a l o n e

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she remarked.
James bit on his lips and kicked some rocks that were in front of him. She had agreed to him at the park where they was before he disrespected her.
"I'm sorry,"
he spoke low.

Mona chuckled as he shot his face toward her.
"That's all you have to say for blatantly disrespecting me? Your mom ever teach you that no means no? When I said I wanted to help you I meant with your life not you sexual desires. I really can't believe that you even tried,"
she explained.
"Mona you made sexual advances toward me I thought it was a mutual feeling,"
he mentioned.
"WHEN? Don't sit here and lie on me to make yourself look better. Smiling, blushing, and wanting to take you another date is not making sexual advances towards shit bastard!"
she roared.
James exhaled and ran his hand over his face.
"I fucked up Mona okay? I'm sorry that's all I can say. I just want you back like.... you know I need my mentor back,"
he stressed.
"But why should I help you? You clearly doing what you think is best. You're not going to take my advice even if I gave it,"
Mona laughed.

"Thanks for giving up before trying with me," James shook his head.
"I never even agreed to help you again. You didn't even come to my friend office. We had everything waiting for you so that when you came all you had to do was be yourself and WE were gonna make sure you had food stamps and a potential place for your daughter,"
Mona explained.
"I was tied up Mona what you want me to do? I didn't even have a phone then"
James remarked.
"You make time for what you want that's a quote for you. Got you a lesson today,"
Mona remarked.
"So are you going to help me or not?"
James wondered as he stepped closer to her.
"On one condition I will," she remarked.
"What's that?"
he wondered.
"You can't do whatever you're doing to get that money you're getting because I know it's not the legal way or safe,"
Mona mentioned.
"I can't do that right now,"
James shut down.

"Why not?"
Mona screwed her face.
"Because I can't just stopped right now Mona I TOLD you that I need a car and when I get that Ima need a house,"
he pointed out.
"You can stay with me and get a job James,"
she suggested.
"And bring my daughter around a female that aint her mom? She don't even see her mom everyday and to see you instead and not be in school and who gone watch her? No. Hell no,"
he shook his head.
"All i'm saying is if you don't stop right now you're going to regret it. You may THINK you're moving forward, but you're moving backwards and I'm trying to help you before you end up in deeper shit than before,"
Mona preached.

James stared at her for a min and shook his head.
"How I know you not plotting me or some shit?
Mona chuckled her head.
"Who ARE you? Like really? You asked for MY HELP MINE! Wake up James! Or reality will!"
she shook her head leaving him there to drown in his thoughts.

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