Epilogue - Forever

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One Year Later

I grunt as I struggle to push the heavy box of shoes into the huge walk in closet. Damn, maybe I have too many shoes this thing is heavy as hell. Ha, there is no such thing as too many shoes. I chuckle to myself at that thought and startle when strong warm arms wrap around my waist from behind.  "What's so funny, love?" Harry murmurs into my neck before placing a kiss there. I hum with pleasure loving the feeling of being in his arms. The safety and contentment I feel when I'm with him has only grown with time and now a year later I'm moving into Harry's flat. Well I should day officially moving in because I've been staying here ever since the day of my attack. This year has been a whirlwind of activities. I had the things with Brian, the record deal and the tour. After months of lawyers and court dates Brian is now serving 10 years in prison for attempted grievous bodily harm. Management and I decided we couldn't keep what happened quiet so I had to speak to the press about the attack. The fans were incredibly supportive and so were my friends and family. I think the last year has made all of us especially close becoming family. I lean back against Harry and turn my face towards his.

"I was just thinking that maybe I have too many shoes but then I thought nah there is no such thing as too many shoes." Harry laughs and the sound of it makes me happy. Bringing him joy is the best feeling in the world. Harry and I stay quiet both of us reveling in the feeling of being in each others arms. Laughter rings out from another part of the flat and I smile contentedly. My life has changed so much this past year sometimes I find myself thinking it might just be a dream. I never though that I'd move to London with the girls that we'd become as famous as we have but the real surprise was the lads and everything that comes with them. Avril and Leah are sisters at heart and I love them dearly. They've become an integral part of our daily lives since we're always texting or hanging out. Avril is now our manager and we couldn't be more happy about it. She's great at her job but she's also a great friend and fan so we know she'll have our best interest at heart. Leah is doing a bunch of modeling all over the world. She's landed huge campaigns after another. She and Zayn just got back from Italy where she had a shoot for Victoria Secret. Sometimes she invites us along and we make a girls weekend out of it which means lots of shopping. My life couldn't be more perfect. Mom and Aunt Victoria have a flat in our same building for when they decide to visit which is often now that we're always busy recording or traveling for shows. "Yo, Kyle!" I hear Liam call me from somewhere in the flat. I sigh and turn in Harry's arms.

"Come on, love." Harry says twining his fingers with mine and leading me out of my dream closet. I walk next to him and stop at the picture thats been on his night stand since before my attack. Its of us with our heads together Harry is smiling brightly while I'm smiling shyly next to him. That picture was one of the first times I noticed my feelings for him. He'd been relentless in wanting our picture and I finally gave in because well he's Harry.

I can't believe we've been together a year

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I can't believe we've been together a year. I can't believe this wonderful and loving man chose me out of the thousands if not millions of girls after him. Harry looks at it too and blushes a little. He's still embarrassed about having had that picture before we were together. I thinks its adorable. When I first saw it he said he had it there because that was the only way he could see me everyday and the only way he could have me because I was with Brian. I smiled at him and we ended up in bed for hours. I can't say I regret what happened to me because it brought me and my family and friends closer. It brought me closer to Harry and I finally knew how a relationship was supposed to be. How a man is supposed to treat his girl or anybody for that matter. I also had a newfound appreciation for my life and for the people in it. I learned not to take what I have for granted.

Harry tugs on my hand and brings it up to his mouth placing a kiss on it before walking towards the living me room with me in tow. Once we arrive we see our friends thrown on the various seats in the room while laughing. "Hey!" Niall yells at us in welcome with his cheeky grin in place. I swear that man is always smiling. "We are ordering some food because I'm starving from logging all your shit up here." He points to the boxes still unpacked next to the door. I laugh at his words because out of all of us Niall is always thinking of food. Over the past year I've learned to never question Niall's need for food. The man can eat.

"Well, I greatly appreciate you bringing my shit up here, Ni." I say dropping a kiss to his cheek as I walk past him towards the only unoccupied seat. Harry sits on the love chair and brings me down on his lap. I love when Harry does that because it reminds me of what he said when I asked why. He said he needed to be touching me in any way possible, he needed a physical connection to me. I snuggle into him and sighs contently. I look around the room and take everything in. They all have smiles on their faces and the laughter that rings out every so often is happy. This is what I'd always wanted for myself, Mal and Kiran. I wanted family and friends, I wanted to fulfill our dream of singing for thousands and recording an album but most of all I got something that I hadn't really been expecting, Harry. I never in a million years would've thought someone as famous and as amazing as Harry would love me. I didn't think he'd become such an important part of my life. I didn't plan on falling in love when I moved to London and I certainly didn't know you could love as profoundly as I do. My plans did not include finding the love of my life at eighteen. I mean who knows who they want to spend the rest of their lives with when they've barely gotten to experience it. I guess the thing about love is that you can never see it coming. It's unpredictable and scary but so completely amazing at the same time. I know Harry is the one for me and hopefully he does too.

"I can't believe we're releasing a joint album together." Zayn says bringing me out of my internal musings. He's playing with Leah's hair as she lays with her head on the crook of his neck and shoulders. He's always doing that. The conversation gets animated wi his words and soon we're all talking about the upcoming recording and obvious tour that will follow. I stay quiet happily observing the joy and love between all of us. I feel Harry's breath on my ear as he leans down and presses a kiss there. "You okay?" He asks and I smile because he's always making sure I'm okay.

I look up at his beautiful green eyes to find them shining with all the love I could ever want. "Perfect. Everything is perfect." I say to him and watch as his face softens and smile appears.

"I love you." He whispers in my ear and my heart skips a beat like every other time he says it. I smile to him because I can never help the overwhelming happiness I feel every time I hear those words. "I love you too." I murmur back placing a soft kiss to his lips before snuggling back into his arms. This is how love is supposed to be.

The End. 
(For Kyle and Harry!)

Lovieeees! It is done and I can't believe it! I know you've all had to wait a lot to see the end of H and K's story but I think it was worth it. I wouldn't have wanted to write something mediocre just because I had to update when I honestly didn't have time to write. I thank you for your patience and your support! I hope you enjoyed this story as much as I have loved writing it.

Kiran and Liam's story is up next! The first chapter of Everybody Leaves will be published later on today or tomorrow!

Please comment and vote!

Love, Camie :)

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