[𝟮𝟳] 𝙏𝙝𝙚 𝙋𝙝𝙤𝙣𝙚-𝙣𝙖𝙥𝙥𝙚𝙧

128 13 0

╰┈ Victoria, Australia

𝙈𝙖𝙧𝙘𝙝 20, 2022


"Would you just shut up for a second and listen!?".

"You're not changing my mind, Dakota!".

"I just want you guys to get to a point where you guys are—".

"Friends?!" Skylar finished the sentence and formed it into a question as she looked at her girlfriend in disbelief. "Would that be so bad?" Dakota asked as she pushed her weight up and jumped off the hotel countertop that she was once sitting on. "Toture even" Sky says. "Sky" Kody rolled her eyes and crossed her arms. "Listen, D, not everyone isn't going to like us together" Sky tells her girlfriend as she walks up and into the kitchen section of the hotel room.

Kody nodded her head and hummed as Sky joined her personal space; their bodies were facing each other with a small gap in between them.

"Not everybody will be happy about our relationship, especially exes" Sky said. Kody rolls her eyes once more and goes to the fridge to grab a snack.

"Why are you so against having peace between you two?" She asked. "Why are you still trying to force the peace between us when we both want nothing to do with each other?!" Sky argued. The last thing that the brunette wanted was to be friends with her draining ex-girlfriend who only brought out the worst in her. She never understood why Kody would want them to be friends so badly.

Most would be happy that their partner's ex wasn't in their life trying to ruin what's good for their new relationship.

Dakota Grayson clearly saw the opposite of that. If Savannah and Sky weren't friends, her and Sky's relationship would tumble. Skylar loves it when her girl wants to do right by people and the world around her without wanting anything in return. That for sure wouldn't change. But this? It was asking for too much.

"Sky, she's going through a lot. To where she had to change her number!" Dakota said with a bowl full of cut pineapples.

"Okay? But my thing is that I told you that I was done looking after her" Sky reminded the girl. "I'm not— It's not happening!" Skylar stated. "No" The girl eyed Kody and shrugs before she walks off towards the main room. "Sky" Kody watched as she went to grab her belongings. "Are you seriously mad at me right now?".

"What do you think, Ko?" Sky says just before she unlocks the hotel door and opens it.

"Sky. Sky!" Kody groans as her door automatically slams shut.

"Are you kidding me?" The glasses girl whispered to herself before she searched for her phone. Dakota grabs her bowl of fruit and a plastic fork from her kitchen drawer and then aims for the living room. Before the argument had even started, Sky and Kody were both watching a movie as Sky was off that day. Well, more like Sky was watching the movie than Kody, but that wasn't the point.

Kody searched the blanket they were once wrapped up in and the coffee table she had. Hearing the thud of something that had been tossed out of the cover and airborne onto the floor — Kody groaned dramatically. She went towards the device that had been thrown across the room and studied it. "Now how the fuck—" Dakota face palmed herself with her hand and held onto the cracked phone. To make things worse, it wasn't hers. It was Skylar's.

"Just what I needed" Kody mutters to herself before she heads toward her room.


"Hey, Lilly" Dakota says as she hops in the car with a smile.

"Hey, D!" Lilliana beamed as she watched the girl close the door.

"Thanks by—" Kody spoke while buckling up her seatbelt and turning her head to the back seat; "...the way".

Kody pulled her eyebrows together and looked the other in the back seat up and down. "Sky?" She questioned. "Hey, Bear" Sky smiled with a hand wave. "What're you doing here?" Dakota asked as she adjusted her position in her seat. "Can't hang out with my friend?" Sky replied as she pointed over to Lilliana.

"Hey, don't bring me into whatever this is!".

"I— Sky." Dakota rolled her eyes as she felt Sky still had an attitude with her. Sure, it's only been twenty minutes since the argument but still. There was no need to be sarcastic. "What're you doing in here?" Skylar asked. Dakota's eyes widened and she looked at Lilliana and earned a confused look. "I, uh, I..." Kody looks back and forth between the two girls, chuckling. Sky and Lilly share the same look as they wait for the girl's response. "Ugh! Fuck it!" Kody groans as she pulls the phone out of her pocket.

"I cracked your phone and now I'm going to the mall to get it fixed!".

"No big deal" She added. "Besides the fact that you cracked my phone" Sky scoffs. "In my defense, I was looking for mine, and when I shook the cover it flung across the room and—" Kody began to explain but was cut off by Sky's humming. "Wow, you are so petty!" The New Yorker laughed. "I didn't do it on purpose" Dakota said. "Sure, you didn't" Sky sassed.

"I was looking for my phone! Which you took by the way! You phone-napper" Kody reminded the girl. "Oh, I know" Skylar smiled from ear to ear. "And you didn't think to come back and grab yours?" The black girl questions with an eye roll. "Nah, I was planning on it" Sky nodded. "But after I walked out, I figured I might as well stand on my ground".

"Unless you don't want me to have it?" Sky faked a gasp while Lilliana decided to pull out of the hotel parking lot. "Hiding something, baby?" Sky grins with a head tilt. "Shut the hell up, Sky!" Dakota huffed and sat back in the seat correctly. "I don't hear you denying it" Sky teased. "Shut up" Kody flipped her off and smiled to herself.

"Should we go through it? That sounds fun!".

"Oh my gosh!".

"You guys are too much!" Lilliana laughs as they drove to the mall.

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