[𝟬𝟭] 𝙋𝙖𝙣𝙞𝙘𝙠𝙞𝙣𝙜

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╰┈➤ Los Angeles, California

𝙊𝙘𝙩𝙤𝙗𝙚𝙧 22, 2021


I was in a facetime call with my best friend, Miles Brown.

I was sitting in my studio room for the new show I'll be starring in called Raven's Home. I had to be in Los Angeles for the auditions. My mom thought it would be a better idea for us to move from Texas to Los Angeles instead of flying back and forth while filming. Most of my family lives here so that was cool.

It was my first day on set since I did my audition and I'm freaking out.

"I am literally so fucking nervous right now, you don't even know!" I said as I ran my hand through my hair.

"Trust me, I know." Miles said with a chuckle.

"This is totally different, Miles," I stated. "The black-ish cast were actually nice, thes- these people might tear me alive for just even looking their way" I rambled. "D, you're overreacting I'm sure your new co-stars are going to love you just asked much as we did" Miles tried to reassure me.

"You know what maybe I can just quit and that Taylor girl can take the part" I stated ignoring what Miles had just said to me.

He rolled her eyes and sighed. "You need to breathe woman." He says.
"I'm panicking child!" I huffed. "Well, you might want to stop because a girl is standing behind you." Miles said as he points to the camera.

"What?!" I said as I turned around to see what he was talking about.

"AHH, BLOODY HELL!" I yelled as I fell out of my chair and hit my head on the ground. I heard Miles snort. "Ugh, that hurt..." I mumbled while holding the back of my head. "BYE D!" Miles yells over the phone. I instantly sat up off the ground and grabbed my phone off the makeup vanity.

"Wait! No, no, don't leave me with-" I started as Miles hangs up the phone.

"-Her." I finished as I dropped my phone on the dresser of the vanity set.

I closed my eyes and chuckled. I am so going to kill him for this! "I am so, so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you like that" Says a brunette girl with her red hat on backwards. She helps me up. "No, it's totally fine. I'm just not use to being scared like that" I said.

"Well, sorry, again..." The girl says as she trailed off her sentence.

I looked up at her and realized who she was. Sky fucking Katz. "I'm Skylar but you can call me Sky" She says. "Uh-huh" I said in awe.

She's even prettier in person!

Sky chuckling broke me out of thought.

I blinked a couple of times before talking. "I'm Dakota Grayson," I said. "But you can call me Kody, also, sometimes, when I'm nervous or flustered I blurt out random facts!" I said as I held out my hand. Sky smiled and shakes my hand.

Her hands are soft.

"Not- not that you make me flustered or anything like that!" I said as I pressed my lips together.

"Hey? Did you know that there's an island in Japan that's only inhabited by friendly bunnies" I blurted out.

"I did not-" Sky says; "-But I'm definitely adding that to my bucket list".

I felt a huge smile form on my face and I looked down.

"So you're my new love interest?" Sky asked. My eyes widen and gave her a look. "What? No! Hey, no offense but we just met and my first relationship was pretty rough so I d-" I rambled as she cuts me off by her laugher.

"Oh god, you're funny!" Sky starts as she catches her breathe. "-But no- no, not like that! I meant as my co-star, you know, Tess's love interest for the show." Sky corrected.

I face palmed myself and groaned. "I am a complete idiot" I said. "No you're not, I probably should have worded that better so that's on me" Sky says. "Okay but yes I am you're new co-star and love interest for Tess" I said. Sky smiles.

"Awesome!" She beamed.

"I guess so..." I said with a slight smile. We both locked eyes with each other and my hands started to shake a bit due to my anxiety. Sky slowly grabs my hands which confused me. "What are you doi-" I questioned her before Sky cuts me off. "I need you to breathe okay, I can't have my co-star passing out on me" Sky joked.

I shook my head. "That's not funny Skylar." I said. "Sorry!" Sky apologized. "Just follow me... breathe in and breathe out" Sky says. "Hmm" I hummed with my eyes closed. I could hear Sky breathing in and out slowly which help me calm down.

The lump in my throat went away letting me breathe once again. Once I started to fully calm down, Sky let's go of one of my hands. "Better?" Sky asked. "Yes, thank you." I said in a sigh of relief.

"Anytime" Sky says.

"I'm just not use to being around new people and it kind of freaks me out...mainly because I'm a homebody" I admitted.

"No, I totally get it" Sky says.

"I was way more nervous than you when I first came on set of raven's home too but I had really great cast to help me out with all of it-" Sky beamed. She's really happy about her cast members, that's a good sign, I guess. "-And now you do too, I swear, this cast is the best" Sky said with a smile.

"I hope you're right about that." I said. She just smiled. We made eye contact again but this time I didn't panic. My heart just started to beat rapidly to the point where that was the only thing I could hear. "SKY, WHERE ARE YOU?!" A girl called out from the other side of my studio room.

Sky rolled her eyes.

"Uh sorry. One second!" Sky says with New York accent.

I nodded my head. "Yeah, no problem" I said with a smile. Sky opens the door of my room and called the girl over. "SAVANNAH, I'M OVER HERE!" Sky called out with a laugh. The tall girl named Savannah runs up and kiss Sky without a warning.

Savannah La Rain, Skylar's girlfriend.

I didn't want to see those two suck their lips off so I left the room out of the door without them noticing.

𝙃𝙊𝙋𝙀𝙇𝙀𝙎𝙎 𝙍𝙊𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙄𝘾 •skᥡ kᥲ𝗍z•  Where stories live. Discover now