Chapter 8: The Cat's out of the Bag

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(Felicia's POV)
I turned and faced Bill. "Bill, we need to talk-"
But before I could finish my sentence, his tail gets in my face. I spit it out.
"Bill what-"
He said and stepped out of the cave.
"I want to show you something."
I followed him outside the cave.
"Bill what is it?"
Bill turned back to face me, a knowing smile creeping out.
"Remember the list of things I could do?"
I nodded, having no idea where he was going with this.
"Well, I 'forgot' something..."
Suddenly his back spouted yellow bird wings. I gasped. "You-you have wings?!" I asked astonished. He flapped them. "Sure do! I think it was from my mother's side. Oh man you have no idea how wonderful it is to fly! If only you could try it..."
My brain exploded. His mother was a special cat like me?! She must have taught her son how to fly! This was my one chance to learn how to fly, and from a cat no less! I was not going to let this opportunity escape!
"Actually Bill, you arn't going to believe this, but... I have wings too!" I revealed my wings. "But I don't know how to fly..."
Bill beamed, a little too large. "Wonderful! Let the flying lessons begin!"
It was almost as if he knew I had wings the whole time.
Practice lasted all day, and before I knew it, I was flying as naturally as a bird.
When we finally got a break, I decided to confront him on what I meant to talk to him about before.
"Bill, thanks for teaching me how to fly, but I need to talk to you about the twins..."
I told him the whole story of our encounter and what happened. When I finished, I looked up to see his eyes glow red.
He growled. "Felicia, why did you help the Pines twins?! I told you they were evil!"
I flattened my ears and thrashed my tail.
"I think you're wrong!" I retorted. "Look Bill, I don't want to call you a liar, but... They're just kids! They were attacked by the same Gremoblin that attacked me, I just couldn't let them... I had to do something!"
Bill snorted. "I don't know why you care about them so much! They're just two pathetic, no good kids! You should have just let them get what they deserved!"
Suddenly, a shocking discovery just unfolded in my head. I gasped.
"WAIT A MINUTE! You were the one who placed that fake map in Dipper's journal! You were trying to lead the twins to the Twisted Tree! And... And did you send the Gremoblin too??!"
Bill stuck his muzzle in my face. "That is of none of your concern. I want you to stay away from them, they bring nothing but trouble! The next time you see them, turn the other way. I won't be able to save you if you get captured, you mean to much to me... If you don't stay away, Cipher is going to send monsters to the Shack to destroy them."
Before I could say anything else, he was gone. I snarl and shake my head.
How dare he- did he think I was his property?!
Oohhhh I'll make him think twice before speaking to me like THAT again!
I thought he was my friend, why did he have to react like this? There was something he wasn't telling me, something important enough for him to want to turn two little kids evil/murder for some strange reason.
I pondered for a bit before making up my mind.
I didn't care if he was watching me.
I was going the the Mystery Shack.
And I was going to get answers.
Even if I had to be a human.

(Bill's POV)
I watched through my vision orb as Felicia ran toward the direction of the Shack.
She wanted to disobey me?
I guess I'm just going to have to punish her.
A growl came from behind me as I addressed my business partner.
"So, you know what to do? You have the collar?"
The creature nodded.
"Then go, and don't harm the werecat or you can consider yourself dog meat."
The creature howled and ran with its pack down the mountain, towards the Shack.

(Third person POV)
Felicia ran up to the edge of the woods next to the Mystery Shack and changed into her human form. The Mystery Shack was closed for the day so no one was around.
With a sigh, she walked up to the gift shop door and opened it. As it turned out, everyone was there in that exact room, doing something random.
When Felicia walked in, Mabel was the first to recognize her. "Omg hi Felicia! Where have you been? We all missed you so much! I totally forgot to ask you how we could contact you, YA know, so we could hang out some more, you're totally awesome!"
The others nodded, and even Dipper and Wendy put down what they were reading to look at her.
Felicia gave an awkward laugh. She was not expecting this.
"Oh hey sorry about that, it totally slipped my mind too. It's funny because I was trying to find this place again and I kept getting lost. Can you believe that?!"
Stan looked at her confused. "But there's sighs everywhere."
Felicia's eye twitched. "Yes, see about that-"
Suddenly, Stan leaped out of his chair. "Say no more! I know when I have competition! I'll be back in an hour, Soos and Wendy are in charge!" He ran out the door, got in his car, and drove off.
Everyone faced Felicia, who just stood there with blank expression. She then shook her head to clear her mind.
"Ok I don't know what I just did but..."
She then reminded herself why she was here.
"Um, Dipper, Mabel, is it ok if I talk to you in your room, privately? It's really important."
Dipper nodded and lead her up to the attic, Mabel following behind with Waddles.
After sealing the door, Dipper turned to Felicia.
"So Felicia, what do you need?"
She sighed, and faced the two kids.
"I know that I've only been your friend for a day, but... Look, the thing is, I've been told that I could not trust you, but I don't want to believe what I've been told. You two just seem like nice kids looking for mysteries. I'm also afraid you might be in danger. I was wondering if you could relieve my thoughts..."
Both kids looked at each other with wide eyes. Dipper brought out his journal.
"Who told you this? What did he say about us?"
"His name is Bill. He's a cycat, he's yellow with a giant eye in the middle of his head. He told me that you two were paranormal hunters, come here to capture mythical creatures and to sell them into science."
Mabel looked confused. "Cycat? We've never heard of a cycat."
Dipper on the other hand knew exactly what she was talking about. "Bill? As in Bill Cipher? You encountered him?!"
Felicia looked confused. "Wait, Bill told me that Cipher was the savior of the forest, he was trying to stop you from taking any creatures away!"
Dipper opened up his journal. "He lied to you. Bill and Cipher are the same person, and he's not a 'cycat', he's a one-eyed, triangle-shaped dream demon. He must have taken the form of a cat to gain your trust, for some strange reason..."
Mabel cut in. "And he is NO savior, he's evil. He tried to break into our uncle's mind and steal the shack away, as well as possessed Dipper's body to destroy the journal."
Dipper showed her the page containing Bill Cipher. As she read (thanks to the added ability from her human form), Felicia became more and more horrified.
When she finished reading, she closed it and looked up with guilty eyes.
"So... You guys arn't paranormal hunters?"
The twin shook their heads. "We explore the mysteries of Gravity Falls but..."
"We would never try to hurt or take anything!" Finished Mabel.
"Bill Cipher lied to you, he's the true terror of Gravity Falls!!"

