Chapter 6

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Rave: "Hold on. Brooklynn, what happened to the weapons I gave you and Kenji?"

Brooklynn: "Dropped them when we were running away from the Gorgosaurs. And when Hap..."

Rave: "Hey, don't blame yourself for his death. He did it to save you guys. Plus, he died a hero. He may have been a bit antagonistic at first, but he was a good man inside."

Brooklynn: "Yeah..."

Rave: "Anyway!"

Brooklynn: "I swear, your mood-swings creep me out..."

Rave: "We should focus on the task at hand. Now, let's get down to business..."

They then started labeling some stuff on the monitors. They labeled the Watering Hole, Kenji's location, and then Ben and Yaz's location.

Rave: "This thing's useful as hell! It can even track specific lifeforms that aren't even Dinosaurs!"

Brooklynn: "Let's use this to our advantage. Look!"

She pointed to the next camera and Tiff and Mitch were there. Rave and Scarlett smirked.

Rave: "Ho ho ho! Surprise, Motherfucker!"

Brooklynn was about to label them, but Rave stopped her.

Brooklynn: "What?"

Rave: "I've got better names for them. Hehehe..."

He then typed in the names he thought of, and they were 'Karen with a gun' for Tiff, and 'Male Bitch' for Mitch.

Brooklynn laughed at the names while Rave was grinning like Karma Akabane. Scarlett snorted in amusement at Rave's antics.

Rave: "I've got another plan."

He then changed the camera back to Mainstreet, and they saw Rexy and Skye stomping around the place. Brooklynn was confused on why he wanted to change it back to Mainstreet.

Rave: "Hey, Rexy, Skye!"

Both large carnivores then shot up and looked at where they heard Rave's voice.

Rave: "Listen, I've got a job for both of you..."


The Baryonyx Trio were sleeping soundly in the jungle, using each other as body pillows. Then, Grim woke up to the sound of someone arguing from the distance.

Grim: "Ugh, who the hell...?"

Tiff: "You know why you don't listen to me. I told you those kids would be a problem."

Mitch: "And I told you I had a plan!"

Tiff: "Which went perfectly, as we're safe at home with our trophies and not traipsing through the Jungle! Oh, wait! We are traipsing through the Jungle! Your plan was, oh, what's the word? On the tip of my tongue here! Oh, bad! If you had just got rid of the kids as Kayla suggested, then maybe both her and Mike wouldn't have gotten-"

Mitch: "Give it a rest, Tiffany! If I hear you mention those 2 one more time..."

Tiff: "Mike! Kayla! Mike Mike Mike! Kayla Kayla Kayla!"

Mitch was about to snap back, but he only groaned in annoyance.

Mitch: "Look, we're halfway to the watering hole. Besides, you'll feel a whole lot better once you get the chance to shoot some-"

He was cut off when he saw the big-ass fence blocking their way.

Mitch: "You've got to be fucking kidding me!" (sighs) "Fine, maybe we should just- What are you doing?"

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