The Attic

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Dinner that night is fall of talking and joking, dad's friends seem to really have warmed up to this place. Of course, I sit in the corner, always hiding my right hand from view, so that no one will see the triforce symbol on it. Grandpa seems to be the only one who notices. He shoots me a few worried glances, but doesn't say anything. "Kokiri, where were you all day?" asks Arthur. I don't tell them that I was sitting in my room all day, and then got a visit from a magical spirit. Nor do I tell him that dad has been lying to all of us. Instead, I just sit there, and shrug. "You alright?" asks Mom. I quickly stand up. "I'm gonna go upstairs.... I have some more studying to do" They all give me a weird look but let me go. I rush upstairs. But instead of going into my room, I sneak up into the attic, where no one is ever aloud to go. I pick the lock, and sneak up the stairs, not making a sound. 

When I get up there, I gasp. The walls are covered in swords, armor, shields, bows, and other weapons. The ground and a small desk is littered with little notebooks, and leather bound books I thought I would find in the castle. "Woah..." I say quietly, looking around. I pick up one of the books, and flip it open. Inside, is child's writing that says. "Number three" On the first page. I look around through the others. The journals go into the 60's. I wonder, did dad or mom write these? I'd say both. Some are done in black ink, and the others are done in red, and are in moms handwriting. I finally find four diaries, two titled, One, and two titled Two. I look around. I should take these back to my room. 

I sneak down the stairs again, and close and lock the door behind me. I sneak back into my room and lock the door, opening the first diary, which says "Link" in the corner. It's hard to read, and it seems to be written by a child who never learned how to spell, but I manage. The first one talks about how he left the Kokiri forest, and little by little, he opens up about his journey. He talks about the princess, and how sweat she is. And he talks about mom, and how they were best friends. I read the next one, moms, and then the last two, within the hour. When I was done, I stuffed them back into my closet, and covered them with a few tunics and dresses. Then I sat back down on my bed, studying the Gerudo Shield that my grandmother supposedly got for me. "Goddesses, I wish I knew what was going on" I say to myself. 

I place the shield under my bed, and finally open the door. Only to find my sister standing on the other side. "What do you want Ruto?" I grumble, pushing past her. "We need to talk" she says to me. "Talk about what?" I force a smile. "I know that grandpa told you... about everything" my face falls. "You knew then? You knew who he was? Who both of are parents actually are?" She raises an eyebrow. "I know dad is the Hero of Time..... And I know that mom's a Gerudo, if that's what you mean" I roll my eyes. "Sure" I comment. "Look, he shouldn't eave told you. You can't tell them you know" she begs. "Alright, fine, I won't I comment" walking down the stairs. It's already dark outside, but dad's friends are still sitting around the table, talking. Mom and dad are no where to be seen, and Goro is outside somewhere. I duck behind the stair well, and peak out from a crack in the wood. "So, she doesn't know?" asks Captain. "Of course not" says the Ranch Hand. 

"Why won't he tell her?" asks Sailor, looking at the older boys. "You'll understand when your older kid" says Veteran. "He just doesn't want to see her hurt" says Bird Boy. Who are they talking about? Me? I furrow my brow. "So we're not going to tell her, even though she could be...." starts the traveler. Veteran cuts him off. "It's to dangerous. Plus, we don't belong in this timeline. We're not supposed to mess with time... pun intended" he cracks a smile. The others glare at him. "Listen, I understand that, but she has a right to know" says the shortest one. "Of course she does" says Ranch Hand, seriously. "Then why not tell her?" asks the Champion. "You know what, fine, we'll take a vote....." he starts. "No, you won't" says a voice. They all turn to see dad, standing there, completely pissed off. 

"Old Man, we can explain..." says Captain. "How, exactly do you intend to do that?" he asks, sitting down in a chair across from the Veteran. "Look Time... you can't hide this from her forever. You can't hide that your The Hero of Time. That we're all reincarnations of each other, forever" I gasp quietly. The Ranch Hand looks around, and his eyes land right on the wall that I'm hiding behind. He looks away quickly. "Malon, Goro, and Ruto know that I'm the Hero of Time. I don't want to drag my youngest into this.... this life that the rest of my family has to worry about. Do you know how hard its been to stay hiden from the demons that still rome Hyrule" he slams his hands down on the table. "Tell her, and I'll kill you" He sounds dead serious, and I flinch away. The Ranch Hand looks over at me again, and then looks back at the others. "You couldn't kill me, Old Man..... But I would love to see you try" I back away from the wall, breathing hard. My dad may be tough sometimes, but I've never heard him threaten anyone, for any reason. Or, at least not to that degree. I gulp and crawl back over to the crack in the wall, watching them. 

Dad's holding the veteran by the throat, slamming him against the wall. "....dare you!" he yells, the veteran laughs. "She deserves to know the truth. I had to tell my family that I was the hero. Why are you any different?" he asks. "I must say Old Man...." says Captain. "It would be better if you told her.... she deserves to know.... just, please" he tries to move his hand away from Veteran, and he finally puts the younger man down. Veteran touches his throat, collapsing on the ground, and breathing heavily. "I agree with Wars. She deserves to know..." says Four. "Why do you idiots even care?" he turns on them. None of them answer. "Time...." starts Bird Boy. "All of you, upstairs, now" he growls. One by one, they make their way up the stairs, and disappear from site. Dad looks around the room, blows out a candle, and heads upstairs as well. But I stay there, shivering for a while, before making my way back to my room. And finally letting myself cry. 

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