Chapter 8 - When the Darkness Comes

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But those with an evil heart seem to have a talent for destroying anything beautiful which is about to bloom.
        - Cynthia Rylant

Yesterday was one of the best days of my life. After eating an amazing dinner Harry and I laid down on the makeshift bed and watched the stars. My head was on his chest and his arms were around me cocooning me in his warmth and safety. He played with my hair while we just laid there watching and thinking quietly because no words needed to be said. Our actions were enough. We fell asleep in each others arms and then woke up to the beauty of the sun rising to the sky. Harry walked me back to my flat and promised to see me again later in the day. Since we didn't have rehearsals today or tomorrow because Kai had a doctors appointment for her leg and as it turns out they'll be taking if off a few days early because the bone appears to be healed. Kai of course it over the moon at having the damn thing off of her leg but now she'll need physical therapy to get it functioning perfect again. Kai being Kai started walking on it almost instantly but after a few minutes it started to hurt so she sat down again and listened to the doctor. Anyway to celebrate this great turn of events they've all decided to go out tonight. Kai will have to be sitting down most of the night but she says she doesn't care as long as she's out and having fun with her friends. Avril, Leah, Kiran and Kai were so excited they've been getting ready all night at our apartment. While they discussed what they were going to wear Harry and I decided that we'd prefer to stay inside seeing as how we can't really be seen as a couple by anyone outside of our group. We could have pretended not being together but Harry said that it was impossible for him not to touch or kiss me for that amount of time. I swear that man makes me swoon every single time he says things like that. I kinda agreed with him so we decided to watch movies at his flat. The girls headed out of the flat all glammed up and said their goodbyes. I decided that since Harry went through all the trouble if setting up last night that I could go to the store and get his favorite ice cream. I smile to myself imagining Harry's face when he sees what I brought as I walk out of the supermarket with his favorite ice cream.
All of a sudden I'm ripped away from my thoughts as a strong hand grips my forearm and I'm pulled aggressively towards a hard body. I look up to see Brian's amused face. Oh God no. His brown eyes are dark almost black pools of violence and...oh my God...enjoyment. "What are you doing Brian? Let me go." I whisper harshly trying to be firm but at the same time not draw attention to us. The last thing I need is for someones to capture this and spread it over the internet. Brian just laughs darkly and his grip gets even stronger to where its painful. I yelp in pain as he stars yanking me forward.

"You don't tell me what to do sweet Kyle. You're coming with me." Brian shoves me into his car and I shake from  the fear than consumes me. My head swims with the adrenaline pumping through my bode as fear stars to take over. " Give me your phone." He commands and when I ask why I'm rewarded with a twist of my arm at an excruciating painful angle. I do what he says because I really don't have much of a choice. "I love when you're obedient." He whispers into my ear his teeth nipping at my earlobe making me shiver in disgust. Brian puts me in his car and starts to drive while my mind races with the possibilities of what he's going to do to me once we get wherever we're going. The car comes to a halt at a familiar place and Brian orders me to get out. I look at the building I know holds my soon to be prison cell. We walk towards the lift and my heart sinks at the realization that we're alone. No one is around to save me. Brian shoves me onto the lift and my heart is furiously beatig inside my chest. Oh God what is he gonna do to me? The doors open and we walk to Brian's flat. Its dark except for a lamp on the far side of the room. My nerves have skyrocketed since we stepped into the building. All the memories good and bad of this place crashing into me. This is where Brian first held my hand and where he told me he loved me but this is also the place where he pushed me into the wall and grabbed my wrist so hard he left a bruise. This place was where he hit me when he was drunk and I excused his behavior  because he was "just drunk". Brian pushes me inside and turns on the lights. I look around the place trying to find something I can use to escape. I try to walk away from him only to be spun around and kissed hard. "Stop it." I say pushing Brian off me which isn't easy at all considering he's twice my size. He's like a brick wall and I'm just a measly gust of wind.

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