Chapter 1: Forced to Flee

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"There is a world much different to ours, with many plants, and living things. Things shoot up from the ground, with brown bases of rough material, they are called trees! There's also other plants like Mushrooms, and beautiful green grass! Then there is the creatures, they roam the lands no matter the weather. Animals like cows, sheep with soft wool for warmth, even little pink pigs. You must be careful at night here though, for big scary monsters have claimed the land after the sun sets. Things like Zombies, Skeletons, and creatures that explode called creepers. I know you don't understand the names of these things I've listed, but everything in this world is so different. -

"This book has a name for this mystical land I've been describing, it's called the 'Over World'. Scarlet, our ancestors traveled from that place to here many, many years ago. Over the generations, this wonderful world from the past has been forgotten by most. The elders barely speak of it, Mother and Father were never even told the stories. -

"I found this in the deep archives of the palace, it is the only living stories we have left. I am unsure if there is a way to this place, but if the elders know of one then they aren't telling us any time soon." The younger sister pursed her lips together in distaste. "Scar, wipe that look off your face, we ain't ever getting to this place. Our palace is all we'll ever know, just like our parents and their parents. The stories I'm telling you are as close as you're ever going to get to the Over World."

Their sister's words mostly stuck in their head, but the last couple sentences went in one ear and out the other. Truth be told, she was wishing to go to this place, wondering if she would ever get to see it, hoping they could touch the things she spoke of and experience it first hand like their ancestors had gotten to.

Little did she know, Scarlet would live to regret that very thought. They wish they had set those thoughts a flame and forgotten everything about the Over world. She would have instead prayed for everything to stay the same as that moment. She would have envisioned a future of simplicity with their sister sitting exactly in that spot telling her different fairy tales every night. It would have been so much better then what happened next.

Loud sirens blared through the kingdom, interrupting all peace and calmness in the palace. The protocol for the siren was that anyone above the age of 16 met at the front lines to address the threat, while the children were taken to the bunkers for safety. Scar was 14, far too young to help anything at the moment. Her sister, on the other hand, just turned 16 two months ago. As she was swept away from their family, the guard took her to a bunker that no one else occupied. She didn't bother to wonder where the other children were considering these bunkers were everywhere. Thirty agonizing minutes went by as slowly as possible, and the blank walls did nothing to help their building anxiety and worry. She kept waiting for the door to fly open and for her sister to scoop them up and return us safely to her room to finish our story.

Unfortunately that isn't who entered the room in a hurry. Instead it was an elder. Scar knew the man from her's and my sister's history studies. He quickly began placing blocks on the floor in a panic, not even addressing the small child yet. She watched in fascination as he used the blackish purple stone to create a rectangle in the center of the room. He then took a fire charge from his pocket and threw it at the ground, causing the rocks to spark to life with a purple glow that swirled around and glittered in the darkness.

"Princess, I don't have time to explain in a way that will make any sense. Take this book, trust me, and stand in the middle of the portal. Your palace depends on you right now Scarlet. You'll come back when you're ready to save us. Go! Quickly!" He said, pushing the book into her hand with the other book that she recognized as their sister's story book. As she stood in the portal, her vision began to get fuzzy. She remember loud noises as the roof of the bunker was ripped off. They could recall Dark purple slit eyes staring at her in fury as they materialized before them. The last thing she remembered was the roaring sound of the beast, as purple particles raced towards her in an attempt to break the portal before they got through it. Unfortunately for that beast, he was just milliseconds too late to stop them. 


At this point you may be thinking you don't know very much about the main character or the story or what the heck is going on. If you feel like that, good. That is the point. You will learn more about the character and the story as it progresses. 

If you didnt notice, I edited this part a bit. I made everything from 3rd person POV because I prefer that writing style, and I corrected the Pronouns for Scarlet. Scarlet is She/Her or They/Them. This is loosely based on my personal experience with pronouns, and these are what I lean to. I didn't was to use different pronouns in fear of misusing them. 

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