Part 4: The Internship.

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"Yo, (Y/N). You listening?"

(Y/N) was brought back to reality where he was in the middle of an English lesson with Kurt to his side trying to grab his attention. He was somewhere drifting in his thoughts, thinking of what Batman said to him those few days ago with all that stuff about the mafia. Sure they're probably just resorting to smaller crimes right now, but what if they start hurting people on the streets? What if someone dies? The thought scared him a bit since some of the crimes happen so close to home. What if his mom somehow gets caught in the midst? Maybe he was just a bit too paranoid. Still, he just hoped Batman had the situation dealt with as he said he would. He did say he was gonna speak with (Y/N) at some point, but he's still waiting on that moment. Hopefully, when it does come, it's bearing with good news.

"Y-Yeah, I'm listening." (Y/N) turned to his friend with a nod. "Why?"

"I don't know, you just seemed a bit out of it dude."

"Nah everything's cool man. You don't have to worry."

"Alright, good because I also wanted to know if we're still up for tomorrow at my house."

"Yeah, of course, I'm still down."

After he reassured his friend, the voice of the two student's English teacher Mr. Patterson shot through the room, "Something you'd like to tell the room you two?"

The two students' heads snapped to the front of the class where they noticed everyone looking back at them. Kurt was the first to speak and apologized, "Sorry Mr. Patterson."

"Yeah sorry, Mr. Patterson. Won't happen again." (Y/N) meekly nodded.

"Good. Now turn to page 57." Mr. Patterson said, looking back at the book in his hand.

After another normal day of school at Midtown, the two best friends did their usual handshake before parting ways. Now it was time for (Y/N) to head home, do some homework, and lay off the spidey business for once to get some schoolwork done.

After taking the train to head back home. (Y/N) began approaching his apartment when he noticed the really fancy car that was parked to the side. It grabbed his curiosity as no one around there that he knew drove something like that. It wasn't like he lived in the richest of neighborhoods so it was a bit odd. He shrugged it off anyway and headed on inside.

Upon seeing a familiar janitor mopping the floor near the front doors, a smile appeared on the teen's face as he approached the man with a greeting, "Hey, Mr. Briggs."

The dark-skinned man turned to the younger boy and gave a smile of his own, "Afternoon, (Y/N)! Just come back from school?"

"Yup, you know it."

"Good. Stay in school or you'll end up like me kid."

(Y/N) chuckled after watching the older man throw his arms up in a dramatic manner. "Even so, you still manage to light up everyone's day."

"Oh of course. For me, that's just part of the job."

The two exchanged the last of their goodbyes with a laugh and afterward (Y/N) headed to the elevator that he took to go up to the fifth floor where his room was. Once the doors opened, he walked down the hall and dug into his back pocket, fishing for the keys to his room. Once he took them out, he reached his room and unlocked it before entering.

He faintly heard his mom greet him through the music that was playing in his earbuds as he slipped off his book bag to the side and he made sure to say hello back. Taking off the earbuds, he began heading to the kitchen for something to eat. As he headed over for the fridge, his mom asked how school went to which the boy answered with an alright. "You know, on the way back I noticed this crazy car parked outside."

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