Chapter 14: No Means No.

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A/N Hey y'all! So all of the chapters before this one have been recently edited. Nothing major was changed, just small details that will come in later, you can reread them if you want, or just continue like normal. You probably won't get too confused. Make sure to Vote and Comment so I know this is being seen! Love Y'all!

Everyone was calming down after the unexpected visit. Luckily Techno had heard Dream in the room and kept Tommy away, even though the child was itching to punch the mask off his face when he threatened to take Scar back there. Honestly, Tommy was terrified of what he would do to her if she was alone with him. He had already left bruises on her wrist from grabbing her when he was destroying the exile area. Now Tommy was holding Scarlet on the floor next to the fire, even though she wasn't having a mid panic attack anymore she was still shaking and exhausted.

"Scarlet you know we won't let him take you right? He would have to kill me first." Tommy said, trying to help her but he was simply making her more scared.

Dream could kill Tommy. He could so easily kill them both if he wanted and he'd probably get away with it. They may have been trained in combat and decent at it, but they were trained by Dream. He obviously didn't train them enough to be able to beat him. Maybe they could convince Techno or Phil to train them so they would have some tricks that Dream wouldn't be ready for? Though Scar had a feeling that they wouldn't like the idea of training a child princess to fight against one of the strongest SMP members.

"Tommy, I want Techno and Phil to teach me how to fight better." She said quietly, gauging the boy's reaction.

She felt him tense up a bit before sighing and nodding his head lightly. "I think that's a good idea. I know I could hold my own against Dream, but you probably can't. He taught you everything you know and that puts you at a disadvantage, not to mention the fact that he focused on bow fighting with you, knowing he's never going to try and fight you long distances. You need to learn close combat in order to have a chance against him. Techno would be the best teacher for that, but the likeness of him agreeing is not very high. Phil would not even consider it go by his reaction concerning you earlier. I could try and teach you, but my style is pretty random and just natural for me."

All of this information was really hard for Scar to process but it slowly began to make sense. Tommy was basically saying he agreed with her, but Techno and Phil probably wouldn't teach her, and Tommy wouldn't be good at teaching her.

"I want to ask them anyway, maybe try and make them understand why. I am tired of living in fear of him. Also you saying he'd have to kill you to get me doesn't help because that's not unlikely." Her voice got quiet towards the end, but Tommy heard it anyway.

He knew she was right, but it didn't help either of them.

"What are you youngins talking about?" Said a voice walking from the kitchen holding two cups of tea, still steaming.

"Phil, I need someone to train me on close combat fighting." Scarlet said bluntly and quickly, grabbing the cups and handing one to Tommy behind her.

"No." Philza said sharply and glaring at his own cup.

This girl seemed to have the same effect on most of the people she met. Everyone felt the need to protect her and keep her safe. They didn't want her putting herself in danger by learning to fight. Phil knew why she wanted to learn, and knew it wasn't a bad idea, but he couldn't bring himself to agree to training her. It's no different than Tommy, who he also told no when he asked as a kid. Phila had only trained Techno, and only because training helped Techno with his voices. Techno then trained Wilbur and Tommy, well he tried to train Tommy. Tommy was so set in his personal style of fighting, and Techno was so set in proper form. Eventually Tommy decided he could learn on his own and gave up on training with his brothers.

"Philza come on! I can't just wait around for Dream to take us! I want to learn how to defend myself and fight back when he tries again!" Scarlet said, sitting up away from Tommy and glaring at Phil.

"Scarlet I said no. I won't train you to fight. We can protect you without you needing to put yourself in danger." He was as calm as he always was, and that only seemed to make Scarlet more angry.

"Fine! I'll go find someone else to train me then. I can't hide behind you and Techno forever! Im 17 for christ sake!" With that the girl stood up, grabbed the cloak that Foolish gave her and ran out of the small cabin ignoring Tommy's call for her.

"Phil, what the hell man! You trained Techno when he was way younger than her!" Tommy shouted looking back at his father figure.

"Tommy, Technoblade was already talking about mass murder and 'Blood for the Blood God' at her age. It's different. I trained him to calm his voices down. Scarlet wants to fight because she want to fight Dream." The crow father looked out the window, hoping to see the girl heading back, but he didn't see her.

"She just wants to be able to protect herself. I think she deserves that." Tommy said grumbling.

"I wouldn't forgive myself if I gave her the confidence to think she could actually beat him, if I don't believe I could actually get her to that level. Dream is as strong and as skilled as Techno and me, and it took years to get Techno to his level. I can't train her in 2 weeks." Philza said, turning back to Tommy.

Phil was really surprised that Tommy wasn't understanding why he said no to the girl. The child knows first hand how good Dream is at physical combat, and adding in the mental combat that he has perfect makes him a dangerous opponent. Scarlet has already given into the mind games with Dream, and though she tries to hide the subtle submission to him it shows every time. Phil and Dream both noticed her flinch when he commanded her to go with him. She wanted to listen. That means he still has influence on her, and he would definitely use that against her in combat. Scarlet would lose in a fight against Dream, no matter how good of a fighter she became, because he would simply use his words instead of his ax.

"We've gotta go find Scarlet, Dream might not be too far away from here if he knows you two are here. We might not agree on my decision Tommy, but you need to understand that I said no because I know Dream would win no matter how much we train her. And you know that too, you just aren't admitting it." With that, Phil grabbed his cloak and his hat, and headed out the door with a sulking Tomas behind him. 

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