Chapter 3

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The stuff I find on the internet...


Rave: "What's with the alarms?"

Kenji: "No idea, either."

A man's voice over the speakers was then heard.

Man: "Attention! All park-goers must report to the South Ferry Dock for immediate evacuation! Last Ferry Departs in 2 hours!"

Everyone wasn't satisfied with just that.

Brooklynn: "That's it? No explanations?"

Kenji: "You could've done better than that!"

Rave: "Where the hell is Claire when we need her?!"

Yaz: "Who is Claire?"

She asked that with a hint of jealousy in her voice.

Rave: "She's the operations manager. Plus, I sort of got my Brother into a date with her a few weeks ago. I spied on them, and the results were hilarious."

Yaz: "Oh."

Darius: "Guys, enough talk. We have to go! Only way we could make it is if we run."

Sammy: "Are you sure it's the best way to get there? I mean, not all of us can run as fast as Yaz can."

Rave: "Umm, pretty sure only I can run as fast as she can."

Darius: "Really? How come you've never told me."

Rave: "You never asked. Plus, I played tag with Red last year, so I'm a fast runner, but lazy unless it means my life."

Yaz: "Plus, we should be way more worried about Ben and Bumpy. How are we supposed to get any faster when Bumpy is the slowest among all of us?"

Ben: "Rude."

Bumpy: "And it's only natural for me to be slow! My legs are short, and aren't even bigger than a T-Rex's arms! Can you blame me?!"

That came out as angry growls to the Campers.

Yaz: "Sorry, Bumpy. I'm just stating facts."

Bumpy scoffed and looked away from Yaz. 

Ben: "And, what we should be more worried about then finding a way out of here, is getting to th boat on time. And given our luck, we have another Problem."

He laid down a small map of the island.

Ben: "We're here. This is Mainstreet, and the docks are all the way on the Southern part of the island. Even if we run as fast as Yaz can at top speed, we won't be able to make it. The last boat would be long gone by the time we get to the docks."

Sammy: "How do you know that?"

Ben: "I memorized the evacuation plan while on the ferry."

Darius: "Then we need a new plan. Maybe we could use the Kayaks to head their from the water."

Rave: "The only way we could use the Kayaks is if we open the lagoon gates, which lead directly to the open ocean. We could get out from there, but the Mosasaurus will come along for the ride. Something's telling me that something like that'll happen soon."

Darius: "Then we scratch that plan. How about we send someone to tell the ferry people to wait?"

Rave: "Nobody's around, man. Plus, I doubt there's any phones lying around."

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