Chapter 5 - Lucky

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Its been two days since the incident with Brian and I haven't heard from him except for a text that read: Where the hell are you Kyle? You fucking moved? It appears Brian went by my flat sometime after we left. I didn't answer back because I'm scared of his reaction to my moving to the lads building. Besides maybe if I just ignore him he'll leave me alone and move on. The day after the incident brought a lot of talking with the girls and the lads about why we had to move and why Brian and I are now over. It was a very uncomfortable experience to have to tell the sordid story again. I wish they didn't know about Brian's abuse but I know it was necessary. This is my family, they deserve to know. I of course opted out of telling my mom and Aunt Victoria because they would freak and I really don't need that. It was bad enough dealing with Kai, Avril, Leah and Kiran and their angry yet sad faces. The lads were understandably furious with Brian but they were better at hiding their disdain. I told them I didn't want to talk about what happened anymore and they agreed to let the subject go. Thank God for that too or I would've gone crazy. I hate it happened to me but I can't change it. I just have to move on and let it go. Harry has been with me every day like some type of bodyguard. I told him to stop being so ridiculous but he got mad so I let it go. If he wants to spend his days and nights with me I'm not going to complain. After all being with him is so not a burden. Our new found relationship is going well. Harry's sweet, charming and affectionate and I can't wrap my head around his feelings for me. I feel like things can't be this perfect, like something is going to happen to ruin it. It might be very pessimistic of me but I can't shake it. Every one knows we're dating and the girls all said it was about time. I mean I know Kiran hated Brian but I guess so did everyone else. Brian wasn't one for socializing with my family or friends.

I'm currently sitting on Harry's lap in one of the studios couches waiting to hear our finished version of Up. I'm excited all of our other songs sound amazing and well this song is special to me. Harry brushes my hair away and places a kiss on my shoulder which causes me to shiver. I hear him chuckle and place another kiss before moving his lips to my ear. "I want to kiss you so bad right now." He says and his teeth nip at my earlobe. I gasp quietly but I know he heard it because of the hum of pleasure he releases. He kisses my neck and goosebumps appear all over my body. I melt into him as the door opens and full head of red hair appears. Sadie smiles warmly at us. "You have a delivery, Kyle. They won't let me sign so you have to go for it. Oh and I'll be on my lunch break so I'm just in the lounge if ya need anything." A delivery? From who? Nobody has ever sent me something not even Brian.

Sadie goes to leave but Avril stops her. "Wait, Sadie, come here. I need to ask you something." Sadie comes into the room and heads towards Avril.

I stand instantly missing Harry's warmth and he pouts. I chuckle and shake my head. "I'll be back. Don't listen to the song without me!" I say leaning down to kiss Harry's pout. I leave him with a cheeky smile and make my way to the lobby. I stop in my tracks at the last person I thought I'd see standing there.


It's been five minutes since Kyle left to get the delivery and she hasn't come back. Why is she taking so long? And why do I have a bad feeling about it? Jesus ever since I found out about Brian I can't help but worry for her every time she isn't around me. I look at the clock on the wall and see another minute has gone by. Something's wrong. She should have been back by now. Apprehension fills me and I can't shake the feeling that her delivery wasn't just a delivery. "Sadie? What was the delivery Kyle had to sign for?"

Sadie looks back at me from her conversation with Avril. "Oh, um she didn't really had to sign for the delivery. Her boyfriend just wanted to surprise her." She explains and my heart races with fear. Fuck! Brian's here! And he's alone with Kyle! "Call security!" I yell at Avril and I shoot up from the couch running towards the lobby. I hear footsteps behind me and know the lads are following me.

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