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Age- 46(age appearance), 6,440(real age)

Lover- Dwalin(will become immortal just to stay alive with Maleficent)

Sexuality- Straight

Height- 5ft 9in

Full Name- Maleficent Hermia Moora

Nicknames- Mal(Elrond), Auntie Mal(Arwen, Aragorn Ellodan & Elrohir), Mistress(Diaval), Phoenix(Connal), Witch(Queen Ingrith), Evil Fairy(Knotgrass, Flittle & Thistlewit), God-Mother & Mother(Aurora)


Species- Dark Fey/Phoenix & Dragon

Family- Lysander(father-dead), Hermia(mother-dead), Eärendil and Elwing(adopted parents), Elrond & Elros(adopted brothers), Arwen(adopted niece), Elladan & Elrohir(adopted nephews), Aragorn(adopted nephew-in-law), Celebrian(adopted sister-in-law), Celeborn and Galadriel(adopted parent-in-law),  Princess Aurora(adopted daughter), Prince Phillip(adopted son-in-law), Queen Ingrith & King John(direct ancestor/predecessor)

Personality- sly, cunning, loyal, brave, smart, creative, hot-headed(sometimes), short tempered(common), intelligence, well-mannered, witty, tricky, sneaky, clever, wisdom, kind, nice

Appearance- long black hair usually seen down, tall, slender, pale green-skinned(although some appearances of her depict her with gray skin), narrow face and prominent chin, darkly beautiful and icily elegant, blue eyes, sometimes has a smile on her face sometimes not, usually seen wearing all black, horns, wings, 

Occupation- Queen of the Moors (formerly), Protector of the Moors (currently), God-Mother, Mother, The Phoenix (currently)

Origin- Moors

Status- Alive

Alignment- Bad/neutral (formerly), Good (currently)

Powers and Abilities- Powerful magic, superhuman strength, healing factor, hypnosis, abilities to curse individuals, plant manipulation, object conjuration, metamorphosis, flight, summoning and controlling abilities. When she uses her powers to do something good her magic manifest as gold, but when she uses her powers to do something evil, her powers manifest as green:

Color Yellow
Telekinesis: Maleficent can manipulate any matter with her mind/magical powers. For example, when Maleficent is a young girl, she has two dolls dance together while floating in the air.
Atmokinesis: Maleficent can control and manipulate the weather. An example of this ability is when she creates a downpour in the cottage.
Transfiguration: Maleficent can magically transform others (objects, people, animals, etc.), both shape and form. An example of this ability is when her wings are severed, she has difficultly walking and transforms a simple twig into a staff to help her walk. She also constantly transforms Diaval into many different forms (such as a raven, human, wolf, horse, bear and a dragon).
Chlorokinesis: As a child, Maleficent discovers a broken tree branch in her home and closes her fingers around it and it magically heals.
Spell Casting: Maleficent possesses the ability to cast spells. She places Aurora and later Prince Phillip into a sleeping trance, which causes them to fall into a deep sleep and their unconscious bodies to levitate in the air.
Healing: Maleficent possesses the ability to heal any wound and injury.
Telepathy/Clairvoyance: Maleficent possesses the ability to read minds and sense the presence of others, as well as project and broadcast thoughts into others.
Hypnosis: Maleficent possesses the ability to manipulate the minds of others.

Color Green:

