Chapter 6 - Darling Don't Be Afraid

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I sigh looking at the purplish hand shaped bruise on my wrist. I hate it. I hate to see it and remember that I'm weak. That Brian was able to hurt me yet again. After the incident we had to talk to management on how to deal with Brian and it was ultimately decided that getting a restraining order was not necessary because he said he wouldn't see me again. I know they wanted to avoid the inevitable scandal that would ensue when the news got out. I completely understand because I don't want our fans knowing about Brian and about the abuse. They also wanted to address the issues concerning my and Harry's relationship. They didn't care that we're together they just thought it would look bad if we suddenly tell everyone about our relationship without mentioning my break up with Brian first. Management will let it slip that I am no longer with Brian and haven't been for some time. Some time later Harry and I can officially confirm our relationship. I don't have a problem with that because I know it makes sense. People would talk about it otherwise. I don't want my or Harry's fans for that matter thinking I was cheating on Brian with Harry.  That would be incredibly bad for both of us and our relationship. I'm the happiest I've been in a while and thats because of Harry. I mean of course I was happy about the deal with Syco but Brian's constant belittling of my singing and success made the happiness wane. Thats when I started realizing Brian was not the man I thought then when he hit me for the first time I knew it had to end. Of course by that time I already had feelings for Harry beyond that of a friend. While Brian was mean, condescending and violent, Harry was sweet, kind and caring. He made me laugh and loved to hear me sing! Something Brian never liked to do. I strum the strings on my guitar and soak in the melody. I've been working on a song but I've been having trouble with the lyrics. I hear a faint knocking coming from the front door. I don't bother getting up because Kiran and Kai are both in the living room watching the telly.

"Hey, Harry, come in." I hear Kai say and my heart beats faster. Harry's here! I look at myself in the mirror and I'm surprised to see myself smiling. I look happy, truly happy. I open my door and walk to the living room as Kiran talks. "Kyle is in her room."

"No I'm not." I say when I reach the living room and smile up at Harry. He looks delicious in a white v neck t-shirt and dark low hanging sweat pants. His curly hair is up in a bun which makes him look incredibly sexy. Harry's green eyes rake over my body and I feel it almost like if he was physically touching me. The heat in his eyes makes me want to drag him to my room and not come out for hours. "What are you doing here?"

Harry shrugs making him appear boyish now that he isn't undressing me with his eyes in front of my sisters. "I wanted to see you so I took the lift down here." He says simply as if he just dropped by everyday on a whim.

I smile slowly and blush at his wanting to see me. "Oh. Come on then. Maybe you can help me with this song I'm writing." Harry nods and I turn around and walk towards my room.

Once inside by bedroom I'm pushed onto the door and Harry's lips all but devour mine. I moan into into his mouth as my hands make their way around his neck pulling him closer. Harry licks, sucks and nips at me and I'm greedily accepting everything he's giving. Harry slows the kiss down until his lips just brush over mine twice. "Mmm." He hums in pleasure and smiles wickedly. "I really wanted to do that. I love your mouth."

Even though he was just all over said mouth and that I was all over him I still manage to blush at his comment. "Um, anyway I only have the first verse down and I'm having trouble figuring out the chorus. Maybe you can help me because I'm stuck."

"Sure, baby. Show me." I walk over to my bed crawl to the center and sit down. Harry's eyes are scorching me with the heat in his eyes and I realize I just had my arse in the air with little short shorts on. He grins naughtily and I try not to smile to no avail. I grab my notebook and hand it to him before we get sidetracked. Harry takes it as he sits on the edge of my bed. I nibble on my lower lip while he reads the lyrics that popped into my head after what happened with Brian and after Harry took care and loved me.

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