Chapter 9 - To Believe

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Once when I was running
from all that haunted me
to the dark i was succumbing
to what hurt unbearably
searching for the one thing
to set my sad soul free.
In time I stumbled upon it
an inner calm and peace
and now I am beginning
to see and to believe
in who I am becoming
and all I've yet to be.

—- Lang Leave


A week later

I get out of the big comfy bed I've been sleeping on for the past five days and tip toe out of the room. Harry has been taking care of me ever since I arrived all bruised and bloody. I inwardly cringe at the thought. Even though it has only been a few days it feels like forever in my mind since my body hurt like never before. I love Harry for being there but I'm sick of having him hovering over me every second. This is why I'm tip toeing my way out of the bedroom. I don't want him to hear me if he's out there. I reach the living room and its empty. "Harry?" I call out and there is no response. He's not here which means I'm all alone for the first time in a week. I smile to myself and quickly head to the bathroom, wash my teeth and brush my hair. I look at myself in the mirror and hate what I see. I'm just in Harry's t-shirt and my underwear but then I look at my face. My eye isn't swollen anymore and you can still see the bruise that was so disgusting two days ago but now its a light yellow color, the cut under my cheek is healing nicely Dr. Lawson even took off the stitches yesterday and replaced them with a butterfly stitch and as for my split lip its almost completely healed. I'm actually looking like myself again.  Harry didn't want me to see myself in a mirror but I fought him on it and I won. When I saw the damage Brian had done to me I cried for a long time in Harry's arms. I said I was ugly and now Harry tells me I'm beautiful every day which makes my heart soar. I still don't believe him completely because who can be beautiful with multicolor of bruises.

I sigh and pull my hair into a messy bun not really bothering to do anything else to it. Its not like anyone is going to see me considering I don't plan on leaving the flat until all the bruises are gone. Making my way to the kitchen I grab my phone and reply to a few texts. One from Kai, another from Leah and three from my mother. She came to see me the day after and was upset to say the least. She called the police and we filed a restraining order and assault charges against Brian. I didn't want to but Harry, mom and pretty much everybody else was adamant about it. I guess they were right and I was just feeling embarrassed about the situation. I understand Brian needed to be stopped from doing this to anybody else and I was the one that could achieve that. I sigh placing the phone on the marble countertop and start rummaging the fridge for something to eat. There are two eggs, some cheese, juice and a couple pieces of ham. Just enough for cheese omelet. I turn on Pandora on my phone and sing along to I Knew You Were Trouble by Taylor Swift. It's kind of ironic because she used to date Harry and well I'm in love with him. I'm so wrapped up in the song and the thought that I haven't sung in a while that I don't notice Harry coming in. It isn't until I turn around that I see him and I jump.

"Goodness Harry, you scared the living shit out of me." I hold a hand to my fast beating heart and look at him. His lips are turned up at the corners in an amused smirk. His green eyes fill with desire when he takes me in completely starting from my hair to my breast and down to where the shirt meats my thighs. His smoldering gaze causes me to stop breathing.

Harry finally looks up at me and smiles cheekily. "Sorry I didn't mean to startle you." His eyes are full of amusement then he looks at the whisk in my hand. Harry steps closer to me and tries to take it away but I dont let him. "Why didn't you wait for me? I..." He doesn't finish because I interrupt.

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