Chapter 4 - Feelings for You

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Anger courses through my body whenever I think of Kyle's cowering form with all the glass on the floor and blood on her cheek. She looked so fragile and so young. I've never seen her so dejected and...broken. That bastard will never touch her again even if I have to be with her 24/7. I protect what's mine. And Kyle will be mine. I carry Kyle's bag into my flat and turn to see her barely able to keep standing. I walk to her and cup her cheek. Kyle leans into my touch and my chest tightens with emotion at having her trust. "Come on, love. Lets get you cleaned up." Kyle nods and I wrap my arm around her waist and behind her legs and lift her up. I hear her gasp of surprise and smile down at her.

"I can walk you know." She says after winding her arms around my neck and snuggling into my body. I place a kiss on her head and close my eyes and breathe in her enticing smell. Coconut. That's what she smells like. Kyle's body relaxes and I love that she feels safe in my arms. I never want her to feel anything but safe with me.

"You're tired. Plus I like taking care of you." I tell her and feel her smile against my neck. The small movement makes my body tingle with awareness. Jesus Christ, I want her. I want to touch her soft skin, kiss those pink lips and learn every single curve of her body. I've never experienced this kind of desire for a woman. It's driving me mad but I have to wait. Now is surely not the time so I will the bottom half of my body to cooperate. I walk into my bedroom and place her on the edge of the bed. I go to the bathroom to grab a cloth that I soak in warm water and return to kneel in front of her. Her big brown eyes take me in before I turn her face so her injured cheek is facing me. Fury overtakes me at the sight of the blood and purplish bruise starting to form. I feather a kiss over it before washing the blood away with the wet cloth.

"I'm sorry." I hear her murmur when the blood is all gone. I sigh trying to be patient with her. I already told her it wasn't her fault. This was Brian's doing.

"Kyle, I already said..." I start but she shakes her head so I fall silent. Her face turns my way and her eye are filled with unshed tears. My heart hurts seeing her so sad and broken. I want the vibrant, happy Kyle back and I'll do anything in my power make that happen.

Kyle takes a deep breath before speaking. "I'm not apologizing for today. I'm sorry for what I said that day." Oh. I sigh again because this was not what I thought was making her cry. She's not thinking about Brian, she's thinking about me.

"It's okay." I say simply because it is. I know she didn't mean anything she said that day. The Kyle I've gotten to know, the Kyle I fell in love with would never say those things.

Kyle shakes her head emphatically making pieces of her hair escape her bun. The hair frames her face beautifully. "No it isn't. What I said was awful and you didn't deserve that. I didn't even mean it. I was just so scared about my feelings for you and about Brian finding out." She looks down at her hands and plays with them which is something she does when she's nervous. I take her delicate hands in mine and kiss them. Her gaze returns to mine and in her eyes I see what I've been wanting to for so long. "I do know you; the real you. And I have feelings for you. A lot of them." She finally admits and my heart soars with relief and happiness.

A smile over takes my face because I'm too happy to contain it. This is what I've been waiting for. "It took me awhile but with the help of our friends I was able to see you didn't mean any of it. I was just so hurt that I couldn't see past what you said to realize you were lying." I tell her and its the truth. I'd been thinking about what happened obsessively ever since Louis told me to not give up on her. He of course was right and so was Kai. I knew the truth deep down but I just didn't want to accept it then.

Kyle frees one of her hands to cup my face and I lean into it. "It's okay, Haz. I didn't want t you to realize it at the time. I'm thankful you did though. I missed having you in my life. I missed your smile and your laugh." Kyle blushes prettily and that just makes me want to kiss the hell out of her. " I missed your hugs and your small touches of affection."

I place a small kiss on the inside of her palm and place my hand over hers. "I missed you too, Kyle. I'm hoping you'll let me do those thing again. And maybe a little more." I add and she blushes even more. I smile at her reaction and bring the hand cupping my face down to her lap.

Kyle gazes down for a few seconds then looks back up nervously. She's nervous and I kind of like that I make her nervous. In a good way of course I would hate it if she were nervous out of fear. "I...I want to try um with you. I want to be with you." He words fill me with love and hot desire. My body aches for her touch. My fingers itch to caress every single inch of her delectable body. My lips are starving for hers. I want to be inside of her so bad it hurts.

I cup her face between my hands and bring her face towards mine. Our foreheads meet and I close my eyes at the overwhelming emotions coursing through me. "I thought I'd never hear those words from you." I'd always hoped Kyle would feel the same way I did when I started falling for her but I'd resigned myself to loving her from afar. I knew I couldn't have her; she was already taken. To know she cares for me is everything I wished for and I'll be forever grateful her heart chose me. I bring my lips to hers softly. I brush mine over her once, twice and finally kiss her fully. Her lush lips fit mine perfectly and I sigh in contentment. I keep the kiss light for now because I know she's too tired and too much has happened for it to go any further and if I kiss her like I want to I wouldn't be able to stop. "Let's get you to bed, baby." I stand up and wait for Kyle to lay down. She takes her hair down and it cascades down up to the top of her breasts. It's grown out in the last two months. Possessiveness fills me at the sight of her in my bed. I want to own this girl completely. And I want her to own me as well. Kyle lifts up her hand towards me and I don't hesitate at the invitation. I take her hand and lay down beside her. Kyle snuggles into me, her head on my chest and arm around my waist. I place kiss on her forehead and run my fingers through her hair until her breathing evens out. I let the feeling of her sleeping in my bed and in my arms lull me to sleep.


Mis amores! Kyle admitted her feeling for Harry! FINALLY! Anyway there are lots of good and maybe not so good things in the chapters to come! Thank you for reading!

Please let me know what you think by commenting and voting!

Con amor, Camie :)

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