Will it be a good idea or not?

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A/N: Hey I wan to thank xoxoQui again for everything she has done for me, I am her biggest fan and she has given me ideas and confidence, THANK YOU!

Katie's POV

I woke up from my nap when Paul entered the room with a tray of food in his hand. He sat at the edge of my bed and kissed my forehead. I looked up at him and smiled. He brought me some hash browns, orange juice, toast, and pancakes. I looked up at him and asked "Did you make these?"

"Yeah, why?"

I took a huge bite and said through a big mouth full "They are amazing! But how do you expect me to eat ALL of this?!?"

"well you haven't eaten in a while, I thought you would be more hungry than what you would expect."

"Okay i see your point, well thank you Paul, it means a lot honey."

He leaned over and passionately kissed me. This man had me wrapped around his finger, he could look at me with those cute blue eyes and handsome face and flash one of his signature smiles and I would do anything. I sat up in bed and devoured the whole thing, Paul was right, I was a lot more hungry than what I thought. After I was done Paul took my plate and washed it for me, when he was finished he came back over to my bed and kissed me on my cheek, i pecked at his lips and our lips moved together perfectly as one, he licked my bottom lip for entrance, i was taunting him so i did allow it.

"Katie Bella Capler, please come to the front desk right now!" screamed the inter-come. I was pulled from my trance and got out of bed to go to the front desk. They gave me a slip to sign saying I was free to go. I picked up my clothes they gave me and walked back to my room to get changed. I walked into the bathroom and changed clothes, I walked out of the bathroom to find Paul sitting on my bed waiting for me. He said "hey can we continue what we started?"

"not here Paul, maybe at home." I said with a evil smile on my face.


We hopped in the car, Paul was going to drive home, I got into the passenger seat and buckled up and closed my car door. When we finally arrived at the Pack house I went up to my room to comb my hair and Paul on right behind me. I combed my hair and asked Paul to go on a walk with me. We walked down the stairs and out the door. I walked behind a tree to change out of my clothes and shift. I walked out from behind the tree to see Paul waiting there for me. I walked over to him and we jogged to the forest. We walked and walked and walked. We arrived at a nice clearing with a lake and a picnic table.Paul asked me"Wanna go for a swim?"

"Sure, but in what?"

"are Birthday suits of course!"

"Um..okay?" I shifted out of wolf form and hoped into the water. It was spring water so it was a little cool, but felt really good. Paul did a cannon Ball and got me all wet. I yell "SHOW-OFF!" He swam over to me and said "Jealous?"

"Of you? yeah right!" I said through giggles. He wrapped me in a hug and I couldn't help but look down his body. He had a nice set of abs, I saw him looking me over and I couln't help but to smile and shove me lips into his. I knew we were meant to be together forever. He licked my bottom lip for entrance and I accepted. We both battled for dominance when I gave up. He explored my mouth and let me explore his. we were caught up kissing each other when I decided to go back to the pack house. I pulled out of his embrace and kiss. I told him my plan and he agreed. we shifted and ran back to the pack house. I ran behind the tree and changed back and walked up to the house. Paul and I walked back up hand in hand. We entered the pack house and I went to mingle around a bit to see how things were going because I had been gone for about 4 days. Everything checked out fine so I went back to find Paul. I found him on the couch talking to Xander. I plopped down by Paul and Xander looked a little jealous. Because I was Alpha I wanted to have a mating ceremony for all 18 year old. I was already 18 and so was Paul, that is how we found each other and became mates. Wolves normally find their mates when they are 18 so I thought holding a ceremony would be perfect. I was going to have a Pack meeting in about an hour so I got off the couch and went up to my room. I took a shower, did my make-up, curled my hair, and put on some designer jeans, and belly tank-top with a light t-shirt that said "when life throws you lemons, throw them back" I guess I had a funny sense of humor. I walked down the stairs went to the meeting room and mind linked people to come to the meeting room. As the seats began to fill up I looked around the room to see Paul in the front row with Xander. I spoke loud and clearly and said "I was thinking about this packs future the other night and I came up with an idea that I wanted to try out tonight. I was thinking that we could have a ceremony for all 18 year olds to find their mates. We would meet out in the backyard, we could play music, eat, dance, mingle, and of course connect with your mate. I am only going to hold the ceremony if you all agree. Do any of you  have any questions,comments, or concerns?"  Everyone looked to be in thought when a girl who looked to be about 18 or 19 asked "what if we have found our mates already?"

"You can still go to the party and have a good time with your mate, but you just won't be included in the last hour or so of the step to finding your mate."

another guy asked "how will we conduct the step to finding our mates?"

"well you will be at the party, it will start at about 6:30 so everyone can eat and mingle for a little bit, then when the dancing and music are done, you will mingle around and either kiss or hug your opposite gender and if you don't feel anything, you will simply walk away and try again. But if you do feel the electricity, if you are a guy you will have a necklace with a symbol and give it to the female. If you are a girl, you will have a dog tag with you name on it and the choice of an extra symbol or not to give to the male."

Everyone looked like they understood, I couldn't pick out anyone who looked really confused so I dismissed them and walked off the stand. Rhonda and Bill, Melissa's parents, walked over to me and said "we are really glad that you are alpha, you are doing a lot for the pack's future, your parents would be very proud with you." AT the mention of my parents a lump formed in my throat but I replied "Thank you, that really means a  lot to me that you like what I'm am doing." they nodded their heads and walked away. Paul came over and wrapped me and a bear hug. "you gave a nice speech babe."

"thanks Paul."

"I know you will go far with this pack."

"well good to know some people have faith in me."

:Babe, I think everyone in the pack LOVES you."

"well I have to get ready for tonight."

"Okay babe, see you tonight then."

I walked up to my room and sat and allowed a tear to roll down my face. I thought to my self, "Be strong Katie, you can deal with the stress, you have people looking out for you. Try not to think about their deaths."

A/N: Hoping for a little feedback. Want to thank xoxoQui again for everything. Hope you liked my ORIGINAL saying WHEN LIFE THROWS YOU LEMONS, THROW THEM BACK! THANK-YOU for everything, and I hope to get a new chapter up about the party!

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