Chapter 7 - View from the Top

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So the last few months for the campers were, as the book title says: Chaotic.

For example, the Velociraptors, Spike, Scarlett and Violet were the only ones staying behind with the campers while the rest set off to do their own thing, like being independent of Rave and formed their own pack since they were big and mature enough to leave the nest.

Skye and Yumiko left earlier because Rexy was the one who was raising them since the Big-Game-Hunters-incident.

Skye was as big as the former Indominus Rex now, and Yumiko was as big as a Tarbosaurus now, which made her only slightly smaller than Rexy.

The three Large Carnivores were well-known to all Dinosaurs as the Royal Three, the ones that rule over Isla Nublar.

As for the Raptor Hybrids, they were all Full-matured, and were only slightly bigger than the Raptors, and were just as intelligent.

They visit the campsite from time to time, but overall, they decided to nest in the old Genetics Lab, the same place which they were born.

The Indoraptors, Scarlett and Violet, both stayed by the Campers' side.

As for Zuko the Suchotator, let's say she made friends with Chaos, Grim, and Limbo, so she joined their pack, despite her being a completely different species than them.

As for the Campers, thanks to their own Carnivores and Herbivores, they avoided a lot of danger and potential deaths within their fam.

Of course, there were times when Rave decided to go out of hand with stealing food from Dinosaurs, and I mean... they ate Dinosaurs for dinner sometimes. Not like they had a choice. At least they cooked the meat.

There was that one time when he did a grab and go when he went straight into a Suchomimus hunting ground to get fish, so he had to run as quickly as he could, which was Raptor Speed because of his experience and training, and fortunately, he didn't lose any body parts.

And the stupidest thing that happened was Kenji and Rave somehow falling for the old Liquor disguised as chocolates prank whilst going through some old shops, and they sort of angered an Acrocanthosaurus while they were at it, followed them for a whole day, but good thing Skye came in with the save and beat the shit out of the Acro.

Everyone else had a fairly relaxed stay on the island, despite the weird things happening, as well as the killer Dinosaurs out there.

And speaking of killer Dinosaurs, did I mention that Tarbosaurus? No? Ok then.

Speaking of events, Darius and Brooklynn were set up up by two other campers to be alone a lot of times. Namely, Rave and Yaz, who were more focused on getting those two together, than having Rave sort out his own seemingly dormant feelings, which was slowly rising each passing day he spent with Yaz.

And each passing day, everyone thought of ways to get off the island. Like: having Zuko or Aqua swim them all the way to the mainland; Underwater Gyrospheres; to even trying to make a Quetzalcoatlus submit to them.

Now, they tried the raft method, which was going pretty well.

They built a raft and everything to have them keep a steady trip back home.

The raft was stable and not falling apart, the supplies were wrapped up so they won't fall off, and it was spacious for them, so they have some room to move around.

Darius: "Goodbye, Jurassic World..."

Rave and Ben were staring off to the island as they watched the Raptors, the Raptor Hybrids, Spike and Bumpy seeing them off.

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