Chapter 9 - Casa de Chaotic

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On Mainstreet, it was no secret to the Royal Three about what was going on with the island. They were fully aware of the many random murders happening from all over the island.

From the Crylophosaurus population going from 12 to 6 in less than 10 minutes, to a full-grown Allosaurus being dragged up a tree like it was no problem.

Not only that, but the entire Watering Hole has been empty and left untouched for nearly a month now.

The Raptor Hybrids were reporting their findings to them, but they haven't seen the Raptor Squad since the murders started happening, only that the Hybrids relay the squad's reports through them.

Skye: "The hell are we supposed to do about this Murder thing?"

Rexy: "This entire island is our Kingdom, Skye. You, Me, and Yumiko are the Apex predators of this place. It's our duty to protect it."

Skye: "I know, but I'm not worried about what happens to me. I'm worried about whatever the hell's gonna happen to the rest of the island."

Rexy: "If the root of the problem's gone and exterminated, we wont have to worry about that anymore, now do we?"

Skye: "Well? Then let's go. This Kingdom's not gonna defend itself."

Rexy: "You're saying that like everyone on this island are a bunch of amateurs."

Skye: "Well sorry if I said that out of context. Speaking of Yumiko, where even is she?"

Rexy: "She said she went out somewhere to have a drink, but I haven't seen her since last night."

Skye: "She better not have been doing anything stupid, like she always does."

Rexy: "Like getting lost since her sense of direction's as bad as this park's security?"

Skye: "Exactly."

Rexy: "Damnit. Now we have two problems on our hands."

Skye: "On your tiny hands, and my large ones."

Rexy: "Shut up."

They both stomped off into the Jungle.


Kenji: "Hurry the hell up, Darius! With the engine off, we're gonna get swept out to see or smashed onto those rocks!"

Darius was patching up the hole in the boat with duct tape. He already put a lot of it, but what he did can only hold for so long, so they had to think of something fast.

Darius: "Alright, pull me up."

Rave and Yaz pulled Darius up.

Darius: "We gotta fix that hole, or the gas would be the least of our problems."

Kenji: "I thought having no GPS was the least of our problems?"

Yaz: "Yeah, and not to add to the doom or gloom, but pretty sure we're also sinking,"

Kenji: "Nah. We're just riding low on the water cuz of, uh..."

Everyone looked at Bumpy, who was on the boat's stern.

Ben and Bumpy shot him a glare.

Ben: "Do not listen to him. You're perfect the way you are."

Rave: "And don't even point fingers at Red or Scarlett. Yeah, Scarlett may be a bit big, but that doesn't mean she's heavy."

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