Chapter 1 - I Thought You Were Different

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Two months later


"I can't believe we leave for the tour in less than a month!" Malakai says looking up scratching her leg with a pencil. She only has two more weeks to go before they take that huge cast off and she's counting down the days. Mal hates that cast and I kinda hate it too. It makes going places complicated and well...slow. She's been staying with Louis since the accident happened so at least Kiran and I don't have to deal with her cranky, whiny ass. I love her to death but she complains constantly and its driving me crazy. "I hate this bloody thing!" She mutters to herself while shaking her head at the offending cast.

Kiran chuckles at Mal's struggling form. "I know everything is happening so fast!" Kiran has been laughing more and she looks to be back to normal. Her cheeks are rosy, her eyes are bright, she's quick to smile and laugh, and the dark circles under eyes vanished. Liam is a big part of her change. They've been inseparable since her fainting spell and I'm glad to see them both so happy. I'm also pretty sure there is something going on between those two that goes beyond friendship. Kiran blushes whenever she's around Liam and he has a permanent smile on his face. I'm gonna get the truth out of her soon. I just have to talk to the girls so they can help me.

"Yeah, you'll have to get used to it. The tour will have begun and ended before you know it. Which is why you have to really enjoy every moment." I tense at the sound of his voice. I miss it so much.

"We definitely will. This has been our dream forever!" I answer back hoping he'll talk to me. But Harry only looks at me briefly and turns back to the rest of them. I sigh feeling defeated and sad. I never meant for this to happen. To say things have been tense and rather awkward since the incident is an understatement. Harry doesn't speak to me or look at me, we're never alone together and that's a pretty hard thing to accomplish considering we see each other almost every day and my cousin is dating his best friend. This thing between us has made for some very uncomfortably moments. I tried to apologize but he either ignores me or just leaves. Plus like I said we're never alone and I rather not do it in front of the others. I've tried to forget what happened. I've tried to not want it to happen again but I can't. I can't forget the awful things I said and I can't forget the kiss. I want to kiss him again. To feel his soft lips against mine and his hot tongue to mingle with mine. And just like that I'm back at that night.

3 Weeks Earlier

"I'm going to take Kyle home." Harry announces once we're outside of Nando's. We're actually at the back entrance so no one will see us. I look up at him in surprise because I had yet to ask him for a ride. Harry smiles back innocently and I roll my eyes. That boy can get away with anything.

"Alright. We'll see you all tomorrow." Zayn says leaning in to kiss my cheek goodbye. I hug Leah and Avril and kiss Niall's cheek before watching them head to their respective cars.

"Come on." Harry grabs my hand and leads me to his expensive car. Since I know nothing about cars I don't know what type it is, only that its very cool and looks like its worth a fortune. Harry opens my door and I can't help but chuckle to myself. Harry is quite the gentleman. Once inside he starts the engine and then nothing. I look over to find him staring at me with intense green eyes.

I blush and tuck a my long bangs behind my ear. "What?" I ask self-consciously. Do I have something on my face?

Harry smiles warmly and tilts his head to the right. "Nothing. You just look really beautiful." His words fill me with butterflies and I can feel my face blush. Oh God why does he have to say things like that!? He has to stop! I can't control myself if he says things like that or if he opens doors for me. My feelings towards him are already a mess!

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