Chapter 11 - The Eye of the Storm

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This chapter's gonna contain some Drama that Author decided to put just to add some tension.

Don't hate me.

As Brooklynn and Sammy were looking at the shattered cryo-chamber of the Scorpios, they both had one thing in mind.

Brooklynn: "We gotta warn the others."

Not waiting for a response, Brooklynn ran straight out, with Sammy right behind her.

They raced up the flight of stairs, breaking through the door on the way out, and as they were about to enter their Gyrosphere, they felt the ground rumble.

They both gasped, knowing what it meant.

It was a stampede.

Breaking through the trees, a large number of Dinosaurs appeared.

Sammy and Brooklynn ran the opposite direction, ditching the Gyrosphere. They'd rather keep their lives than risk for a hamster ball. They hid behind a giant rock as they watched their Gyrosphere get pin-balled across the area.

The stampede was mixed with both Carnivores and Herbivores alike, recklessly bumping into each other, and Carnivores snapping at other Herbivores to get out their way.

Then, they heard a very unpleasant roar. It was unlike anything they heard before, which meant that the Scorpios was nearby.

They looked behind the rock, only to find a pack of Teratophoneus running for their lives.

An unlucky one tripped, then dragged back into the forest. The sound of an agonizing roar and bones crunching was heard. Something killed the unfortunate soul.

Brooklynn: "Sammy, come on!"

Just as she said that, something tripped over the rock.

It revealed to be one of the Gorgosaurs that kept chasing them all over the island a few months ago.

The Gorgosaurus saw them and recognized them, but was too in panic to go in for a kill since it was trying to run from whatever was chasing it. So, it ran away, not looking back.

Brooklynn: "We gotta move! Go!"

They both ran away, splitting from the stampede, not wanting to get trampled, or worse, eaten alive.


The only ones at camp were Darius and Kenji.

Darius was packing some stuff up for the trip home. He found the notebook he found a few months back. He lost track of time since there were no calendars or working phones on the island, not to mention no electricity, but overall, he did get a decent amount of information about their behaviors and where they like to hunt on the island.

He flipped through some pages, going through the Herbivores, all the way to the carnivores.

Most drawings were courtesy of Yaz, but he did make some entries himself.

Then a picture fell out the notebook.

Darius picked it up, and it was a picture of him and his dad on a boat ride. It was dated back some time when he was younger, and his dad was still healthy enough to go on trips.

He smiled softly at it.

Then he heard someone climbing the ladder.

Kenji: "We still got 12 more hours until the patch on the boat's shipshape, but it seems totes dry to me. Believe me when I say I really wanted to poke it, but I didn't. Self-restraint, yo."

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