Chapter 10 - Carnivore Encounters, A new threat

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Got the image from DrZackWu who made the More Accurate Acrocanthosaurus mod in Jurassic World Evolution one.

Also, because Blue is all the way in the middle of the island, and the rest of the canon Raptor Squad's alive, and she's on the Campers' side, this chapter isn't gonna be about Clever Girl, but an Acrocanthosaurus with anger issues... and a grudge... Not to mention a few feathery additions.

Also, this Acro's gonna play a role in this story and won't only make a big appearance in this chapter.

And Acros in this story are heavily buffed compared to how strong they are in Evolution 1 and 2. They're gonna be strong enough to, not kill, but stand their ground against Skye or Rexy, but only if the latter two are by themselves and not near each other.

I would've put a Carcharodontosaurus to play the role of Skye's nemesis, but I decided to put something that was scrapped off the show.

But eh, I'm gonna put Carchar in soon.

On the dock where the boat was, Darius was putting the sealant on a plastic plate to attach to the boat so they could plug up the hole.

Brooklynn: "It ain't pretty, but it should be watertight."

They let go of it to see if it worked.

Brooklynn sighed in relief.

Kenji: "Dope. Let's leave already."

Sammy: "OMG! I can't believe it's really happening!"

Brooklynn: "Buh-bye, Isla Nublar!"

Yaz: "We are outa here!"

Darius: "Hold up. It says here we have to wait 48 hours for it to set."

The others groaned in annoyance.

Kenji: "They only say that for insurance and crap. As your captain, I pronounce this vessel sea-"

As he tapped the plastic plate, it fell off.

He looked at everyone with an awkward smile.

Kenji: "Um... I have some captain stuff to do over there. Carry on."

He pushes the plate onto Darius' hands as he walks away.

Darius: "One more time."

Brooklynn walked back over to Darius so she could help.

Sammy: "Hey Brooklynn, could I talk to you for a sec?"

Brooklynn's instincts kicked in, thinking that Sammy was about to spill some tea.

Brooklynn: "Alright, let's talk over there."

Brooklynn pushed Sammy over to the stairs so they could talk.

Darius: "Yaz, help me out here."

Yaz groaned in annoyance.

Meanwhile, with Brooklynn and Sammy...

Sammy: "So I was thinking..."

Brooklynn: "Lemme guess! You have a secret crush! Is it Kenji? Ben?"

Sammy: "What? No, you got it all wrong. Look, since we've got two more days on the island, I wanna try and figure out why Mantah Corp sent me here. Maybe if I can find out what they're really up to, I can use that against them and-"

Brooklynn: "Protect your family?"

Sammy: "Exactly."

Brooklynn: "Say no more! Of course I'll help! It's gotta be related to E750! It was on Wu's computer, the keycard, that door on the monitors! Coincidence? I think not!"

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