Part 5: The Young Justice.

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There (Y/N) was, inside a high-tech jet plane that was flying over the waters of Rhode Island. The guy had to admit, it was definitely a great view. Well, to be honest, this was the first time he's ever ridden on any plane, so this was all kind of new to him.

Ever since that day when he met Bruce Wayne and found out that Gotham's billionaire playboy was the same man that is the dark and brooding dark knight of the Justice League. He thought about the offer Mr. Wayne had given him. It was something he had to sleep on for a while before coming to a real and decisive decision. He also talked about it with his Mom, who thinks it's just an internship at Wayne Enterprises, still, she thought it was an opportunity that he shouldn't pass on. It was also summer break, so it was a better time than any. So hell, why not give it a chance?

Red Tornado and he was flying to Mount Justice which was on the outskirts of a small municipality named Happy Harbor. Right in front of it was a great view of the blue ocean waters.

While on the flight, (Y/N) was throwing the Justice League member who was with him occasional glances. The teen was still amazed that he was flying in his first plane with someone like Red Tornado. This made him think that at some point he was gonna meet the likes of Superman, Flash, Green Arrow, and maybe even his long-time crush Wonder Woman. 

Needless to say, (Y/N) was trying so hard not to go full fanboy.

The kid from Queens was dressed in his costume and looked down at his mask as he fiddled with it in his hands. He wondered if he should keep the whole identity thing still a secret even with his new team.

"Is something on your mind, (Y/N)?" Red Tornado asked the boy from the front of the plane. The robot had certain social building concepts that were programmed into him a while ago and he could tell when someone was thinking about something.

"Does the team hide their faces?" (Y/N) asked the League member out of curiosity. "I mean to each other. Do they keep their identities secret?"

"No, they do not. Aside from Robin but that's at Batman's request." Red Tornado answered. "The team will be sticking with each other for quite some time. If you're gonna be spending most of your days with each other, you should think of them as a family. Eventually, you'll grow a relationship with each member and will be looking out for them as you bond - or at least that's what we hope. But of course, whether you wanna keep your identity a secret is up to you."

(Y/N) clicked his tongue, "Huh. Okay." 

As they began nearing Mount Justice, he stopped fiddling with his mask and put it on.


"If it's a girl I hope she's a ten out of ten." Wally West, also known as Kid Flash remarked with a dreamy look over his face. He along with the rest of the Young Justices were inside Mount Justice at the moment discussing who the new member of the team could be. Red Tornado had notified the team that they would get to meet the newbie this morning and were pretty intrigued, aside from Connor of course but it wasn't weird to see him anything but happy or excited. 

The inside of the cave was a large open area decked out with an advanced interior that had plating covering the ceiling and walls. Appearing as a typical mountain that's part of Happy Harbor, one wouldn't expect to see all of this space on the inside, let alone filled with such equipment and tech. 

"Of course, you would." Robin scoffed, elbowing the other boy in the side earning an ow from him. "Just don't be a weirdo."

"A weirdo?" Wally had an offended look on his freckled face. "Says you. I'm a grade-A charmer if anything. Besides who can say no to this face." Robin rolled his eyes which Wally didn't notice due to the sunglasses. The cocky ginger then turned to M'gann and gave a sly smirk, "Don't you think, M'gann?" 

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