The Gift

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"Wind" says a voice. "Yo, Wind, get up. SAILOR!" says the voice, a little louder. I groan and sit up, rubbing my eyes. "What time is it?" I ask, looking over at Hyrule. He points out the window. "Dud, it's like, mid afternoon, you should probably get up" I jump to my feet. "Oh shoot. Time's gonna be pissed!" I look around the room, and throw my normal blue tunic on. "Next time, wake me up a bit earlier" I growl at Hyrule. He laughs and leaves the door open a little as he leaves.  "Shoot shoot shoot shoot" I say as I pull my shoes on, and run down the stairs. 

"Well, you're in a hurry" says Malon as I walk into the dining room. "What time is it?" I ask in a rush. "It's only 8 am" she says. I turn around, see Hyrule, and scowl. "You told me it was mid afternoon!" he snickers. "Did I say mid afternoon? Oh, sorry Wind, I meant it was morning" I clench my fists, and huff. "Oh, Kokiri had a little present for you... she's out in the barn right now. Working with Epona. You should go see her" I nod quickly, and rush out the door, making my way past Twilight and Time as they make there way to the sheep pen, both holding buckets of water. "Where you going?" asks Time as I approach them. "To the barn" I answer, running past them quickly. 

"Epona!" yells Kokiri as the horse she's brushing pushes against her. "I'm going to fall, again. And then mom will yell at me to take a shower and..." I clear my throat, and she smiles as she turns to me. "Oh, hey sailor. Sorry, I didn't want to just leave this on the table. I know my family. Someone would have definitely gone snooping" she laughs. "Anyways. Here you go! I drew a few pictures for you and wrote a story about the sea, and a hero, and pirates. I think you'll like them" she hands me a book wrapped in blue leather, that is filled with loose and attached pages. I grin back and take it, happily. "You can read it whenever you want... if you do before you leave, tell me how you like it!" I smile again and clutch the book to my chest. She turns back to Epona, and starts talking to herself. 

"Oh, and Kokiri" I call as I begin to walk away. She turns to me. "Warriors isn't usually like that. You should know. He's usually pretty nice guy. I don't know what got into him" she smiles and nods a few times, then goes back to talking to herself. 


Later that day, when I've finished most of the chores that Time told me to do. (Emphasis on the most) I sneek into the loft of the barn. It's small, and filled with hay. But I make my way to the back, where the window is, and open up the book. The picture that falls out first is carefully drawn and colored in. As if Kokiri had all the time in the world to draw it. I slowly pick up the drawing, and gasp as I realize what it is. "What the heck?" The drawing is of a little girl with a blue dress, pigtails, and a telescope. "Aryll?" I ask as if the picture can answer me. How did Kokiri know about this? About her? I look at the next picture. One that looks like.... "Tetra" I gasp, dropping it. There's another, and another. All that look like people from my adventures. I'm almost scared to read the book. But, reluctantly, I pick it up, and begin to read. 

It takes me about an hour to finish. But when I finally do, my face is pale, and the sun is beginning to go down. I stumble to my feet, grabbing the pictures, and jump down from the loft. Running faster than I have in my entire life, I run back to the house. The others are already inside, laughing and talking. 

"Well, look who's back" says Time, ruffling my hair. I look up at him, confused. Time has never done anything like that before. But he ignores me and makes his way into the kitchen, kissing Malon and putting something on the counter. I'm suddenly angry. He must have told Kokiri. It all makes sense now. No one else but him knows about my adventure. "Time! We need to talk!" I demand. The words coming out harsher than I intended. He turns to me, surprised. "What's wrong" I scowl at him. "Oh, you know what's wrong. We can talk about this here. Or we can talk about this outside. But we're talking about it" I slam the book down on the table. Kokiri looks at me. "Did you not like it?" she looks upset. I put up a hand. I don't know whether or not I should blame her for this.

"What are you talking about?" asks Time. "YOU KNOW WHAT I'M TALKING ABOUT! I trusted you! With my adventure and my sister and Tetra and EVERYTHING. And you run off and tell the kid that doesn't even know who you really are!" Time seems taken aback. "What do you mean? Wind, I haven't told anyone about your journey" he sounds sincere. "Then who did? None of the others know" The others looked at each other. "What does this have to do with my book?" asks Kokiri. "Everything!" I exclaim. She backs up a step. "It was just a dream I had a few nights ago. Sorry Wind...." she seems upset as she hides behind Goro, who glares at me. "I doubt that" I grab the book and rush upstairs, tears popping into my eyes.    

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