Chapter 3 - Broken Glass

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It's been a day since I showed everyone my new song and I'm feeling rather depressed. I wrote it as an apology and to show Harry the truth. My feelings were laid bare in front of all our friends and he said nothing. He just sat there with a small smile on his face while everybody praised my song. I thought he was finally softening up towards me  when he smiled and nodded hello! He hasn't done that since our fight. I'd also thought he'd liked the song because he was smiling while I played but I guess I was wrong. Harry isn't going to forgive me. He's probably moved on. I sigh deeply and Brian looks over at me. I probably shouldn't be thinking of Harry with Brian around but I can't help it. Harry seems to have taken permanent residence inside my brain. I smile at Brian and he quickly dismisses me. My phone dings with an incoming message and I immediately snatch the phone off the coffee table. Harry's name is on the screen and my heart races with hope. I try to discreetly move the phone's screen away from Brian so he can't see who it is.


I'm coming over. We need to talk.

Well that sounds promising even though its a bit short. I text back 'OK' and lock the screen. "Who was that?" Brian asks and I remember he's here. Shit! Harry's coming over soon and Brian can so not be here. Thank God he has to leave for work in a couple of minutes. I place my phone back on the table as if nothing major just happened.

I turn to him with what I hope is a look of complete innocence. "Oh, that was Kiran. She was just telling me she's invited Liam to dinner." I say the first thing that pops into my head. Hmm...that was a great cover story if I don't says so myself. And I'm not really lying because Liam is actually coming over for dinner. Brian narrows his eyes and I keep my face impassive even though I'm sweating it out inside. Just when I think he's gonna call me on the lie he nods and turns back to the telly. I let out a soft relieved breath.

"Can you get me some water?" Brian asks after a few seconds of silence. I nod standing up and walking over to the kitchen. In the kitchen I can breath deeply because while I'm around Brian I'm afraid to even breath properly. I'm just waiting for him to snap at any minute. I realize my relationship with him isn't what it used to be. I also realize that it isn't really safe anymore but just thinking of having to break up with him terrifies me. I open the fridge door just as a loud growl comes from the living room. Goosebumps break out all over my body as a sense of foreboding fills me. I have a feeling something is about to go wrong. I let the door close by itself instead making my way back to the living room to find Brian with my phone in hand rage completely evident on his face. Fuck! He read Harry's text. He knows I lied to him.

Brian looks up at me as soon as I'm in the room and I back away at the expression in his eyes. Turbulent and violent. I tense at the outburst I know is coming. "You lied to me." I shiver at the calmness in his voice. Brian steps towards me and I flinch inwardly knowing he's probably going to hit me again. "You're such a little bitch. What? You couldn't wait for me to leave to invite your fuck buddy over?" I look down to the floor avoiding his calculating gaze. I start to protest but he interrupts me. "Shut up! I don't want your stupid excuses. But hear me when I say that he will never love you. You're nothing more than a good cunt that's great for fucking. You'll never be anything more but a filthy whore." Brian laughs evilly as tears run down my face. He's never been this cruel before. "If I find out you let him touch you I'm going to make you regret it. He won't be as pretty once I'm done with him. And you...well lets just say you won't forget who you belong to." I make the mistake of looking up and the next thing I know the flowers that were just on the dinner table are thrown across the room. The vase shatters as it hits the wall and I scream as a piece of it scratches my face. Brian stalks out off the room and I'm left feeling broken. There are glass shards everywhere and blood runs down my cheek. I don't understand how it got to this. I stand there shaking for what feels like an eternity but were probably just minutes. The front door swings open and I flinch away.

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