Chapter 8 - Safe Harbor

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The campers changed into swimwear, which they robbed off of Mainstreet and whatever was in their bags, and raided in Rave and Owen's cabinet, then they proceeded to go where the boat was.

Darius: "Stay sharp. For all we know, Tiff is still in there."

Rave: "It's been 5 months since they've been here, Darius. What reason does she have to stay here?"

Ben: "If she did stay here, she'd probably already be dead. Still, it's a surprise we haven't noticed this at all in the last 5 months."

Rave: "Enjoyed our stay too much, that's why."

Going with them on the boat was Red, who could actually swim. Bumpy had to stay behind in case a Suchomimus or a stray Baryonyx decided to show up.

They swam towards the boat, Darius and Ben going up first, followed by Brooklynn and Rave, then Red, Sammy, Yaz, and Kenji.

They snuck around the boat, on guard the whole time. Red sniffed around the place, trying to pick up any sort of scent that he could consider belonging to a threat.

On Brooklynn's side, she found a bunch of claw marks and dried blood all over the floor, and she could swear some pink stuff on the ground was a piece of somebody's brain.

She tip-toed past it, not wanting to touch any of the stuff.

Ben: "No sign of anyone."

Brooklynn: "Or anything. Looks like Tiff had some unwanted visitors. Hey Darius, Rave, come check this out."

Both of them went to where Brooklynn was and she pointed towards the claw marks.

Brooklynn: "What do you think made those?"

Darius: "I'd say... something that wanted a free defenseless meal. From the size, I'd say a medium-sized predator. Crylophosaurus?"

Rave: "May be, but they aren't fond of salt water. And their territory's all the way on the other side of the island. What reason would they have to run all the way over here?"

Darius: "Then a swimmer? Suchomimus, maybe?"

Rave: "Too big, and their territory's in the Cretaceous Cruise Jungle."

Darius: "Baryonyx?"

Rave: "Most likely. 5 months ago, Tiff shot Grim in the thigh. Grim survived, but Chaos and Limbo might have not taken it kindly that their Sister was harmed."

Darius: "So a revenge story then."

Rave: "Yup."

Then Red ran up in front of them and sniffed the dried blood before going after the piece of brain on the ground.

Darius: "I'm gonna go up."

Darius went up to the room where the steering wheel was along with Sammy, and the sight was pretty disturbing.

The place was littered with glass and blood, and a severed leg... also had dried blood.

Darius: "Ugh, let's ignore that."

Sammy: "Already ahead of you, Darius."

They looked at the controls of the boat.

Darius: "Control panel's busted up."

Sammy: "So is the radio."

Darius: "Chaos and Limbo must have totaled it... and it's almost out of gas."

Sammy: "Are you sure? Did you tap it? They always tap it."

Sammy tapped the gas meter, and the meter changed, but even lower than it already was, which was a bummer for them.

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