Chapter 2

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Darius: "What up, Camp Cretaceous? Whoo-hoo!"

Everyone looked bummed out of their minds, unfortunately.

Kenji: "Not so much in a 'Whoo-hoo' mood today, Darius. Not after Yesterday, Running from Gorgo-whatsits in the storm will do that."

Darius: "But today's a new day! It's Kayak Day! Who doesn't wanna paddle alongside some Dinosaurs, like, real Dinosaurs? It's gonna be awesome, right?"

Rave: "For both of us, yeah. For the rest, I don't know."

Darius: "See, he agrees with me... Wait a sec, where are Dave and Roxie?"

Kenji: "The Babysitters took off early, and they left this."

He spun his chair towards Darius and gave him a note from Dave.

Darius: "'BRB. Gotta go. Boss Talk. BB. Later. Smiley face.'... Is that a Dinosaur emoji with a thumbs up?"

Kenji: "It's Dave-speak. Roxie's translation's on the back."

Darius: "'We had to go talk to our boss. Stay inside until we get back. Draw, bond, whatever. The Radio's set for channel 6 if you need us. Stay inside, Stay inside. Do not leave, Kenji, looking at you. Sorry for the kids' menus, it's all Dave had."

Kenji: "Oh, come on! We're old enough to even do some heavy lifting. How's a bunch of crayons supposed to keep us entertained? I mean, when's the last time you say a crayon?"

Rave: "When I was trying to draw the T-Rex with them, but that was until she tried to eat me and stomped on my crayons."

Ben: "Oh... Well, do you guys like my drawing?"

He showed everyone a drawing of him and Bumpy playing chess.

Rave: "Nice work, Ben."

Ben: "Thanks."

Suddenly, everyone heard Brooklynn come into the room.

Yaz: "Brooklynn. What's new on the Internet, Superstar?"

Brooklynn: "Nothing much. Just some stuff about yesterday's Dino-chase/fight. These people are weird. Like, from when we chased that Sino down, some people spammed stuff in the chat like, 'Is that your Boyfriend, girl?'. Ugh, what are they talking about? More accurately, who are they talking about?"

Rave had to stifle a laugh from that. He knew who they were talking about, and he was laughing at how people off the island had the same idea as him.

Suddenly, they heard an ear-piercing roar from the distance.

Brooklynn: "What was that?"

Rave: "Not sure, but it sounded familiar."

Kenji: "A T-Rex, maybe?"

Rave: "Nope. Not a chance. I know what a T-Rex sounds like, and it sounded nothing like that. Besides, why would Rexy be all the way out here?"

Ben: "Then what sort of Dinosaur did it sound like?"

Rave: "It's one of the Carnivores. I just can't remember which one."

Sammy: "Where is it coming from?"

Yaz: "Can't see anything with all these trees."

Darius: "Maybe, they're moving a new Dinosaur from the lab to its new enclosure."

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