[𝟭𝟯] 𝘾𝙝𝙖𝙣𝙜𝙚𝙙

809 27 1

╰┈➤ Los Angeles, California

𝘿𝙚𝙘𝙚𝙢𝙗𝙚𝙧 8, 2021


Another day on set the most teen cast were together for another scene of the show; After it was shot, they were all hanging out.

Seemed shocking almost that everyone had been so calm.

There wasn't a single argument involved. No rude comments made, just calm, funny jokes, and dessert getting eaten. But things in life aren't always that sweet and simple. "So? Are you ready for the big day, Sky?" Navia asked before taking the wrappers off her miniature cupcakes.

"What 'Big day' Navi?" Skylar asked confused.

"You know, you and Savs almost 2 year anniversary!" Navia beamed.

"Oof" Jason Maybaum says while shaking his head. "Ugh!" Issac groaned before placing his head on the table. "What?" Navia asked. "Really?" Sky scoffs; "Why do this right now?".

"Was it something I said?" Navia questioned, fully aware of what she was doing.

"Sky...can we just talk?" Savannah asked Skylar.

"I have nothing to say." Sky rolled her eyes. Her happy mood was now ruined. Dakota kicked the side of Sky's foot, gaining her attention; "What?". Dakota raised her eyebrows before glancing at Savannah. "Just go." Dakota mouthed.

Dakota simply thought that the two girls should talk things out; It could make things better, easier, for everyone if they actually were seeing eye to eye on this whole breakup situation.

Sky sighed and says; "Fine... whatever".

Sky simply stood up and Savannah eagerly followed. "Come on" Skylar said, flatly before walking away. Savannah follows and they went Sky's studio room. "You think it'll work out?" Issac asked Kody. "I have hope...?" Kody answered, unsurely.


"So, What's up?" Sky fidgets with her rings, sitting on her pink couch.
She rather not do this right now. Their "talks" always ends up as a heated argument and one of them eventually just walks away still with so many things unsolved. Sky always felt guilty even if it wasn't her fault. "Sky. I am- I'm sorry" Savannah apologized.

"I don't know. I've missed you, and I can't-" Sky quickly cut her off.

"Ha! No. No, no, let me stop you right there, you don't get to "miss me" okay?" Sky glared at her ex; "You don't just break up with someone out of the blue and expect things to be okay, Savannah!".

"For the record, I broke up with you because you were cheating on me!" Savannah tried to state her case. "With who?!" Skylar asked. "With that- that Dakota girl!" Savannah spats. "Here we go again" Skylar rolls her eyes and crossed her arms over her stomach.

"You've changed ever since you met her " Savannah argued; "-And, I know you made Raven change the script for Tess and Bailey with that dumb kiss scene!".

"I didn't change the fucking script, Savannah, how many times do I have to tell you that?! I was doing my job, acting!" Sky hissed; "You broke with me because you wanted to "see other people" all because you were jealous and couldn't admit it!".

"Jealous of who?" Savannah asked.

"Dakota." Sky answered, earning a confused look from Savannah.

Sky chuckled as she ran her fingers through her hair. She found it hilarious that her former lover was acting like she was so innocent or the one who got hurt. Sky was going to put an end to this. She couldn't tolerate the nonsense anymore, it was too much she had to deal with. Skylar was exhausted by Savannah, all those fake pages that were made after she blocked Savannah on almost everything she had.

The dumb articles, and old pictures that were posted on social media bringing back memories of how she practically forced herself into staying in this toxic relationship. Only because she was scared of what other people would think or say.

"Oh! Let's not forget when I told you that nothing was going on between the two of us, you still didn't believe me!" Sky reminds Savannah. "You wanted me to keep my distance from her and I did that!" Sky stood up from her couch. "I practically avoided her for a whole month because of you, for you, and you still didn't trust me." She breathes.

"I'm sorry but we were never going to get anywhere with you not trusting me and your jealousy problem towards other people".

Savannah couldn't even get a word out before Sky started up with her ranting again.

"God...I should've known when my mom said she didn't like you, I should've really took that as a sign to never get with you" Sky ran her right hand through her hair, a bit stressed.

"You're family never liked me" Savannah pouts and crossed her arms.

"Of course they didn't! Sky stated; "You know why? Because you're a manipulative, selfish, and mentally abusive person, Savannah". "You don't mean that" Savannah frowns as her eyes became teary. "I'm through with you and this conversation, Savannah." Sky shakes her head as she adjusted her cap backwards.

Unfazed by Savannah's crying, Sky Katz continues to speak; "Go find you a therapist or someone who will take their time out of their precious day to put up with you and your bullshit because it's not gonna me anymore".

"Skylar!" Shock by how rude and hurtful her ex girlfriend was being towards her, Savannah found it unbelievable. Savannah tried to find any way to change the younger girl's mindset about her. Yet she had nothing. "Come on, Skylar! Really?".

"What? It took you two weeks just for you to get over me and forget everything we had just like that!?"
Savannah questioned with wet tears streaming down her face; "Did our relationship mean anything to you?!".

"Savannah..." Sky says; "I love you, but get the hell out.".

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