Prologue - The First Time

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"I'm sorry!" I say pleadingly while Brian holds my wrist in a death grip. I can feel the hard pressure on my frail bone and expect to hear a snap any minute. Brian snarls at my apology and what I see in his eyes scares me. I've been noticing changes in him lately: in the way he looks at me, the way he grabs me possessively and how he tells me what to do, what to wear and how to act. But most of all in the way he gets angry or should I say enraged at silly little things.

A few minutes ago

It's been a very hectic day with being at the studio all day practicing with the boys. Simon came in today to see our progress and ended up staying almost all day. He gave me some advice on how to improve my concentration while singing and playing the guitar. All in all a good day but a tiresome one nonetheless. After the end of our session Liam and Kiran headed off to his flat to binge watch Breaking Bad on Netflix, Louis, Niall, Mal and Avril decided to go play some football on their building's backyard and Zayn was off to pick up Leah for a date. I was invited to play football but since I was exhausted I declined and said I was heading home to rest. Harry being the amazing guy he is said he was going to drive me home before going back to join the others. I refused at first because that would mean being alone in an enclosed space with him and I didn't need that. I was already so terribly confused about my feelings and being close to him made me want him all the more. I'd been trying to keep my distance but Harry being Harry refused to let me. He was always around and frankly I'm starting to think keeping my distance isn't such a good thing. He's my best friend after all. But what I feel for him certainly isn't friendly more like explosive and hot. Every time that man is around I get butterflies in my stomach, my heart pounds faster, and I blush at all times. Ughh! I'm not supposed to think about him like that! I have a boyfriend and yet my body doesn't seem to care.

Harry drops me off at my flat with a kiss on the cheek. I didn't notice Brian is there because then I wouldn't have let Harry kiss me. Brian was always jealous in nature but now he seems almost extremely so. I can't even so much as look at another man. Brian sees the kiss and his body is tense when I reach him. His eyes grow thunderous with every step I take. "Sorry I was late." I murmur as we take the lift to my floor. Brian doesn't answer preferring to probably ignore me. He explodes as soon as we're inside the flat.

"You're sorry!" He chuckles darkly and my hairs stand on end at the venom in his voice. "I don't give a shit! You were probably having sex with him like the bloody whore you are!" His hand connects with my cheek with a loud smack. My head snaps back with the force of his blow. I end up on the floor with a hand to my stinging cheek. I'm stunned at what just happened. I crawl away from him while he just smiles and stalks towards me. Before I can get away he grabs my hair and lifts me up.

"Ahh!" I cry out as he pulls my hair even harder. I stare at him with tears streaming down my face. His free hand grabs my wrist and pulls me towards the nearest wall and now we're back where we started. Brian slams me into the wall. "I'm sorry. Don't hit me again, please." I beg quietly while trying to hold back the sobs that threaten to come out. His face changes and his grip softens.

"Oh, Kyle. I'm so sorry. I'm not going to hit you again." His brown eyes are full of regret but I still don't believe him. "I don't know what came over me. Please forgive me." He pleads but I just stare back at him unable to form any words. "It's just the thought of somebody else touching you makes me crazy." Brian rest his forehead against mine and its all I can do not to flinch at his nearness. He places a small kiss on my bruised cheek and I immediately tense. "Say you forgive me Kyle."

I nod slowly because I don't know what else to do and the thought of him hitting me again if I say no terrifies me. Brian sighs in relief and lays his lips on mine in a soft kiss. But it soon turns demanding and I'm left feeling lost, confused and scared. He pulls away when I don't kiss him back. "I'll call you later, babe. I have to go to work." I nod yet again and then he's gone.

My minds is reeling at what just transpired. I drop to the ground and put my arms around my bent legs. A racking sob rips through me and another soon follows. I stay there crying as the sun sets and I'm left in the dark loneliness of the flat.


Mis amores! So I might've decided to post this before the FS Epilogue...It's just that it was already written and I wanted all of you to read it so badly that I ended up updating at 3 in the morning! I really really hope you've liked this first look at Kyle and Harry's story! This story unlike FS is short maybe about 12 chapters. (Everybody Leaves will also be short.) But just because it's shorter doesn't mean it won't have jaw dropping moments! Thank you for reading and stay stunned for the FS Epilogue and more of Already Taken! The picture above is of Kyle!

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Con amor, Camie ;)

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