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Katya walked around her room. She just got back from a party, so she was still fully dressed up but she decided to ignore it for now.

She didn't want to admit it to herself but she cared.

She cared about Trixie, she got attached to the younger girl. She was cute and fucking hot at the same time. She listened to everything Katya asked her to do. The Russian liked talking to her, it made her feel good on the inside. She was staring to build something more then just sex with this beautiful girl. It scared her a little bit, but since it was happening over the internet she didn't feel the need to run away from feelings. Or maybe Trixie was just something else.

So when she messaged her tonight, Katya panicked.

She sat down on her bed. Her phone was now resting on her shaking leg. She was waiting for Trixie to finally call her. She of all people knew how hard it was to be sad, scared and alone. She also knew the ideas that run in her mind during those moments.

Her phone finally lit up.

"Hi is this Trixie?"

"Yeah, hi Katya"

"Baby are you okay? Where are you? Are you safe?" she knew that she was probably overreacting but fuck it.

"I'm home a friend gave me a ride. I'm safe also a little drunk to be honest" the girl giggled a little bit. Her voice was so sweet, a little slurry but still sweet. Katya took a deep breath she was relived that the younger was not in danger, at least physically  "you sound hot Katya, I like your accent"

"Thank you kitten" she laid down "You don't have to tell me anything but I'm here if you want to talk. Okay?"

She heard sheets moving on the other side of the call "I went out with my friend we had fun really but some people from my school showed up and ruined my night, they are really homophobic and well I like girls. You know that already" she giggled again. Katya just smiled to herself, Trixie's little laugh was her new favorite thing "I just needed someone to tell me it's going to be okay"

"I promise it gets better, you will move out and never look back. Maybe see your family once or twice a year"

"That's a funny one. I haven't seen my family in a year maybe a year an a half. They moved out some time ago. Anyway fuck them"

Katya was a little surprised, she assumed that Trixie still lived with her parents, she decided not to ask. The girl was still a little drunk and seemed sad, even tho she tried her best to cover it "Fuck them baby. Fuck them" Katya rolled in her bed "and fuck those homophobic people from your school, their life is going to be miserable. I can tell"

"A least they aren't scared to go to school on Monday"

"Will they hurt you? In school"

"Probably not, they will just bully me and I don't know ... throw notes with "fat dyke" or something"

"You know that's not true baby. Right?"

"Yeah" she said with weakness in her voice.

"You are perfect honey, your body looks amazing and believe me I would love to kiss every single inch of it. Don't believe what they say, those shits are mad that they can't have you, they want to hit you were it hurts"

"It's hard not to believe them. But I will try for you mama"

Katya's heart almost jumped out of her chest "Promise that you will message me or call me if you feel bad. Even if you think it is stupid. I'm here for you"

"I promise" Trixie yawn softly "Can you stay until I fall asleep? You don't have to"

"Of course I will baby girl. Sweet dreams kitten"

"Good night mama"

It was all great and sticky sweet.

But then Katya realized that she still hadn't seen Trixie's face.

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