Chapter 1

873 10 13

And... Rewrite!

Also, in this book, my ship/s will sail.

10149 words

It was a normal day on Isla Nublar... If anything even is Normal anymore, considering there are Dinosaurs on that island.

A guy named Rave Grady was currently standing on one of the docks on the island, and with him were another 5 kids around his age, and an older guy in a red shirt and a yellow headband around his forehead.

Dave: "Welcome to Isla Nublar, Campers. You are the chosen few, the first kids in the entire world to ever experience the awesomeness that is Camp Cretaceous. I know, the trip from the mainland was rough on some... Hello, Ben."

The guy named Ben gave him a thumbs up, and then he went back to puking.

Dave: "But you made it! I'm Dave, Head Counselor. You heard that correctly; Head Honcho, Big shot."

Then, a Jeep suddenly rolled in to the docks. Everybody looked towards it, and they saw a woman come out of the Jeep.

Roxie: "Ah, so sorry I'm late. Welcome, Campers. I'm Roxie, head counselor of Camp Cretaceous."

Everybody then looked at Dave with a confused look, whereas Rave chuckled at him.

Dave: "Well, it's more of a... co-head counselor sort of situation going on here."

Roxie(looks at him): "Is it?"

Dave(clears throat): "Anyway, some of you won contests to be here, some of you had VIP invites, but for the next two weeks, all of you will be getting the 5-star treatment!"

Some of them were hyped up. The girl in pink hair was recording on her phone and some of them were posing for the shot.

Roxie: "As our first campers, we've lined up exclusive behind-the-scenes tours of Jurassic World."

Some of them exclaimed in excitement about that. Meanwhile, Rave was more excited to get to show them how he handles Raptors.

Roxie: "As well as Kayaking, Rock climbing, Obstacle courses, and of course-"

She was cut off by Darius excitedly exclaiming.

Darius: "Dinosaurs?!"

Everyone gave him odd looks, but Rave smiled at seeing another kid that likes Dinosaurs just as much as he does.

Roxie: "Yes... Darius, plenty of Dinosaurs. So, ready for an adventure?"

Brooklynn: "Absolutely! But I'm gonna need that speech a little shorter, and really try to lean into the majesty of this place."

Dave(chuckles): "Ok, we're going now. Let's get the seven of you to camp."

Ben raised his hand.

Ben: "Uh, there are 5 of us?"

Dave: "Wait... Dino-kid, Track star, Internet girl, Barfy, Texas, Raptor Boy Junior... He's right, where's Number 7?"

Roxie looked at the checklist, and she groaned in annoyance.

Roxie: "I know where he is. Follow me."

Scene changed to a helipad in the jungle. A helicopter was just landing there. Roxie looked at it, a bit annoyed. Rave looked at it like:

 Rave looked at it like:

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