But Why

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A/N: sorry it has been so long! I have had writers block!! but I will do my best to keep my fans happy!

Katies POV

I woke up to an empty bed. I slowly stretched my hand out to where Paul  should be. I missed him already. I went down stairs expecting to smell breakfast, but the only thing I saw was a note on the table. I slowly walked over to it and sat down.

Katie, I had some Alpha bussiness to take care of. I will be back as soon as I can. Sorry I couldn't make you breakfast, I barely had enough time to write this note. Love you! can't wait to be home!

                              Love, Paul xoxo

Wonder what he had to do that was so important... maybe I should check it out. As I left the kitchen I felt the growl in my stomach. Eh, whatever he was doing will have to wait, I am too hungry. I walked to the cupboard and thought about what to eat. I slowly reached my hand up and grabbed the Lucky Charms. Nothing like a cold bowl of cereal. As I fixed my bowl I kept thinking about what he had to do. I devoured my cereal and washed my bowl. I walked to go outside and realized i was still in my PJs. I quickly walked upstairs and changed into a Tshirt and blue jeans. I ran down the stairs, slipped on my NIKE hightops and went outside. As I walked down the steps of our porch I saw Jared, Paul's Beta. I gave him a questioning look and he just looked down. He walked toward me and started talking to me in a voice barely above a whisper. "Now Katie, listen, Paul is in a serious situation, and you could be in danger."

I looked at him with a worried expression and asked "what is wrong, is Paul ok?"

"shh! No one else can know about this. This is top secret information. We are going into war with another pack, and we have news that they are targeting you, we have no further information about this subject, but they are making a peace offer."

"what, I will do anything so we won't have to go to war, we can't kill each other, but I will go to war if I have to..."

"Katie, the peace offer is that we turn you over. Paul of course won't agree to this."

"wait, why would they want me...?"

"We don't know of anything."

"what has Paul said on the issue?"

"That he would rather go to war than lose his mate."

"tell him that I am willing to sacrifice myself for the war."

"First, I am not a messenger bird! Second, are you trying to get me killed, and Third he would never agree to that and we both know it!"

I sigh as I realize what he is saying is the truth. "then what can we do?"

"War. It is the only other option."

"B-but we can kill our own kind!"

"then what do you suggest?"

I stutter and keep thinking not able to think of an answer.

"That's what I thought. well when you can come up with an answer to that question that will be allowed by Paul and be sucessful, let me know would you?"

All I could do is glare and then walk away.

"where do you think you are going Alpha? you have a meeting to attend."

I turn on my heel at this news. "I have to go to this meeting? I am the female I only care for the people of my pack, the male is suppose to handle war and that stuff."

"Not today sweetie."

I clench my fist digging my nails into my skin, the only thing I can do from keeping myself from ripping Jared's head off for his sarcasm. "Listen smart ass, I don't need your sarcasm, thanks anyways."

"ohh is that a threat? come with me, we have a meeting to go to."

I keep taking deep breaths and counting to ten, but it is just barely working. I glance over at Jared wondering why he is being such a dick, last time I met him he was an awesome person, wondered what happened. "hey, Jared, can I ask you a question?"

"you just did."

"ok, what crawled up your ass and died? last time your were really nice person, now you are being a dick."

It stopped him in his tracks, he turned to me, and we locked eyes. "A lot has happened since then, and I'm a new me."

"Well I want the old one back, the new you sucks."


My alpha comes out, but stays calm. "You think I don't know that? My parents never told me about anything, and now they are dead, I know what it is like to have everything you know taken away from you in a blink of an eye!"

He looks me in the eyes with an apologetic look. "I'm sorry, you are right... it is just..." he trails off but I need to know what is bothering him.

"what is it Jared, as your Alpha I can help you."

he sighs and begins his dreadful story: "it's nothing, just my own problems..."

I continue to walk in silence thinking about what to say next. As I am about to speak up I hear jared

"I am sorry Katie, things have just been bad at home, my  brother left and has changed packs to be with his mate, and my mom and dad are fighting a lot, and my sister has come down with Lycanthropy."

I was shocked to hear all of this news, now I know why he was being a dick. Mates don't notmally fight, his brother just moved out, and Lycanthropy is when a werewolf will slowly start to lose its powers and turn into human. "wow, I'm sorry, I didn't know..."

"It's fine. Like I said, my problems, not yours." I can see tears in his eyes dangerously on the edge of his eye about to come pouring down. I lean over and hug him, trying to comfort him. "How is melissa taking this?"

"I haven't told her about my sister."

"Jade right?"

"yeah... it just makes it hard on everyone, honestly I think it is why my brother left because he couldn't stand to see her like that, and why my parents are fighting, cause it is thier little girl." Jared is the oldest of the siblings then his brother Jack, and finally Jade. I release out of the embrace and I see him steeling himself for the meeting.

We enter into the meeting and talk tactics about training and war.

"we can't just go barging in the pack, we don't know what we are up against."

"not just that our numbers are dwindling."

"what do you mean, we have one of the largest packs?"

"not any more, our numbers are dwindling we don't know why."

"from now on, no more wolves leave the pack."

"but that is just trapping us all."

"well what else do you suggest?"

The tactics, fighting, problems, solutions continued for some hours until it was too dark and we were too tired to come up with anything.

"alright guys this is hopeless, go home and we will re-group tomorrow at noon."

Mumbles of agreement went out throughout the table and we all started to go home agreeing and thinking. the way home was silent and Paul was cought up in thought to even make conversation. I slowly glanced up at him to see his jaw clenched and you could practically see the gears turning iin his head. We made our way to our front door he reached in his pocket and fumbled to find the right keys, he opened the door and let me in. I went in and he went straight to his office in our house and I just started making myself cereal. Tonight was suppose to be special but of course not. Screw war.

I slowly ate my cereal wonder why. Why war. Why me, why us, why this pack. Why...

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