Chapter 5

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Kenji: "Skye? Who's Skye?"

Rave: "Just another one of the hybrids I raised. You may have met her before."

Brooklynn: "No, I don't think we have."

Rave: "Well, once she gets here, you'll know. Right now-"

Ben: "Right now, we should decide what to do with these guys. I say we feed them to the Mosasaurus, or your Raptors, or your Hybrids, or the T-Rex!"

Hap: "Or, you could listen to me."

They turned around and saw Hap, who had woke up and was standing.

Brooklynn: "You're awake?"

Hap: "Of course I'm awake. You think I'm gonna be letting myself get taken out by a bunch of kids?"

Ben: "Challenge accepted."

Ben holds up the taser at his face and fires it up.

Hap: "Put that down, boy, before you get yourself hurt."

Ben: "Someone's getting hurt, old man, and it ain't me."

Rave: "'Oh, call an ambulance, call an ambulance!... But not for me.' That what you're going for, Ben?"

Ben: "Sorta."

Rave: "Look, as fun as that may seem to see someone get zapped, I think we should listen to him."

His 3 friends stared in shock of him.

Ben: "What?"

Kenji: "Dude..."

Brooklynn: "Why?"

Rave: "Well, I spied on them earlier before you 2 ran away, and I could tell that Hap here is on our side."

Brooklynn: "Your proof?"

Rave: "Well, Kayla here talked to herself after Hap ran after you guys, and she was plotting on killing you 3. And she said something about Hap thinking that he'd get you all out alive. And I mean you guys since they have no idea of neither of mine or Ben's survival."

Ben and Brooklynn gave Hap a skeptical look. Kenji just had a confused expression on his face.

Hap: "Look here, kids! We don't have time for this! I'm asking for you to trust me. I'm trying to save your lives."

Kayla: "Hap, you're gonna pay for this!"

Rave groaned in annoyance after hearing her voice again.

Rave: "Can somebody please knock her out?"

Scarlett slammed her tail on the back of Kayla's head. She was knocked out cold after that.

Rave: "Thank you."

He turned back to everyone else.

Rave: "Back on topic, I for one believe him after what I've heard."

Brooklynn: "Rave, what if Kayla was just pretending to-"

Rave: "Pretending? She didn't seem like it. Besides, how the heck could she have known I was listening? She doesn't even know that I'm even alive or even exist. Look, if you don't trust Hap, then maybe we should tie him up even more. That way, whether you trust him or not, we'll be sure that he won't hurt us. Deal?"

Brooklynn: "...Deal. But we're tying him up some more."

Rave: "If it'll get you to budge, then sure."

And so they tied him up some more, specifically, on his hands. Rave still wondered where Skye and Red have gone off to. He was getting worried about them.

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