[𝟮𝟮] 𝙈𝙞𝙨𝙨𝙞𝙤𝙣

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"It isn't as good as the last four but I think I did pretty good" Dakota played it cool over the phone as her voice echoed through the speakers. "Did you get me a bunny?" Sky questions with total seriousness as she stops her process of unwrapping her gift. "What? No!" Kody laughed. "Why would I put a bunny in a bag, Sky?".

"I don't know" Sky shrugged.

"Just open the present," Dakota says, waving her off.

Once she did, Sky held in the air a red hoodie with white words and designs on top corner, and sleeve of it. "A hoodie?" Dakota hummed over the phone and smiled as Sky faced the camera again. "There's more, keep going" Her girlfriend says. Sky pulled her eyebrows together and tilted her head, slightly confused. "I thought I only got one," She said, folding up the hoodie and placing it to the side.

"It's a mixture. You take it or I will" Kody joked.

"No way! No takebacks" Sky sticks her tongue out at the brown-skinned girl before she winks. Continuing to empty the bag out of its gifts, Sky grabs another soft piece of fabric. Checking it out once more, she came to a realization. "Sweet, a matching set!" She beamed, checking out the outfit together. "It was a sale and I figured you'd want it" Dakota briefly explained.

Sky lifted the bag to place it on the ground near her feet but she soon stopped herself from doing so.

"Wait- there's more in here!" Sky says, shocked.

"Duh, you idiot" Kody said. "Yo!" Sky says as she opens the box with rings displayed inside. "Thrift?" She asks with a raised eyebrow, waiting for a response. "Thrift" Kody answers as she watches her girlfriend's cheeks turn red. "You claimed that someone stole them all from you, so I just bought you more" She says. "Uh, that "someone" was you because you did steal them all!" Sky scoffed.

"You can't prove that" Dakota says as she grabs her phone and moves around her house; "Do you like the present?".

"I love it, D!" Sky squealed as she placed some of her new rings on. Sky tilted her head as she noticed
Dakota had found something to do while she was on the phone.

"D, seriously, thanks" She says, in awe over how lucky she had gotten to have and be with someone like Dakota Grayson. "Anything for you" The girl with glasses said. She grabbed a bowl out of her kitchen cabinet before she grabbed strawberries out of the fridge.

"So, tell me. How was filming?" After that was said, Sky and Kody spent the rest of their time catching up on the others' day along with many other things.


Filming scenes for the day were cutting close to the end and Lilliana had came up with brilliant plan for Sky.

"Sky? Can I borrow your phone?" Lilliana asked her friend the next day as she wasn't in the next scene that was being filmed in a few minutes.

"Uh, yeah. One second" Sky nodded, a bit hurriedly.

Sky soon enough had finished what she was doing. "Here you go" She hands the Australian girl her phone for what she needed. Assuming she need to find hers by calling it or something. "Thanks" Lilly said with a soft smile while Sky hummed and nods. "Sky, come on!" One of Lilly's and Sky's other co-stars, a Brazilian actor who portrays as Marlon in the show, João Marinho said.

𝙃𝙊𝙋𝙀𝙇𝙀𝙎𝙎 𝙍𝙊𝙈𝘼𝙉𝙏𝙄𝘾 •skᥡ kᥲ𝗍z•  Where stories live. Discover now