Chapter 2 - I Wanna Turn Back the Clock

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Its been three weeks. Three weeks of hell because of what happened. I can't get her words out of my head. Every time I see her the words come rushing back and I'm left feeling hurt and angry. I tried to look at her when she spoke to me yesterday but I only managed a few seconds before I had to turn away. She's tried to apologize a couple of times but I'm not ready to forgive her just yet. I'm in the car with Louis and Kai on our way to the studio to hear Kyle's new song. Apparently she worked on it all night and finished it. When I asked if anybody knew what the song was about they all said no. She's been keeping this song a complete secret and I'm honestly extremely curious.

"Are you ever going to tell us what happened between you and Kyle?" Louis asks looking at me through the rear view mirror. I sigh knowing I can't keep on avoiding the subject. I turn to Kai and see her face filled with just as much curiosity as Louis. So Kyle hasn't told the girls either.

I turn away from her piercing blue eyes and look out the window. "It was the day Kiran fainted at rehearsals. We went to Nando's for dinner and since Kiran had taken the car to Liam's I said I'd take Kyle home. She'd been acting different around me, more affectionate, the last couple days and when we were in the car I took her hand in mine and when she didn't pull away I took it as a sign." I sigh and run fingers through my already unruly hair. Frustration grips me in a tight vice again and I just want to punch something or someone. Specifically Brian. "I should have know it wasn't. I should have know better but I guess in that moment I just didn't care. Anyway, I walked her to her flat and we kissed." I look over to them and see Kai's eyes round with surprise. "She broke the kiss and told me it was a mistake that she was with the arsehole. I got frustrated and told her I knew she felt something for me but she denied it again. When I asked her why she said that I was just a player who would never settle down and that she felt nothing for me." I let that statement linger and I can feel Kai's eyes on me. "I was...devastated. I told her I thought she was different, that she could see the real me but that I was wrong. She doesn't know me at all." I stay quiet for a couple of seconds while overwhelming emotions fill me. "I left after that." I finish and silence permeates the air. I see the studio up ahead and in just a few minutes we're parked.

I get out of the confines of the car and breathe in the crisp summer air. Some of the heaviness in my chest lifts and I can breathe easier now. I open Kai's door and get the crutches and help her out of the car. Once out of the car Kai stops me with a hand on my elbow. "I'm sorry Kyle said those things to you but you have to know she didn't mean them. Nobody who meets you could ever think something like that. I don't know why she said that but I do know she deserves a second chance. I also know you deserve to give her a second chance." Kai's eyes are full of certainty and I know she's right. I do need to give Kyle another chance and I'm going to. I smile and kiss her cheek.

"Oi! Get your crummy lips of my girl!" I hear Louis bellow from behind us and I chuckle at my best mate. "Thank you." I tell Kai before turning and walking inside. I feel better about the situation now. I reach the others and my first glance of her is like a punch to the stomach. Her hair is up in a messy pony tail, a light pink shirt hugs her breast and jean shorts show of her spectacular legs. She's absolutely beautiful and I can't help but want to kiss her again. I also might want to do other things to her. The things I've done to her in my dreams. I smile slowly to myself as I take her in. I've missed looking at her.

"Oh good! Everybody is here!" Kyle exclaims and her eyes find mine almost hesitantly. My gut clenches as her stare pierces my heart. I smile at her and nod my hello. Her eyes widen in surprise and the corners of her delicious mouth rise in a small smile. The lads and I sit down on one of the couches while the girls including Avril and Leah sit on the other one. Kyle stands with her aqua guitar. "This song is called Up." She begins to strum the guitar and music flows into the room.

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