Untitled Part 12

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Minerva looked at him and smiled because here were various other examples of adults who didn't marry and formed a family.

Adults who chose their professional career, who were genius and inspirational people... and did really great things for the humanity and the world, like him and his study of dragon's blood and alchemy... or his other studies of potions and transfigurations that he always explained to her, and also all the other big things he did in his life.

And she didn't want anything else in this life than to be like him.

Not in everything, of course, maybe we could ignore the flamboyant and eccentric part. Maybe also the chaos and the bad puns.

But... she would like to be a great woman! Yes, a woman, even more spectacular. An investigator or politician woman, strong, powerful, clever and independent who didn't need to marry and depend of a man like was usual at her little born village.

The girls of her town were expected to be housewives. All of them, and if anyone had the bad luck to remain single, it was a family disgrace, but she read some books were the girl didn't married, and anyways, the girl ended up being a very happy girl, who managed her own adventures and trips.

And she liked more the books than the boys, even if she wasn't sure if that life was better than really having a family, today it sounded much more exciting and interesting for her.

And she knew that she needed to study very hard and work a lot to be a great acknowledged woman like him, but that didn't scare her.

So, if she had to resign to marry and raise children and have a family to achieve her dreams... well, she never had been really interested in those kind of things.

Even easier if she focused in her studies with him instead of thinking in boys.

Anyways, she didn't expect to see Dougal again and the boys here... weren't much better than him.

She heard Alonna and her friends talking about boys almost all the time but she didn't consider so handsome and interesting the boys that they mentioned.

Something about the captain of the Ravenclaw Quidditch team, or that Slytherin prefect so silent and distant and mysterious... Or that Hufflepuff boy that it's so fun.

So, she didn't see why she should change her mind in the future. It was way better to be like now. Studying, learning, working and playing sometimes although Dumbledore believed that she didn't do it.

But she was almost all the time playing! Especially with him!

"I told you, you don't have to do anything!" she laughed. "I'm OK if you talk with me and eat my cookies."

Albus smiled at her softly, playing with his beard. Even if the Gellert on his head kept making him feel guilty, he felt also... happier lately. Way better than in the last few months. And it wasn't just because of her administrative duties, that were fantastic... but it was also because of her simple presence.

"But I can... ask you for a hug If you will feel better" She will NEVER AGAIN do that, Albus!

Her infinite questions also had helped him... renew his own curiosity. School and students around him had soothed his wounds but his friends at school, were helping him rise again from the ashes. Albus chuckled and opened his arms.

"I like hugs"

She got off the chair and approached to him, smiling a little. He practically engulfed her with his beard, hugging her.

"Waaah I drown in a hair sea!" She complained laughing and hugging him back.

He laughed too rubbing her back and giving her a kiss on the top of her head.

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