(Felicia's POV)
I stood there in silence.
All this time... All this time I thought he was my friend.
I thought he was actually going to help he get home.
All this time he lied to me.
Nothing he said was true.
He was using me for some evil scheme.
He manipulated me.
For what reasons I don't even know.
I closed my eyes and let out a silent snarl.
And I was stupid enough to believe him!
I knew he was bad news, ever since he showed up and started flirting. FLIRTING!!!
I tightened my hands into fists so hard my nails were about to puncture my skin.
My eyes flashed open.
"I'm sorry I ever doubted you. You were my real friends all along. I was so blind by my desire to go back home, that I couldn't see what he was doing to me. I knew he was no good when I realized he was the one who planted that fake map in your journal. I never should have trusted him and I never will again."
Dipper and Mabel went to comfort me, but I stopped them.
"No, I don't deserve your forgiveness, I need to make up for what I have done first."
Dipper's mouth gapped open. "What do you mean?"
I sighed. "I'm a terrible being. I risked your safety just so I could get some answers."
I turned my back to them.
"Bill said if I went to see you, he would send something to destroy you. I will make it up to you though, even if it costs me the chance to get home, or my life for that matter. I'm sorry I didn't trust you sooner-"
Suddenly I felt the air leave my lungs as I was attacked...
By two kids with a giant hug.
"Felicia, we had no idea! Of course we can trust you!
You've been nothing but kind to us since we first met you!
You saved us from the evil tree!
You lead us back home!
And only a true friend would throw their own life away for our safety!" Cried Mabel, almost in tears.
Dipper pulled away before talking.
"Yea you didn't know Felicia. We, or I, would have done the same. I should have realized myself that he was the one who planted the fake map. Bill tricked me the same way he probably tricked you. This journal told me to trust no one, and I admit, I was a little suspicious of you, but now I see you are just like us. You're our friend."
Mabel also let go and nodded in agreement.
I smiled, and turned back to them. I really didn't deserve this. I decided now was as good as a time to tell them my secret.
"Thank you, but if I'm going to come completely clean, I have to tell you something. I might not be as much like you as you think. You see, I'm actually-"
But before I could finish, there was a loud howl from outside. We ran to the window and gasped.
Outside, there were at least ten wolves coming from the forest with one big wolf in the lead, running toward the Shack.
We ran downstairs to where Soos and Wendy were looking out the window in disbelief.
"Guys we have to barricade the door!" Said Wendy.
"There are a bunch of dangerous looking wolves outside dudes!" Added Soos. "And they arn't the ones I met in the woods!"*
I narrowed my eyes, tinting a little of cat.
"No, wolves would never attack humans unless they were starving, and they would never do it in a public area. Plus they're too big to be normal wolves; they're werewolves. You guys get to safety, I'll take care of them." Dipper grabbed my wrist. "What are you crazy Felicia?! You can't take on ten werewolves!! You might have been able to take care of that bird, but those arn't birds! I know you said you'd deal with it, but this is impossible!"
I turned to face him and the others who had concerned faces.
"Look, there isn't much time, so you have to trust me. I know what I'm doing."
Dipper stared at me speechless.
"Don't do this."
I then smiled and ran out the door. "Just watch me!"

(Third person POV)
Felicia ran out the door, making sure it was locked behind her before facing the oncoming wolves. She looked up at the attic to see Dipper, Mabel, Soos, and Wendy staring out the window with their nervous/horrified faces pressed to the glass. She smirks to herself before putting on her battle face and turned towards the approaching wolves.
'Alright Felicia, time to show them what you got!'
(*Reference from the episode "Boss Mabel")

Cats Do Not Dream of Demons (Bill Cipher x Were cat OC)Where stories live. Discover now