Part 9: A Day At The Beach.

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Some time has gone by since the mess with Professor Ivo unfolded. Fortunately for the team, they didn't have to worry about the mad scientist anymore as the Justice League had made Ivo their priority from now on. Since then, the team had been given very few missions, so for the most part, they've just been kicking it back for a while.

It was a new day, and since it was a beautiful morning outside Mount Justice, the team figured they could spend their day at the beach and have some fun. The team were all sporting swimming wear and carrying coolers along with a few boogie boards and a volleyball. For (Y/N), this had been the first time he'd gone to a beach in years, and it was even more fun now that he was going with a group of friends.

Currently, he was in a conversation with Kaldur as the group began making their way towards the beach. "So what's Atlantis like?" (Y/N) asked his teammate and friend. The fifteen-year-old had only heard about Atlantis through school and myths, so imagine his surprise upon finding out his team member had been born and raised there.

"A most beautiful place." The Atlantean answered with a smile as he remembered his home place. "It's a kingdom filled with brilliant civilization and the most stunning buildings and architecture one couldn't imagine. More so than most places you have here on land."

"Wow." (Y/N) uttered. He could only imagine what it'd be like to be there underwater to see it in all its glory. Though he had already imagined Atlantis being a wonderful place from all the stories, just seeing Kaldur, who was actually from there, talk about it made him more curious and intrigued.

"If you want, I can bring you something back the next time I return there." Kaldur, with a smile, told his teammate who had a dreamy look on his face.

"You would do that?" (Y/N) snapped out of his trance upon hearing those words. Kaldur nodded with a chuckle upon seeing his friend's reaction, to which (Y/N) responded, "You're the man Kaldur! You're the best Atlantean I know, which granted isn't much, but still, I appreciate it."

The group eventually made it to the shoreline with excited looks on everybody's faces.

"Hello, Megan!" M'gann quoted her trademark line while pointing at the blue waters. "We should hit the beach every day."

Everyone nodded in agreement, it's a wonder why they had only just now thought about doing it. "First," Robin then spoke up, a look of pity replacing his excited one. "a moment of silence for our fallen comrade."

The person in question was Wally, who appeared to be the only member that was missing from the group.

M'gann had a saddened look form on her face. "Poor Wally."

The otherwise energetic and chipper ginger was in a classroom at Keystone High School where he was, unfortunately, beginning his school year earlier than the others. The bell rang as all the students including Wally sat in their assigned seats. "Welcome class, to the first day of Sophomore year." Their teacher greeted them. Wally groaned and sunk into his chair. He was annoyed that while his team was out having fun, he was stuck with doing this.

Back to the others, they were all laughing as M'gann and Robin were splashing at each other before Superboy cannonballed into the water, drenching everyone which evoked more laughter. As this happened, back at Keystone High, a grumpy Wally bent down to take a drink from a water fountain, just to get sprayed with water from the loose nozzle. If his day wasn't already any worse, he looked down and gasped, realizing the water had gotten onto his crotch, evoking another groan from the boy.

"Anyone hungry?" Robin asked everyone back at the beach just after splashing (Y/N) with water, to which they nodded, agreeing to go for something to bite. After deciding they were done playing in the water, the team sat around on the sand and began grilling hotdogs. (Y/N) grabbed one that was ready and squirted ketchup on it before taking a large bite out of the hotdog.

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