The Unexpected Guest

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"Kokiri?" I ask, knocking on the door. "Yeah dad?" she asks from the other side. "Can I come in" I hear something fall to the ground as she rushes to the door. "Nope!" she yells, blocking it. I raise an eyebrow. "Why not?" I ask. "Because, I'm busy!" she yells from the other side. "Busy doing what?" There's no answer for a minute as she whispers something that sounds like. "Hide" to someone. "You have to options. You can open the door, or I can open it myself" No reply. "Alright, I'll count to three" She still doesn't answer. "One.... Two..." The door swings open and Kokiri hops back onto her bed.

"Why didn't you open the door?" I ask, calmly. She hides a mischievous grin and looks at her feet. "No reason....." I raise an eyebrow. "Alright" I say, coming to sit down next to her. She lets out a sigh of relief. "First, I wanted to say that you don't need to be afraid of the others. Especially Wind. He won't hurt you. He was just confused.... and second of all" I duck under the bed and pull something, or more, someone, out. Standing up, I look at the boy. He has naturally blue hair, and matching eyes. He wears peasant clothes, but a small crown is placed on his head. He looks terrified as I raise his up by his arm, close to pulling it from its socket. "H - Hi... Mr. Link...." he says, innocently as I finally put him down. 

"Want to explain why you're in my daughters bedroom Prince Arthur? Or am I going to have to talk to your mother and father about this?" his eyes widen. "We were just... I mean it was nothing... I um... Please don't tell mom and dad. They think I'm in Castle Town with some friends for a few days" he begs. "Doesn't answer my question, Arthur. Why were you in my daughter's bedroom?" he looks at Kokiri with a "help me out" look. She taps me on the shoulder. "Dad, he was just helping me with some research...."

"Research on what exactly?" asks a voice. We all turn to see Ruto and Goro standing in the doorway. "On... ancient stuff.... you wouldn't get it" she says, blushing. I turn back to Arthur, and glare at him. "Nice nightgown Koko, I bet he really likes that" says Ruto, Kokiri moves to lung at her, but I grab her before she can. "You two, back to your rooms. Arthur, you can stay with the other.... Guests. Kokiri, you, your mother, and I, are having a talk. Arthur, we will talk about this in the morning. And when I'm done with you you're parents will be lucky if they have a son" he nods again, gulping, and Ruto and Goro scramble back to there rooms. 


Odd things happen everyday to people like us. From the fact that we're all the heroes of Hyrule. To how we have to hide from Kokiri that her father is the Hero of Time and from Time that she might be the next hero. But when someone gets thrown into our room. Not to mention someone with a crown with no explanation but "don't kill him". That's a really big sign that we should probably start asking questions. "Uh... Twilight" Wild says to me. "Who's he?" the boy gets up, and huddles into the corner of the room, hugging his knees to his chest. 

"Maybe we should ask him" says Wind. "Who are you?" asks Sky, who has somehow managed to stay up this entire time. He looks up at us, with an expressionless face. "Who are you all? I didn't realize Mr. Link had any more family" Mr. Link, he must know Time. "We're just friends of his" says Warriors. "Who are you?" The boy raises an eyebrow as he looks at each of us. "You look like the heroes that Kokiri is always talking about. She dreams about them. Blue eyes, blonde hair, each with their own personality.... Though I suppose that if your friends of Mr. Link's, you've met her...." Hyrule shakes his head. "We just met her a few days ago. You must have gotten us confused. We're no heroes... we're from...." he looks around for help from any of them. "Another part of Hyrule... the... Twilight Zone" says Wild, shrugging as I give him a confused look. "Ah, alright. Sorry bought that. I'm Prince Arthur of Hyrule" he lifts a hand, and Sky takes it. "Sky. And this is Twilight and Wild..." he introduces each of us to the prince, and smiles down at him. 

"What brings you here so late?" asks Warriors, moving closer to Arthur. "Oh... um... well...." his voice gets a little higher pitched, like he knows something we don't. "I was just visiting a friend. He isn't completely lying. "What friend? Goro?" asks Wind, suddenly interested. "Uh.... No... Kokiri and I were checking out a stone tablet I found in the castle..." he explains, curling back in on himself. "And let me guess. The Old Man caught you in her room, and got the wrong idea" says Warriors, smirking. "The Old Man?" asks Arthur quietly. "Mr. Link" I explain. He looks up, confused, and says. "Yeah, somethin' like that..." he says quietly. "Or... did he not get the wrong idea?" asks Legend. Arthur goes beat red. "Yes... I mean NO Kokiri and I are just friends. He got the wrong idea..... Just, shut up" I glare at both of them. "I bet if I told you the little accident that happened a few days ago, he wouldn't be so embarrassed of anything you said. He is a prince... I wonder if he could have you thrown in the dungeons...."

"What happened?" Arthur asks. "He slapped Kokiri across the face and pinned her to a wall. And then tried to beat up Goro while HE held Kokiri back" Wind points to Wars and Legend respectively. Before any of us know what's happening, a dagger whizzed past his ear, and embeds itself a few inches into the wall behind him. "What the f -" Arthur glares at them both, a glare that makes the Old Man's look like a child's. "You stay away from her. You here me? I don't care who you are. All I know is that you have no right to do anything like that to her" he growls out. 

Legend goes a little pale as Arthur stands, walks over, and easily takes the dagger out of the wall, brushing it off before placing it on the side of his leg, where it was before. 

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