Chapter 9: Stuff Gets Real... Part 1: The Battle of the Shack

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The Battle of the Shack
(Third person POV)
The werewolves came. About six of them scrawny while four were in decent health, but all looked ready to kill.
Especially the alpha. He was by far the biggest and the most powerful werewolf. He towered six feet above Felicia on his hind legs and had light red streaks through his black fur. He had many scars all over him and a slashed blind right eye. He stood up as the rest of his pack formed a half circle around the shack.
He tilted his head up when he saw Felicia was in the way.
"Little girl," He growled in a deep voice. "Step out of the way. I have direct orders to take out the people in this Shack. You better get lost before you get caught in the crossfire."
The wolves snarled and snapped at the air for emphasis.
Felicia narrowed her eyes dangerously, and bared her teeth.
"You don't know who you're messing with doggie. You and your pack leave now or I'll have no choice but to tear you all up."
She then revealed her cat ears and tail.
The Alpha laughed before addressing her again.
"Ah, so you are the were-cat my master told me about! This is going to be easier than I thought-"
Suddenly, a golf ball hit him square on the head.
The Alpha snarled and looked up to see Mabel throwing golf balls at several wolves.
"Leave Felicia and us alone you big dummy!" She yelled.
Felicia smiled and turned back to the clearly irritated wolf.
"I'll warn you one last time; Don't mess with me and my friends, or your gonna get clawed!" She yelled, unleashing her claws.
The Alpha growled again. "Attack!" He yelled. The surrounding wolves charged toward the Shack.
With a roar, Felicia turned into her hybrid form, her wings flying out behind her, and ran at the charging wolves, smacking the first ones into the ground, before changing her form into a Siberian tiger and taking on two wolves at once.
She could feel the flabbergasted stares she was getting from the people above her bore into her back, but she didn't care. She was doing this for them.
She noticed that the wolves tried to avoid her and head straight for the Shack, but they were not going to get past her.
Not on her watch.
Felicia leaped up and landed on the backs of the wolves, forcing them to collapse from her weigh, before morphing to a domestic cat and holding out her wings to dodge and block their snaps.
Felicia twisted and turned, changed and morphed, slashed and tore. Felicia could hear the cheers from the people above her, and that gave her strength. She bit large chunks of fur off of the wolves and left deep scars in their skin. Her training served her well. The wolves not fighting back made it especially easy, which slightly concerned her; why weren't they trying to defend themselves?
Within a minute, she had disabled most of the wolves, they were too badly damaged to move, (non were dead) and they lay panting and bloody on the ground. They had not even gotten close to getting into the Shack.
There were only a couple left, including the Alpha. He snarled and signaled for the remaining of the wolves to surround Felicia. Felicia leaped in and took on all three wolves at once, but the wolves kept their distance, not daring to jump on her.
While she was distracted, the Alpha revealed a contraption in his paw and started to sneak up on her. With a howl, he lunged.
"Felicia watch out!"
Called Dipper from above, but before Felicia could react, he slapped the collar onto her neck.
Felicia shrieked before falling limp; the collar had paralyzed her.
The Alpha leaped back and the other wolves followed suit.
"You are quite powerful were-cat, I'll give you that, but you are going to be given to our master now, and that collar will make sure you won't give us a fight."
He nodded his head to the other three wolves and they started to head over to the Shack.
Then he turned his attention back to Felicia.
"You have destroyed a great number of my pack, so even though my master will punish you well, I feel the need to teach you a lesson."
With that, he lifted a giant paw to strike. Suddenly, the Alpha was knocked over by a giant form, which was followed by loud roars.
Felicia gasped.
She called, never so happy to see her first friend. "What are you doing here?!"
The great bear made his way toward her and broke the collar with a swift slash.
"I heard the howl of the werewolves near my cave and overheard them talking about how they were going after a were-cat, so I came down as fast as I could!"
Felicia smiled with her eyes.
"Thanks Multi-Bear, you're a true friend."
Though the collar was off now, Felicia still felt slightly numb, so she turned into her human form to clear her head. Multi-Bear noticed this and picked her up.
