly stupid and kept running into trees and speaking gibberish, not to mention the constant spitting. He injected her flesh with deer teeth until not a speck of fur could be seen on her body.
The Forth time he finally thought he had gotten it; she was madly in love with him. The only problem way that she was way to comfortable being around him, and wouldn't be scared of any threats he threw at her. He crumpled her like a piece of paper with his powers and threw her broken body into a river.
And then the fifth time of course was when she was too scared to even speak to him or acknowledge him. By this time, he had become tired and impatient with her long drawn out deaths, so he just stabbed her in the heart with his tail.
Frustrated, Bill sat back down in his seat. None of those were the real Felicia he wanted to imagine. The real Felicia was brave and fearless yes, but she was also smart and witty. Defiant was also a great word to describe her.
Bill knew that when he approached her for real, he would have to scare the defiance out of her in order for him to take claim on her.
However, he wanted a challenge as well. He didn't want her to just surrender to him, he wanted to break her down slowly, so her could savor the moment when he truly became victorious. If he wanted it easy, he could have just barley lifted a finger to any human and they would break down, cry, and beg for mercy in an instant.
But alas, fate matched her up with him, and that meant she was strong enough to fend for herself, even if it really was all pointless in the end.
Hence the main reason he had wanted to make the dream; to practice his witty banter and suave moves before the right time had come.
He needed to be persuasive, so she would willingly give him whatever he needed.
Bill growled and summoned his vision orb. He needed more power if he was going to come in full contact with Felicia for a short time; he needed to go ruin some people's dreams.

If only the blood he had drank from those fake Felicias were real.

Looking through the orb, he boringly viewed the many sleeping people that were going to be subjected to his horrid nightmares tonight. Suddenly, an idea popped into his head and he smiled.
He was going to go pay a certain cat a little visit.

~Short time skip~
(Bill's POV)
I watched as my love falls asleep, completely in bliss, completely unaware of how close I was.
She was so beautiful when she slept, her strong yet delicate form moving up and down as she breathed peacefully. Her gold aurora still consuming my vision.
I looked her up and down, admiring her new form (I had found out she could change it when I spied on her)! She looked so strong in this form, yet that just made me want her more.
Good thing I stopped her from leaving the forest for good.
I had to use all my strength to keep my distance, knowing she could possibly sense me, but she was just so hypnotizing. And as if that wasn't enough, her delicious pheromones flooded from her aura so greatly, as if I was drowning in it.
She was defiantly ready.
I purred, knowing she was all mine.
But then a thought I had been thinking a lot came back to me; why couldn't I invade her mind?
'I am the Master of the Mind! I know everything except what she's thinking or dreaming, and it's driving me MAD.'
The little fire I was playing with burned dangerously bright in my cupped hand, before I extinguishing it with a snap. 'She's playing with me.' I chuckled to myself, remembering the events from earlier that day.
'I know she is. I will have her eventually, and when I do, I will finally be able to claim all that is mine.'
I forced myself to turn away from her sleeping form and head back into the Dreamscape; as much as I wanted to watch her, I had some energy to restore, power to gain, dreams to shatter. But in the morning, I would find out all the information I needed...

Cats Do Not Dream of Demons (Bill Cipher x Were cat OC)Where stories live. Discover now