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James sat beside Mona as his hands slightly trembled. Both of her parents were home and sat on the other side.

"It's nice to meet you James," the mother spoke up.

"Same to you Mr and Mrs Wright," he acknowledged.

"We prepared some brunch for you guys. Im glad that you guys were able to come," Mr. Wright remarked.

James was so nervous he had almost forgot about the food in front of him. The table grew quiet until Mona took the honors in saying grace.

They said collectively.

"So tell us about yourself James. You can call me Monica,"
She introduced.

James nodded and dug in. He swallowed down the warm grits and then spoke.

"Well im 25 years old... I'll be 26 soon. I've been in Monas life for a year now. I work at Apple and enjoy my job," he smiled then continued "I have a beautiful 5 year old whose soon to be 6 next month and I love your daughter"

Mona smiled whiled her mother pretended to choke on her food.

"You alright honey?"
Her father wondered as she hit her back repeatedly.
"Y-yes... Wooo im sorry! So you have a daughter?"
Her mom inquired curiously.
"Yes Ma'am,"
James spoke confidently.

Somehow whenever he spoke of Joy it gave him the confidence that he needed and brought peace to his heart. He knew that there was no reason to be afraid of her parents because it wouldn't justify his love for Mona.

"Mona didnt tell us about you or your daughter let alone tell me until recently that you guys were engaged,"
Monica blurted while stuffing her mouth.
James suddenly lost his appetite as he listened to her mother. It was clear she was going to give him a hard time and he was up for it.
"We already live together as well with my daughter and she loves Mona just like Mona loves her,"
James added.
"Well that's interesting," the dad chimed in.
"Anything else you would like to add to that Monica?"
James questioned boldly.
"Excuse me?"
She wondered.
Mona and her father both screwed their faces unaware to where this was headed.
"3.7 GPA no college degree, homeless for 4 years, was previously engaged until I met your daughter. That's it!"
James sternly spoke.
"JAMES!" Mona blurted loudly.
"You can remove yourself being disrespectful,"
Monica ordered.
"Before I whoop your ass!"
Her dad threatened.
"WHOOP MY ASS THEN!" James hopped up.
Mona stood to her feet and pushed James as hard as she could before storming outside.
He looked toward the door and headed out to catch up to Mona.

"MONA!" He shouted.
"REALLY JAMES? Really? You think fucking disrespecting my parents are going to get you into my family? What in the hell made you think that was okay HUH?"
Mona questioned.
James rolled his eyes as he slightly gripped her arm to halt her movements.
"I felt like she was testing me Mona. I know that I shouldn't have spoke to her in that tone of voice bu-
"Uh yeah you think?"
Mona chuckled while crossing her arms.
"Don't even do that cause I wasn't finished. Im not taking no shit from your parents is basically what im saying Mona. I honestly don't care if they like me or not because im not trying to marry them,"
He stated.
"Yeah but you never gave them a fucking chance,"
Mona blurted.

James chuckled as he stepped closer to her and stared her in the eyes.
"First off you're not going to talk to me that way you got that? Im not some bitch nigga off the street im your fiancé and you're gonna respect me,"
Mona chuckled and couldn't believe the things he was demanding nor the reason he was acting like that.
"I don't know what clicked in your head back there that made you go off like that but the bottom line is that it's direspectful and uncalled for. I don't like the way you're talking to me as well James. You need to get it together and go back in there like the man I know and apologize to my family if you want me as your future wife because I wont accept the behavior your displaying right now at all and you have five minutes to do so or maybe you need to head back to Denver alone,"
Mona expressed.

James watched as she headed back inside and exhaled. He ran his hand over his face and couldn't believe his own self. He hated letting things get to him and was so good at letting everythjng slide including the feelings he bottled up from months ago.
Mona had no idea that he knew about her giving him an std and he figured it had to come from none other than Hunter, however he never addressed it because he believed that she loved him and that something must have happened. He wanted to move forward never bringing it up because he wants her in his life, howver today was just a day he couldn't deny that he was still hurt and not over it as he thought he would be.

He not only needed to talk to her parents again but fix shit with his relationship before there was none.

James stood there rethinking everything that just happened. 3:45...3:44... He looked down and wondered if maybe he should stick outside for the five minutes Mona told him he had. At this point he had no problem heading back to Denver on his own maybe that's what needed to happen. All he had to do was go back to his mothers and save for a home of his own.

He took that moment and got into his car and pulled his phone out.

im not going back in there until you come back out here and talk to me

James hit send under Monas contact information and gazed out the window. He took that moment to really examine his parents home and chuckled. The brick house stood tall immediately questioning multiple levels in the home. There was a 3 car garage with high maintenance thats been obviously done in the yard. A snotty ass family fit perfectly in this upscale home.

James blew out a breath and watched as Mona stepped outside. She quickly waltzed over to his car and hopped in. James looked over at her wondering where they should start. Silence consumed them until Mona finally broke the ice.

She uttered softly.
James exhaled and faced her as his shifted his body more toward her.
"Im going to apologize because im not one to keep grudges but I deserve an apology as well because You spoke in a way that was disrespectful to me. I don't want us to curse each other or talk in that tone with each other because that's not how our relationship was built and it won't be accepted. We have a line a respect that's been drawn since day one with us and I don't want that to be thrown out the window because we're mad. I know at times we'll disagree with each other but all cursing and name calling needs to prohibited,"
James disclaimed.
Mona nodded in fully agreeing.
"I feel the same"

James looked at her slightly snapping his neck and looked around as if she was waiting for something else. He wanted his apology.
"I apologize as well James,"
Mona spoke small.
"Mona I accept your apology but I also feel like you need to check you-
"I've already done that James i was just waiting on you to come back inside because they were going to apologize. My father threatened to whoop your ass and that's not okay. I wouldn't dare like that happen... I don't want you to think that I don't have your back because i do. I love you and I want to marry you. I would love for my family to accept you but if they don't then I will move on from it. My relationship with you is what matters,"
She expressed.
James smiled small as he soaked in her explanation. He then took her hand and planted a small kiss. He couldn't even stay mad at her because he loved her so much. After all, she's done a lot of hin and he didn't know what he'd do without her.

"I'm sorry babe,"
Mona chuckled as tears formed in her eyes. Laughter was her defense mechanism to keep from getting emotional, however her tears always seemed to find a way to escape her ducks.
"I am too, but... But there's something else we need to talk about,"
James informed.
Mona nodded as she waited for him to address.
"Well... You know I never said anything much after we found out you weren't pregnant because that would have been so terrible but, I had Chlamydia,"
James stated.
Mona's eyes widened as she looked at him.
"So you mean to tell me you cheated on me?"
Mona questioned as her voice dripped in pain.
James screwed his face as his neck jerked from her assumption.
"Hell no! Never... I was trying to figure out if you cheated on me! I haven't had sex with anyone but you and the last time we had sex was in the car so yeah.... It's been three months since we fucked which is giving me another side eye because we barely touch each other,"
He stared at her.

"Are you clean now? Because I never had any symptoms,"
Mona looked at him.
"I am... I found out shortly after we had sex with my daughter in the back seat now please... Be honest with me,"
He requested.
Mona but her trembling lips and looked up at him.
"It was a mistake," she spoke low.

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