Telekinesis: Maleficent used this ability when she knocked the Pixies away and made them fall into a box. She also used this ability to throw Stefan's soldiers around.
Teleportation: Maleficent can teleport herself and others
Atmokinesis: When Maleficent realized that Stefan had taken her wings with the purpose of becoming king, she caused a strong thunderstorm then returned to the Moors, and the weather began to darken.
Chlorokinesis: To protect the Moors, Maleficent used her magic to create a large Wall of Thorns. When the human kingdom's army attempted to destroy the Wall of Thorns, she magically controlled the thorns and defeated them.
Spell Casting/Curse Inducement: When Maleficent found out that King Stefan's daughter was having a christening, she bestowed a curse upon the baby that will cause her to prick her finger on a spinning wheel and fall into a sleep-like-death before sunset on her 16th birthday.
Terrakinesis: When walking back to the moors in anger, she was walking through a passage with walls of rock that began to dismantle as she walked by.
Superhuman Strength: Maleficent was shown to possess physical strength far greater than that of even a well-armored and seasoned warrior's, literally flooring dozens of armed soldiers when they attempted to invade the Moors and later defeating a crazed King Stefan with almost effortless ease. Additionally, she is able to lift a fully grown man with ease and tackle through an army and mortally wound King Henry with little effort.
Superhuman Durability and Endurance: She is able to function normally even while badly hurt.
Wings/Flight: She is able to fly with her strong wings and fly with incredible speed. With her large wings she can also use them for offensive and defensive purposes in battle, being able to swat away and disarm men with little effort. The greatest feats of her wings are shown during the battle for the Moors; with effort, she used her powerful wings to generate immense air currents, with enough force and pressure to topple and send a dozen men flying.
Accelerated Healing Factor: Maleficent can recover instantaneously from injuries, even those caused by iron - provided that she was no longer touching it. During her final confrontation with Stefan, his soldiers first trapped her in an iron net that severely weakened her, and she was barely able to remain conscious because of the pain, but once Diaval removed the net, she regained sufficient strength to stand up on her feet. Her healing factor is so potent that her amputated wings not only remained alive and healthy for sixteen years but also immediately reattached to her back when freed from their cell.
Immortality: As she is a fairie, Maleficent possesses immortality. Therefore, she's unable to wither or die by natural means, thus her aging is permanently halted when she reached maturity, retaining the youth and vitality of a woman in her prime. This was shown when she kept her youth to the present age of 50, decades after King Stefan's betrayal. As long as she isn't killed, she may be able to live forever.
Resurrection: Thanks to the Phoenix blood in her veins, Maleficent can resurrect herself from her ashes if she is killed.
Shapeshifting: Maleficent is able to willingly transform into a giant phoenix-like creature.
Combatant: To an unknown extent, Maleficent seems to be a capable fighter.

Portrayed By- Angelina Jolie,  Ella Purnell (as Teenage Maleficent)
Isobelle Molloy (as Young Maleficent)

Weaknesses- Iron: The slightest contact could burn her skin, and prolonged exposure could weaken her dramatically. However, when determined enough, Maleficent was able to snap an iron chain holding a chandelier with her wings, proving that even iron could barely slow her down when she was at her most dangerous

Relationships- Maleficent and Stefan

Maleficent and Stefan were once best friends, lovers, then later enemies after Stefan betrayed Maleficent and stole her wings.
Maleficent and Aurora 

Maleficent and Aurora are extremely close, resembling a mother and daughter relationship. Despite the fact Maleficent didn't like Aurora at first, they began having a closer bond, as Maleficent tearfully apologizes to her after she fell into the sleep -like death. Maleficent kissed her on her head, and because it was true loves kiss, Aurora was awakened.

Maleficent and Diaval

After saving his life, Diaval promises Maleficent he will be her humble servant as a gratitude. Maleficent and Diaval have been together for twenty-one years now. Throughout the years they've become close friends and even after by this time, Diaval has payed his life-debt and Maleficent does not longer need "wings."

"Aurora, there is an evil in this world. And I cannot protect you from it." - Maleficent to Aurora
"I will not ask your forgiveness. Because what I’ve done to you is unforgivable. I was so lost in hatred and revenge... Sweet Aurora, you stole what was left of my heart... And now I’ve lost you forever. I swear, no harm will come to you, as long as I live, and not a day shall pass that I don’t miss your smile." - Maleficent to Aurora
"True Love's Kiss? Have you not worked it out yet? I cursed her that way because there is no such thing." - Maleficent to Diaval.

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