Part 1: The Spectacular Spider-Ling.

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The sound of bustling crowds and angry traffickers honking at each other was all too familiar to the young (Y/N) (L/N). Since he had lived in New York for his whole life, it was all things that he was pretty much used to. Currently riding on a subway train, (Y/N) (L/N) scrolled through the news on his phone, looking for anything interesting.

Other than showing a new restaurant opening and a fair coming up soon, there wasn't much going on. Scrolling down some more, the teen found an article by the Daily Bugle about the Justice League, which mostly covered some of their recent controversies. Swiping through a bit more, the others seem to have interests in the League as well, so there wasn't anything really special. However, something that did catch his eye was a small article that was overshadowed by the others covering something different.

Few have reported the recent Spider-ling vigilante seen swinging around New York City to indeed have good intentions. The vigilante apparently helped people on several occasions, making us believe that New York may have another hero on its hands to deal with.

(Y/N) smiled after reading the text, he felt pride in himself. After all, it turned out he was actually the new hero they were writing about. However, it picked at him that the news outlets still couldn't get his name right. Like seriously, it's Spider-Man. Not the Spider-Ling. With a name like that, no one would take him seriously. C'mon, how hard is it to get right?

Whatever. At least people were starting to recognize his contributions to the city.

The train eventually reached its destination, and with that, (Y/N) stood up from his seat and exited the train before leaving the subway. He reached the top, where he was again met with the bustling city of New York in all its glory.

Since he had a few days off of school, he thought he could spend the day hanging out with his friend Kurt Michaels and visit the new comic convention that opened in the city. It was something the two have both been looking forward to for a while now.

(Y/N) walked down the busy streets of New York, and as he began nearing the convention, he started getting a call, and he realized it was from his best friend. He answered it and raised the phone to his ear, "Hey man. What's up?"

"Yo (Y/N), you almost at the comic book convention yet?" Kurt's voice on the other end questioned.

"Yeah. Yeah. I just got off the subway, and I'm making my way there as we speak. I'm so stoked for this dude; we've been waiting to meet the one and only Stan Lee for so long"

"Tell me about it. Now we can finally be able to get our comic books signed by him!"

"I'm getting more excited thinking about it. I'll see you when I get there."

"Alright, sounds good. Meet me by the entrance. See ya' in a bit."

(Y/N) hung up the phone and couldn't help but grin like an excited child. He had carried his favorite comic book written by the famous man in his backpack for Stan to sign when the two got to his booth.

Eventually, he managed to spot the comic convention in the distance and began picking up the pace a bit. However, he was quickly distracted by a group of armed and masked men who came rushing out of a bank across from him down the street. One of them ran into an innocent and unfortunate woman minding her own business who was knocked to the ground with a small yelp.

"Get your asses in the truck, pronto!" The man who appeared to be leading the group shouted. "We got what we needed. Now let's ditch this joint before the men in blue arrive."

One by one, they all quickly hopped into a large black truck parked on the side of the curb. Right as they floored it, (Y/N) was already rushing to the other sidewalk across to make sure that the woman who fell was fine. He helped the woman up gently to her feet and asked her if she was alright with a worried look on his face

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