Part 14: Strange Troubles.

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A certain orange-striped cat by the name of Teekl watched from the alleyway across Salem Park with piercing red eyes, curious, upon spotting a camouflaged ship land just at the front gates. The feline narrowed its eyes before hopping off the wooden crate it was resting on and headed deeper into the dark alley. After turning a corner, it came upon the entrance to an old broken-down theatre that had been long abandoned with boarded-up doors and windows. After slipping through a big enough hole for it to enter, it walked down the steps of the theatre between the rows of seats as the sound of someone's voice shot through the room.

"Grant us access to the tower, and I promise an end to your suffering." A man with black slicked hair into a ponytail by the name of Abra Kadabra said from the stage of the theatre. "Continue to refuse, and..."

After he finished those words, the man lowered his magic wand, which seemingly shot out waves of electricity, resulting in Kent Nelson, who was strapped into a chair to let out screams of pain. As this happened, a boy in a suit was watching from the front row with entertainment. He had noticeably pale skin with black hair that was spiked up on the sides, resembling horns. The boy laughed upon seeing the helpless older man get electrocuted as Teekl the cat jumped onto his lap, grabbing his attention as it began meowing quite loudly.

"Shush, Teekl." The boy, who went by Klarion, raised a finger to his mouth. "I'm watching the show."

Beside Abra Kadabra was a man wearing a green suit with a long, flowing purple cape draped across it. He also wore a large, round glass helmet. "Tell us what we want to know, and this can be over with quickly," the man known as Mysterio remarked, arms folded.

Kent paused for a moment as a look of hesitation grew on his face; afterward, he nodded as if he seemingly gave in to their demands finally. Mysterio walked over to the man's side and bent down to hear what the man had to say, Kent leaned in and whispered something into the other man's ear. Whatever Kent said seemed to have angered Mysterio as the green-suited man slapped the former Doctor Fate host across his grinning face.

"Mysterio grow's tired of your games." Mysterio said with annoyance lacing his words. "Perhaps we should move on to more extreme measures. Like cutting off a finger or two."

Kent panted, his body becoming sore from the constant torture. "Enjoy it while you can. Soon enough, my friends will come to help me."

Abra Kadabra smirked as he aimed his wand at the uncooperative man once more and began electrocuting him. Teekl hissed as it fell from Klarion's lap from the boy shooting up from his seat and clapping with a large smile on his face while laughing upon watching everything unfold. "Encore! Encore!"

As he clapped, Teekl grabbed the boy's attention as the cat began meowing loudly at him for some reason. "What?" He questioned, wondering what had gotten into the orange feline. The cat meowed for a moment before its red eyes began fogging up, seemingly showing Klarion something through its eyes. "Oh~." Klarion grinned upon realizing what the cat was trying to tell him.


The Young Justice walked through the door of the Tower of Fate not really knowing what to expect upon entering Doctor Fate's home. After entering the building, they came to a large room that was dimly lit by sconces on the walls. As the team looked around, they quickly noticed that the room appeared to be rather empty for the most part.

As he looked around, Superboy noticed something as he looked behind him. "Uh, where'd the door go?" He wondered. Everyone turned to see what their teammate was talking about to find out that the door they entered through had now strangely disappeared.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 07 ⏰

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