Chapter 7 - Moonlight

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I kiss Kyle's luscious lips one more time before getting up from the bed. Kyle's eyes are shinning, her cheeks are flushed and her lips are shiny and swollen from my kisses. I stare at her for a couple of seconds just memorizing this moment, how she looks, how she makes me feel. A small loving smile appears on her face and my chest grows tighter at the sight. I want to make her this happy always, I want for her to never feel anything but love and tenderness. I want to show her how you really treat the woman you're in love with or any woman for that matter. "I didn't just come here because I wanted to see you. I had something to tell you but you distracted me with your voice and lips."

Kyle blushes an adorable shade of pink and I can't but love making her blush. "I um, what was it that you wanted to tell me?" I rake my eyes over her body once again taking in her beauty. Her hair is a sexy mess from my fingers, one of her tank top straps is down her arm letting me see the black one of her bra.  She looks so sexy sitting there on her bed in those over the knee high socks.

I rip my eyes of her legs and lock them onto her amber eyes. Kylie has an eyebrow raised and a smile. I cockily smile back not ashamed to have been caught checking her out. "I wanted to invite you to dinner." I say before I get distracted again because that's my constant state when I'm around Kyle. I can hardly keep my eyes, thoughts and well my hands to myself. She consumes me so easily and yet she doesn't seem to notice the affect she has on me or other men for that matter. I think maybe that's Bryan's fault for always putting her down. I don't think I ever heard him compliment her at all in the time we've known them. He was either broodingly quiet or harshly whispering in her ear while holding on to her arm tightly. Always so possessive of her body just dragging her around like a doll and not a person.

Her eyes went bright at my announcement but quickly dimmed. I hate seeing her eyes devoid of happiness and I immediately know what she's going to say. "Oh, um but management said..."

I walk over to her and take her hands in mine and kiss them. "I know what they said darling and trust me it will be fine. Promise." I understand the reasons management doesn't want us to go public now when she's only recently confirmed her separation from Bryan (even if not many people have seen him due to him not wanting Kyle to be famous) but it sucks not bring able to go out and show the world that Kylie is mine. I want to be able to kiss her whenever I want, hold her hand while we walk down the street or even just touch her in general without having to worry about who might see. The paps are everywhere and have been known to capture pictures of you when you think you're in private.

Kylie smiles sweetly and gives me a peck on the lips. "I trust you." Those three words are everything to me. You'd think 'I love you' would be want I want to hear but earning her trust is much more than earning her love because she's loved someone she didn't trust before so to me her trusting me means more. Hopefully she'll do both.

"Good. Now I'll be back to pick you up at" I look down at my watch to catch the time "eight so be sure to be ready." I kiss her forehead and walk to the door. I turn around when I hear her say..."What should I wear?" Honestly she could wear what she's wearing now for what I have planned because I truly don't care and I tell her as much. "Anything 'll be fine, it won't really matter anyway and besides you look beautiful in anything." Which is a hundred percent true. Kyle takes my breath away in just her pyjamas.

Kyle blushes again and I smile at her. "Okay then. I'll be ready."

"Can't wait, love." I say as I close the door behind me an walk towards the living room. Kiran is still on the couch watching the telly but Kai seems to have left. She's probably at Lou's since she's basically lives there now. Those two seem to be attached at the hip ever since the accident and I don't blame them. I probably wouldn't leave Kyle alone if someone thing like that happened to her. The need to be close to someone you almost lost overwhelming.

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