Chapter 16: The Unlikely Trio

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Wilbur led Scarlet through the portal, and she found herself in a thick jungle with trees that were much taller and had different textured bark and leaves. Of course she instantly ran over to one, which turned out to be a bad idea considering someone appeared behind her, grabbed her arms, and slammed her against a tree.

"Where do you think you're going?" The person said glaring down at her from behind

The voice made her instantly understand the situation she had gotten herself in. Behind her was the famous green hoodie and mask that haunted her every night in her nightmares. Wilbur cringed a few feet behind and walked up to the two of them.

"Dream, she was simply going to touch the tree. It's a new bark and new leaves. She wasn't running away, she's smarter than that." Wilbur put a hand on Dream's shoulder and gently pulled him away from the girl, turns out he still had some memories from his ghost counterpart.

Once he gave in and released her, she dropped to the ground and curled into herself like she normally did. She couldn't believe she was dumb enough to walk right into this trap. Worse, she had no way of getting herself out of it. She tensed and held her breath as someone knelt next to her, but the hand that trailed through her hair made her let out a soft sigh. She knew it was Dream, he had a habit of doing this when she would have her panic attacks in exile. He was so bipolar with how he treated her, and it never made sense.

"I'm sorry Scar, I overreacted. I want to help you. Train you, with Wilbur's help. I want you on my side and, I have a feeling that you already know, you don't have much choice in the matter. This can be a good thing, if you listen and don't try to escape or disobey me then we can turn this into such a good team." Dreams' words were spoken in such a calming way that the girl felt drawn to accept the terms.

"H-how is Wilbur alive? Where is Ghostbur?" She asked, peeking through her arms to look over at the man standing against a tree.

He was the same height as Ghostbur, but he didn't float. He had the same colored hair but there was a streak of gray that ran right through the front of it, showing that he was much older. He definitely dressed similar to Ghostbur, wearing a large brown trench coat over ghostburs normal yellow sweater. He was so similar to the ghost, but still so different.

"Don't mention that bloody idiot! He was annoying as hell. Ghostbur this, Ghosbur that, Have some blue!" He voice was very high pitched and mocking until it became very serious "He's dead, Gone, Bye Bye. Get over it."

"Alright, touchy subject. Got it." Scarlet mumbled making Dream laugh his normal wheeze laugh.

"Alright, enough chit chat, Scarlet, we have a base near here, that's where we will be staying until you're properly trained. Wilbur will help you with long range practice, and I will help you with close combat since that will be harder for you." Dream stood up, making the girl frown since he stopped running her fingers through her hair.

"Come on kiddo, let's go home." Dream said, standing next to Wilbur, both of them smiling in eerie ways, and holding their hands out to her.

For some reason, Scarlet wasn't scared. She finally felt at peace, maybe because the voices were quiet, maybe because her memories were being locked away by someone in her head, or maybe because she accepted that she didn't have a choice. Honestly it was most likely a combination of all these things, but she shook every fear away, put on her own imaginary mask, and grabbed their hands to be led to her new home.


Meanwhile Tommy and Phil were talking to Foolish, trying to figure out exactly what was going on with Scarlet.

"Dude, I don't know. I'm worried about her though. When I found her, she was curled up in my cloak, in the nether, yelling to some voice in her head. It was freaky and she looked like she was in pain. So I grabbed her and brought her back here. I'm telling you the truth when I say she calmed down. I gave her food, armor, and a weapon because she said it would help her stay safe. Then she asked to see a Heart of The Sea because her sister had told her about them. I shouldn't have left her, but she sounded so genuine." Foolish was obviously blaming himself for the girl's disappearance.

"Mate it's not your fault. When that girl feels the need to do something, there's no stopping her." Phil and Tommy both knew that Foolish tried, but Scarlet was stubborn.

"She also kept talking about you two, and Techno. Said the voices told her that you don't care about her, that you only want her for her power. Then she said she had to keep Tommy safe. Something in her head is obviously threatening Tommy and feeding her lies." Foolish looked to Phil who was not tense.

"Not something... Someone. Someone has gotten into her head. This is some dark magic crap. I bet you I know who's been helping this person. Toms, we need to go find Ghostbur. He might have given someone potions that can help with mind games." Phil picked up his things and waited for Tommy to do the same.

"Phil, I haven't even seen Ghostbur since before I left exile. How are we meant to find him?" Tommy asked, standing next to Phil.

"Well, we can check his library in L'manburg, but I guess I don't know where else he would be." Phil walked towards the portal after saying goodbye to Foolish.

Obviously the boys didn't find Ghostbur in L'manbur, or at Techno's, or anywhere for that matter. Tommy and Phil were exhausted from running back and forth. They were about to turn in for the night when they got a frantic whisper from Tubbo.

Whisper from Tubbo_: 'Hey Toms, why did I just see Wilbur talking Scarlet into a random nether portal?'

'Whisper from TommyInnit: You found Ghostbur? He's with Scar? That's awesome! Come to Techno's and show us the portal.'

Whisper from Tubbo_: 'No, it's not Ghostbur Tommy. Its full skin and flesh is Wilbur Soot.'

"Oh Fuck. Phil... Wilbur is back." Tommy couldn't believe the words coming from his own mouth, and so Phil definitely didn't.

"There's no way. Tommy I took his last life! He can't just come back like that." Philza said, shaking his head at the ridiculous thought.

Just as Tommy was about to respond Tubbo showed up at the fence and ran straight over to them. He was out of breath and definitely shaken up. His eyes were widened and he was frantically pacing back and forth.

"Guys, I know it sounds crazy, but it was him. Wilbur was in the nether with Scarlet and talking to her. I couldn't hear what, but they both went through the portal together. I have the cords." Tubbo was talking a mile a minute, and part of him felt like he was right to not trust Scarlet.

"Alright Tubbo, show us the portal. Well go investigate and prove that you just saw Ghostbur." Phil responded before following the child who took off running again. 

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