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Katya watched the dots appear and disappear. She sighed and put her phone down. She stood up, grabbed a shirt and went to the bathroom. The Russian smirked she imagined Trixie all worked up, waiting. She wanted to see her tonight and hoped that the younger girl was up for it. She wanted to see her face.

She sat down and smiled at her phone.

I hope you still like me

Katya almost screamed, she was so excited. She made sure her usually wild fringe was presentable.

She started the call, her heart was beating fast. After a few nervous seconds Trixie picked up. Her round face appeared on the screen. She had beautiful brown eyes and plump kissable lips. She was so cute, Katya wanted to pinch her chubby cheeks. Her hair was a little bit curly and long.

In Katya's eyes she was the perfect girl.

"Hi" the girl blushed and whispered.

"Hi beautiful" Katya smiled her signature smile. Why is her blush so cute?! The Russian was dying from how soft and fluffy Trixie looked.

"Stop you are the beautiful one her" she said covering her face with her hand.

"Oh come on kitten, you're so fucking cute"

"If I'm so cute why do you make me wait" she said in a bratty tone.

"I have to make you wait sometimes, you can't just ask and boom orgasm"

Trixie giggled "okay Miss" she rolled her eyes

"Hey don't roll your eyes at me missy"

"What are you gonna do about it?"

"You don't want to know baby" Katya said with a wicked smile "What happened to my good girl? Huh"

"I told you I'm a naughty girl" she whispered softly.

Katya just watched her for a second. She noticed the freckles on the girl's face "How are you? Like I know you said you are fine but I don't believe you"

Trixie laid down on her bed and hugged a pillow "I'm better now" she smiled weakly "the people at school they just ... you know the usual stuff name calling 'oh look the dykes are coming' I don't really react to it anymore"

"You seemed really freaked out the last time we spoke"

"I was drunk" she said looking down. Trixie didn't want to talk about it. Katya decided to drop that subject for now. She just wanted to make sure her baby was safe.

"It will get better I promise" Katya said in a with kindness in her voice "you will leave them all behind you and you will go to college and live your life however you want"

"You should be a motivational speaker" Trixie smirked "but thank you anyway"

"What can I say I'm pretty amazing"

Trixie yawned "Sure you are and humble too"

"You should go to sleep baby. You have school tomorrow"

"I don't want to hung up yet" she said making puppy dog eyes "just five more minutes"

"Okay five minutes but after you will shower and go to sleep"

"Yes mommy" Trixie said in a mocking tone.

Katya felt the butterflies in her stomach.

She went to sleep that night thinking of those beautiful brown eyes and plump kissable lips.

I still like you <3

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