The wolves who were trying to beak in whined and ran off when they saw Multi-Bear's massive form head toward them, knowing attacking him was hopeless with all those extra deadly limbs and heads.
He then placed Felicia on the couch of the Shack porch, before turning his attention back toward the Alpha wolf, who just finished recovering from the previous blow.
"This is foolish. Leave now or die."
He told him.
The Alpha snarled. "You fool! You will pay for what you've done!"
He got down on all fours and charged, snarling.
"So be it."
Replied Multi-Bear, as his bear heads roared furiously.
The Alpha leaped at him, but before he could land a bite, Multi-Bear slammed him into the ground with a giant paw swipe. The blow broke the Wolf's neck, and he lay there, unmoving. Multi-Bear roared in triumph.
The gang ran out the the Shack, Soos and Wendy helping Felicia stay steady, while Dipper and Mabel gaped at the battle field.
Felicia groaned and shook her head. "Thanks guys," she said, her numbing slowly starting to fade.
Multi-Bear walked back up to them, all except Dipper and Felicia pulled away in fear. Multi-Bear looked concerned. "Are you alright?" He asked gently. "Yes, thank you for saving me." She replied with a smile.
She then turned to the others. "Everyone, this is Multi-Bear. Don't worry he's a friend. I had been living with him for a while, he's a really sweet guy."
Dipper stepped forth.
"I know Multi-Bear!"
Mabel turned to him. "You do? You never told me about him!"
"Yea remember the time I was trying to prove my manliness? Well I actually ran into the woods where I meet Chutzpar the Manotaur, and after going through many trials, I was tasked to kill him by their leader in order to become a man. Well, it turns out Multi-Bear is a cool guy, and he knows Disco Girl just as well as me!"
Multi-Bear and Dipper fist bumped. "Yea that was crazy wasn't it? I was ready to die, listening to my favorite song!" Added Multi-Bear, looking slightly embarrassed.
Soos turned to Dipper. "Whoa dude you meet Manotaurs?! That's like, seriously awesome!"
Wendy cut in. "You need to bring me on more of your adventures!"
Suddenly Mabel interrupted. "Wait hold on, we're forgetting the most important thing!" She turned to Felicia. "YOU'RE A WERE-CAT?! WITH WINGS!!!"
Dipper's eyes lit up with excitement and snapped his fingers.
"So that's how you knew so much about Gravity Falls, why you saved us from the Gremoblin attack, and why Waddles wasn't scared of you after you rescued us!"
Felicia flexed her exposed wings and nodded, head down.
"Yes. This is what I was going to tell you before the attack. I am Felicia Eco Catus, a were-cat, the only one of my kind that can change my species form and has wings. I'm from another planet called Carnivora, where I live with my pride, the Felidea. I was stranded here during a hunting mission after the portal that brought me here closed. I have a family and others that probably miss me dearly, and I wished to return to them. I miss them all as well and, except for you all, they were all I had. I'm sorry I didn't tell you sooner, I didn't know who to trust at the time."
She raised her head.
"That's why I'm going to confront Bill. I'm going to make a deal with him so he never bothers you again."
Dipper stepped up. "Felicia no! You can't trust Bill!"
She sighed.
"I know, and I won't, but I need to try. For you."
And with that, she morphed into her hybrid form and ran into the woods. "Wait Felicia!" Cried the twins and started to run after her, but Multi-Bear stopped them.
"Don't worry about Felicia, she knows what she's doing. You all go back inside, I'm going to clean up this mess and then go follow her to make sure she's safe."
They reluctantly nodded and headed back inside with Soos and Wendy. Dipper rushing to grab his journal and flipping through the pages, before remembering something and disappearing into the Shack.
Multi-Bear turned back into the direction Felicia ran and sighed.
"Don't do something foolish, Bill is not to be trusted."
Just as Multi-Bear was going to start cleaning, Stan drove back up in his now tomato-pasted car and looked around. "Hot Belgium Waffles! What the H happened here?!"
"Long story dude."
(Picture above: Felicia, Multi-Bear, and Alpha wolf size comparison in front of the Mystery Shack)

Cats Do Not Dream of Demons (Bill Cipher x Were cat OC)Where stories live. Discover now