Chapter 7: The calm

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A/N: I realize that events in this story are not the same order as the canonical story. It is partially on purpose, and partially because I didn't feel like recalling the exact order since this is a different version. For example, I know that the secret room was canonically after the beach party, but I added it before because I liked how it fit in at that moment. So basically, if you don't like that some things will occur out of order then don't read <3

After Dream gave her the book, he relit the portal at the exile location and left. The skies had cleared up, which was confusing because it never even rained. Despite the strange weather, Ghostbur came back through the portal and smiled at them. "Hi Friends! Dream said it was safe to come back now!"

Things seemed to really calm down at the exile location after that visit. Dream still came everyday, he still started off every visit by blowing up Tommy's belongings, but now he started doing fun things with Tommy and Scarlet after. Scarlet was taught many things by both Tommy and Dream. Tommy taught her how to get materials to make armor and weapons, which surprisingly Dream never took from her like he did to her friend.

Dream taught the girl how to fight and defend herself. They used every weapon before figuring out that Scarlet was actually a really good shot with a bow. She could be 100 blocks away and hit a target head on. Tommy even tested it by standing at logstedsire and having Scar go all the way to the tree lines across the base and then shoot an apple off his head. Scarlet tried to convince him it was a really bad idea because she could hurt him, but he said it would be okay because he had new armor and the bow wasn't enchanted. To their surprise she hit the apple on the first try, and Dream saw it since he came through the portal, barely dodging the arrow, before watching it knock the apple clean off the child's head.

"Dream! Did you see that shot! That was Poggers!" Tommy said, running up to Dream holding the arrow with the apple on it. Scarlet came running over with a shocked but proud face.

"That was really impressive, could have done without almost intersecting the arrow though." He said, grabbing the arrow from Tommy and inspecting it. It was definitely a clean shot. It wasn't like it just grazed the side, it went directly through the middle of the fruit.

"Thanks, it's not that big of a deal though. I just focus and aim. It's not that hard." Scarlet said sheepishly.

They all knew how big of a lie that was. Not only did she have to account for regular gravity, momentum, and distance, but it was also windy outside today and she was on a downward slope. So much math went into the 30 second shot that it genuinely seemed impossible to both men.

"Scarlet don't sell yourself short. That was a really good shot. I don't even think I could have made that as perfectly as you did, and Tommy definitely couldn't have." Dream said, handing her the arrow. Tommy was going to protest but stopped because Dream sent him a warning glare.

"Anyways, I'm not here to talk about bow and arrow tricks. I'm here for my daily check-ins." Dream said, smiling at the two.

"Oh right! Here, hold on." Tommy said before digging a hole in the ground and beginning to drop his items into it. Dream watched in shock. Normally the boy needs persuasion to give his items up, this was good news for the green man.

"Tommy, there's no need for that today. I think I'll let you keep your things this time." He motioned for the child to collect his things from the hole. Tommy looked at him confused and raised an eyebrow, almost like he was waiting for the catch.

When Dream didn't make a motion to retract his statement or add a hidden fee in his favor, Tommy collected his belongings and filled the hole back in. He had a massive grin on his face as he turned to Dream again. "So what are we doing today big man?"

"Well today I actually thought we could plan a party. I know you miss your friends, and I think maybe if we plan a celebration maybe they will come. It could be for christmas. What do you think Tommy?" Dream said, tilting his head and waiting for the boy's reaction.

Tommy contemplated the offer long and hard. He really did miss his friends. He had been exiled for a while now, and it was just him, Scar, and Ghostbur most of the time. No one visited but Dream. If he could actually get his friends to come and see him maybe he could remember that they still care for him. Dream has been trying to tell him they don't miss him, but he couldn't believe that. He didn't want to believe that, especially since Wilbur and him literally built the nation that they stand on. Not to mention, Tubbo is his best friend, and he could never forget Tommy.

The whole time Tommy was having the internal conflict with himself Scarlet was watching Dream carefully. She wouldn't lie to anyone when she says she has started to trust Dream a bit. Though in her defense Dream, Tommy, and Ghostbur were the only people she really knew. Maybe she judged Dream too quickly, and he even explained why he blows Tommy's things up. He told her that since Tubbo exiled him, he gets to call the shots with how Tommy is treated at exile. Dream said that L'manburg was worried that if Tommy got too powerful out here, he would try to return for revenge. So Tubbo ordered Dream to ensure that Tommy didn't make progress in becoming powerful, which included blowing up and armor and tools that he made. Considering Tubbo wasn't someone she had ever met, and that she had only heard about him betraying his best friend, the story seemed to make a lot of sense.

Basically Dream had begun his next step in the plan, now that Tommy was behaving and willingly cooperating, he moved on to Scarlet. Since she was new and didn't know anyone from the greater Dream SMP, she had no reason to doubt his stories. There is also the fact that since Tommy didn't actually know what the power dynamic was between Dream and Tubbo, he also couldn't prove or disprove the lie. Dream had the ultimate upper hand in this game of chess, and he just stole two of the more powerful pawns right from the other teams. All that was left now was to plant the final seed in the garden of doubt, and that just required a small party.

"Dream, I really like that idea! All my friends will definitely come if I throw a party. We can do it on the beach over there!" Tommy said, finally deciding that this was the perfect plan.

"It will be the best Beach party!"

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